
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held

author:China Ceramics Network
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held

We met high in the mountains, in the sea of clouds

Feel the magnificence of ancient aesthetics

Zen is quiet and elegant, and talks about virtuous ways

Friendship with wine, friends with fragrance, and romance with flowers

Follow Hengfu and have an artistic practice

All of this came as promised...

Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held

From June 23rd to 27th, the "Poetic Chang'an Tour on the Jiangnan|Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting-Northwest Station" held by the headquarters of Hengfu Ceramic Tiles was officially announced. In the five days and four nights, Hengfu and the terminal sales elites and designers traveled to the well-known scenic spots in Xi'an and Ningxia to explore new fields together, appreciate different cultural landscapes, and feel the warmth and care of the Hengfu family.

Taste the poetic Chang'an

Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held


Xi'an is a famous historical and cultural city in China, with rich historical relics and cultural heritage.

Here, we feel the majestic spirit that has gone through the vicissitudes of wind and rain but still stands, as if we can hear the echoes of history. Stepping into the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum, the lifelike terracotta figurines in the queue seem to travel back to the era of the Jin Ge Iron Horse and appreciate the glory of the Great Qin Empire.

Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held

The Resurrected Legion & Eternal Love

"Xi'an Eternal Love" takes the Chinese girl's search for her roots as a clue, connecting the glorious chapters of the Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang dynasties, and the stage effect is shocking, making people feel as if they have traveled through time and space. "The Resurrected Legion" deeply analyzes the military and culture of the Qin Dynasty, showing the majesty and wisdom of the Qin Dynasty. Although the two are different in form, they both show the historical charm and cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.

Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held

Datang never sleeps

During the day, it is a prosperous ancient capital, and at night it is a prosperous Chang'an. There is heaven and Suzhou and Hangzhou, only Chang'an is brilliantly lit, and at night, stroll through the Tang Dynasty that never sleeps, and feel the precipitation and prosperity of thousand-year-old culture. The lights are bright, the prosperity is gone, and it is still full of poetry.

Swim to the south of the Yangtze River

Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held

Our journey from Xi'an Station, which is rich in history and culture, to Yinchuan, which is full of mysterious charm.

Here, we explored the treasures of history and culture together, and felt the unique charm of the northwest style. We stroll under the ancient city walls and listen to the echoes of history; tasted the authentic food and felt the feast on the tip of the tongue; We also make new friends and share each other's stories and dreams.

Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held

Helan Mountain is the patron saint of the Ningxia Plain, blocking the cold current and wind and sand, and giving birth to the richness of Yinchuan. The ancients used simple brushstrokes to leave magical images among the rocks of Helan Mountain, which became an immortal legend. The petroglyphs are like majestic poems, highlighting the vitality of the ancestors; It is a treasure trove of art, shining with the light of wisdom; It is the messenger of time, let us talk to the ancestors; It is the ladder of cultural inheritance that leads us to climb the peak.

Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held

"Grape and wine, alfalfa and dwelling in the fields" comes from the Yuan Dynasty poet Ma Zuchang's "Lingzhou", let's visit the "pyramid" at the foot of Helan Mountain-Xiamu Winery, and have an in-depth understanding of the history, culture and wine industry of Ningxia. Witness the whole process of grape cultivation and winemaking, and feel the exquisite craftsmanship and infinite charm behind the wine.

Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held

Hengfu brought the sales elites and designers of the national terminal to the Yinchuan texture brick flagship store to immerse themselves in the aesthetic space of the latest iteration of the texture flagship store and the new replica glaze series, explore the aesthetic relationship of cutting-edge materials, and open a pleasant exchange of design × materials.

Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held

Xiong Hong, director of the product department, explained the introduction, the study tour group expressed great interest in the new replica glaze series products, and the designers invariably took photos and records, touched the feeling, and felt the expressiveness and details of the replica glaze products from vision to touch, and explored the design and application possibilities of more products.

Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held

Resource sharing, new media for all. After the explanation of the new products, Bruce Lee, director of the marketing department, analyzed the pain points such as the long time consumption and difficult editing of short videos, and brought effective and convenient solutions to the family, so that everyone can convert online channel resources.

Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held

A good product needs a good match. Design director Qian Long shared some details of the Yinchuan store, through the application space of the product, with the help of home furnishing soft decoration, more intuitively let consumers experience the charm and texture of ceramic tiles.

Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held

As the sky gets late, we explore the wonderland of taste buds together, enjoy the roast lamb feast on the tip of the tongue, encounter the moment of drunkenness, feel the resonance of taste buds and souls, and share each other's feelings and experiences.

Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held

On the last leg of the study tour, we visited the Xixia Mausoleum and the Western Cinema of Zhenbeibao. The Xixia Mausoleum is like the "Oriental Pyramid", telling the glory of history; The cinema is full of film and television elements, taking us back to the classics.

Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held

Time is short, the itinerary of five days and four nights is tight and wonderful, the Hengfu Ceramic Tile Headquarters organized the "Poetic Chang'an, Tour on the Jiangnan|Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station" study tour has also come to an end, and the members of the study tour group have returned smoothly with satisfactory harvest.

Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held
Hengfu Ceramic Tile Happy Bear Tour China and Sales Elite Thinking and Sharing Meeting - Northwest Station was successfully held

Each study tour aims to empower the national sales elite, and gain and grow in exploration, discovery, thinking and learning and exchange. In the future, Hengfu Ceramic Tiles will continue to work together with more national sales elites and designers, mutual assistance and encouragement, and move towards a greater stage of development.

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