
How to eat whole grains healthier?

author:Zhang Linlin, nutritionist

According to the recommendation of the Chinese Nutrition Association, each person should insist on eating 200~450 grams of cereals and potatoes per day, of which the intake of whole grains should be 50~150 grams, and it is best to match certain fine grains and other foods when eating coarse grains.

Coarse grains come in a variety of shapes and colors, which can be selected according to their own physique, such as oats are rich in soluble dietary fiber, suitable for people with high blood lipids and obesity; Red beans and barley are diuretic and swollen, suitable for edema people; Millet and black rice are good for iron supplementation and are suitable for people with anemia;

Rhubarb rice, brown rice, oatmeal, oat rice, etc. are easy to digest and absorb, and are suitable for people with poor gastrointestinal function and flatulence; People with a hot constitution (manifested as emaciation, irritability, less or yellow urine, dry or constipated stools, and like cold food or cold drinks) should eat more mung beans, buckwheat and other cold and moisturizing products;

People with a cold constitution (characterized by paleness, fear of cold and wind, and like to eat hot drinks or hot food) should choose more warm varieties such as sorghum, red beans, and glutinous rice.

How to eat whole grains healthier?
How to eat whole grains healthier?
How to eat whole grains healthier?

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