
Dietary tips for people with cirrhosis

author:Zhang Linlin, nutritionist

1. Meat food is fully cooked, and like vegetables and fruits, it must be chewed and swallowed slowly, and must not be swallowed. This is especially true for patients with esophageal or gastric basilar varices.

2. Supplement comprehensive and rich vitamins, B vitamins have important physiological effects on promoting digestion, protecting the liver and preventing fatty liver. Vitamin C can promote metabolism and have detoxification function, and fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E have different degrees of protective effect on the liver.

3. Rational application of protein, the liver is the place of protein synthesis, 11~14 grams of albumin is synthesized by the liver every day, when the liver is cirrhosis, the liver can not synthesize protein well. At this time, it is necessary to reasonably arrange the intake of protein to prevent the occurrence of hepatic encephalopathy, and you can choose a variety of sources of protein, chicken, fish, lean meat, eggs, etc., and have a reasonable and appropriate amount of protein diet every day.

4. Limit the water and sodium in the diet, and patients with edema or mild ascites should be given a low-salt diet, with a daily salt intake of no more than 3 grams; In severe edema, a salt-free diet should be used, and sodium should be limited to about 500 mg. Avoid foods that contain more sodium, such as steaming steamed buns without alkali, using fresh yeast dough instead, or eating unsalted bread. Dried noodles contain a lot of sodium and should not be eaten. Eat less or no pickles, and pay attention to cooking methods, wait for the vegetables to be fried before putting condiments and salt, and the daily water intake should be limited to 1000ml ~ 1500ml.

5. Eat more foods rich in zinc and magnesium, patients with liver cirrhosis generally have low blood zinc levels, increased urinary zinc excretion, and decreased zinc content in liver cells. When drinking, the blood zinc level will continue to decrease, alcohol should be strictly prohibited, and appropriate consumption of lean pork, beef, eggs, fish and other foods containing more zinc. To prevent magnesium deficiency, eat more foods such as green leafy vegetables, peas, dairy products, and cereals.

6. Supplement vitamin C, which directly participates in liver metabolism and promotes liver glycogen formation. Increasing the concentration of vitamin C in the body can protect liver cell resistance and promote liver cell regeneration. When eating fruits, they should be peeled or juiced and drunk.

7. The diet should be light, soft, easy to digest, non-irritating, and a small number of meals. Patients with liver cirrhosis often have loss of appetite, and should be given food that is easy to digest and absorb, small and frequent meals, eat soft food and non-irritating food, work carefully, and avoid hard and rough food.

Dietary tips for people with cirrhosis
Dietary tips for people with cirrhosis
Dietary tips for people with cirrhosis