
Carry forward the spirit of the Great Wall and inherit the red gene

author:Entrepreneur Daily

On the occasion of the party's 103rd birthday, the Beijing Association for the Promotion of Private Economic Development actively responded to the party's call and organized a significant "July 1st" party building activity. With the theme of "carrying forward the spirit of the Great Wall and inheriting the red gene", the event stimulated the patriotic feelings and sense of mission of private entrepreneurs by visiting the Great Wall, an important symbol of the Chinese nation, and at the same time condoled the older generation of party members and inherited the party's fine traditions and style.

Carry forward the spirit of the Great Wall and inherit the red gene

Yuan Daohong, the third president of the Beijing Private Economic Development Promotion Association, Li Xiaowei, secretary, Yang Jingsong, vice president and secretary general, Zhu Haiming, director of the Great Wall Cultural Work Committee, Pan Delai, Zhang Manfu, Li Sheng, consultants, Xue Jinliang, director of the External Relations Department, Li Ying, secretary, and Li Qiang, legal representative, attended the event.

The comrades who participated in the event gathered at the foot of the Great Wall, reviewed the history and symbolic significance of the Great Wall, and deeply felt the national spirit of the Chinese nation of indomitable and self-improvement. Subsequently, everyone walked along the winding city wall, all the way forward, exchanging experiences while walking, and discussing how to integrate the spirit of the Great Wall into the development of private enterprises.

Carry forward the spirit of the Great Wall and inherit the red gene

During the visit, the leaders of the Association for the Promotion of Democracy made a special trip to Bangshuiyu Village, Badaling Town, to visit and comfort the old party members, and have a cordial conversation with them, learn more about their living conditions and health, and listen to their opinions and suggestions on party building work. At the same time, everyone also sent holiday blessings and condolences to the old party members, expressing their respect and gratitude to the older generation of party members. Zhao Jingyang, a member of the party committee of the village, warmly received everyone.

Carry forward the spirit of the Great Wall and inherit the red gene

Subsequently, the group arrived at Shixia Village, Badaling Town, to visit, and carried out in-depth party building learning activities. In the Party Building Park of Shixia Village, President Yuan Daohong, Secretary Li Xiaowei and Vice President Yang Jingsong presented letters of appointment to Director Zhu Haiming and Consultant Pan Delai of the Great Wall Cultural Working Committee, expressing their affirmation and respect for their contributions in related fields.

Carry forward the spirit of the Great Wall and inherit the red gene

In the afternoon, the team members went to the ancient cliff residence scenic area and participated in a mountain climbing activity aimed at enhancing teamwork skills.

Subsequently, in the conference room of the scenic spot, everyone had an in-depth exchange with Mr. Yang Yongxing, the general manager of the scenic spot. Yang Jingsong and Yang Yongxing gave a detailed introduction to the basic situation of their respective units, and reached a preliminary intention on the possibility of future cooperation. We look forward to further promoting the cooperation between the two sides in the future and achieving a mutually beneficial and win-win situation.

Carry forward the spirit of the Great Wall and inherit the red gene

Through this activity, the members of the Beijing Association for the Promotion of Private Economic Development not only deeply experienced the spirit of the Chinese nation contained in the Great Wall, but also further strengthened their own party spirit education and ideological construction. Everyone said that they should take this event as a new starting point, continue to strengthen the work of party building, promote the sustained and healthy development of the private economy, and contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The "July 1st" party building activity is not only a spiritual baptism, but also a sublimation of thought. The Beijing Association for the Promotion of Private Economic Development will continue to take party building as the guide, deeply study, publicize and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important reply, unite and lead the majority of private entrepreneurs, carry forward the culture of the Great Wall, tell the story of the Great Wall, and jointly write a magnificent chapter in the development of the private economy in the new era. (Wu Xiaolin)