
Memorized the periodic table at the age of 2 and entered New York University at the age of 12, how good is this teenager?

author:Sing Tao Chronicle

A Bangladeshi gifted child in the United States has graduated from high school at the age of 12 and will enter New York University this fall, the youngest student in the school. In the past, gifted children from all over the world have entered college early, but this year's ranking of NYU as one of the top 40 universities in the world has attracted special attention.

Memorized the periodic table at the age of 2 and entered New York University at the age of 12, how good is this teenager?

12-year-old Barry.

Twelve-year-old Suborno Issac Bari is the youngest graduate of Malverne High School on Long Island, New York, and in a few months will become the youngest student to enter New York University, where he will study math and physics, and is expected to graduate in two years, at the age of 14. While other children of his age were still preparing for the open secondary school examination, he had already crossed the university stage and became a legend in the academic world.

Barry said that after graduating from university, he hopes to continue to pursue a doctorate in mathematics, and does not rule out that he will study for a doctorate in physics, and then devote himself to Xingtan to cultivate talents and pass on what he has learned to the next generation.

Memorized the periodic table at the age of 2 and entered New York University at the age of 12, how good is this teenager?

Barry is a frequent speaker to the media.

Barry's father is a high school physics teacher, and his mother also teaches in elementary school, so the two taught their youngest son math and physics very early, and Barry has shown extraordinary talent since he was a child, and can memorize the entire periodic table at the age of 2, and once asked his mother what is n plus n? To the great surprise of the mother.

At first, the couple didn't pay much attention to it, because the eldest son, Refath Bari, was also very smart. But Barry continued to raise conceptual math problems, with a math professor reminding the couple that a 2-year-old could not have abstract concepts, and that the child was anything but simple.

Sure enough, as Barry grew up, his talent became more and more noticeable, and since the age of 7, he has been invited by Indian universities to give guest lectures, and because of his fame, even former US President Barack Obama has personally written to him to cheer him up.

Memorized the periodic table at the age of 2 and entered New York University at the age of 12, how good is this teenager?

Since the age of 7, Barry has been invited by Indian universities to give guest lectures.

In addition to math and physics, Barry is also good at drawing, debating, and playing the piano.

So, what is the IQ of this gifted child? There is no objective assessment yet, because Mensa, the world's top IQ club, says that the average person can't take an IQ test until he or she is 14 years old, and Barry is not yet that age.