
A sudden flood in a summer resort in India washed away a family of seven, leaving only two survivors

author:Sing Tao Chronicle

Heart-wrenching tragedy has taken place in India. A family of seven had a picnic in Mumbai's famous summer resort, but was besieged by a sudden flood, the seven of them initially hugged each other tightly and struggled to hold on, but the torrent was like a huge waterfall, and finally washed them all away, resulting in 3 deaths and 2 missing, and the thrilling picture of the incident also went viral on the Internet.

A sudden flood in a summer resort in India washed away a family of seven, leaving only two survivors
A sudden flood in a summer resort in India washed away a family of seven, leaving only two survivors

The incident occurred at around 1:30 p.m. on June 30, local media reported that the family went to Lonawara Falls, 80 kilometers from Mumbai, which is a famous mountain summer resort, and seven people were picnicking by the waterfall behind the dam, but because of heavy rain in the mountains since the early morning of the 30th, the dam overflowed, and seven people were besieged.

According to the footage taken by the people at the scene, the family was trapped on a rock in the middle of the river, the water was up to their knees, they hugged each other, trying to support each other to avoid being washed away, but they soon could not resist, first one person was washed away, then everyone also fell in place one by one, and finally six people were also swept away by the torrent in a group. It can be seen that even in the moment of life and death when they are swept away by the torrent, some people still try to pick up the people around them, take care of each other, and show their love for their families in times of trouble.

A sudden flood in a summer resort in India washed away a family of seven, leaving only two survivors
A sudden flood in a summer resort in India washed away a family of seven, leaving only two survivors

The tourists on the shore were all terrified when they witnessed this shocking scene, but because the current was too strong, no one dared to go into the water to save people, and watched the family disappear into the torrent one by one.

It is reported that only two of the seven members of the family managed to swim back to shore and save their lives. The local police later found the bodies of three people in the reservoir, and the whereabouts of the two people are still unknown.

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