
5 tips to prevent heat stroke

author:Zhang Linlin, nutritionist

1. Pay attention to hydration

In hot weather, regardless of the amount of exercise, you need to increase your fluid intake and should not wait until you are thirsty to drink water. If you need to do physical labor or strenuous exercise in a high temperature environment, drink at least 2~4 cups of cold water (500-1000ml) per hour, the water temperature should not be too high, and the water should be drunk in small quantities and many times.

Don't drink alcoholic or sugary beverages in hot weather. These drinks can cause the loss of more bodily fluids. Frozen beverages that are too cold should also be avoided to avoid stomach cramps.

2. Pay attention to replenishing salt and minerals

Heavy sweating can lead to the loss of salt and minerals in the body. Lost salts and minerals must be replenished to meet the body's normal needs. Sports drinks can help replenish the salt and minerals that the body needs while sweating. If you are on a low-salt diet, you should consult your doctor before drinking sports drinks or taking salt tablets.

3. Pay attention to diet and rest

Eat less high-fat and high-fat foods, eat as light as possible, consume enough calories, and supplement protein, vitamins and calcium. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Get enough sleep. Avoid direct blowing by electric fans or air conditioners when sleeping.

4. Wear appropriate clothing

When outdoors, try to choose light, loose and light-coloured clothing.

5. Carry heatstroke prevention and cooling medicine with you

Such as Huoxiang Zhengqi water, Rendan, ten drops of water, wind oil essence, etc. When you feel your heartbeat is getting worse and your chest is tight, especially when you feel dizzy, confused, weak, or even fainting, you should immediately stop all activities and quickly find a shade or a cool and ventilated place to rest.

5 tips to prevent heat stroke
5 tips to prevent heat stroke
5 tips to prevent heat stroke