
Ma Weidu Company unilaterally laid off 80 people, and insiders broke the inside story, which turned out to be a foreshadowing!


Ma Weidu Company unilaterally laid off 80 employees, and should have been able to get 2N compensation, but now the employees say that they are satisfied with N compensation.

Ma Weidu Company unilaterally laid off 80 people, and insiders broke the inside story, which turned out to be a foreshadowing!

One of the employees posted on the social platform: "Mr. Ma, you have told so many truths, can you do it yourself?"

Why? Why choose to blatantly bully your more than 80 employees? Why do you dare to deal with these people in such a way? Isn't a well-known person in society supposed to fulfill his social responsibilities?"

Ma Weidu Company unilaterally laid off 80 people, and insiders broke the inside story, which turned out to be a foreshadowing!

Thinking that the employee also had a feeling of frustration towards him, he may not have thought that such a person who knows so many truths would also have such a cold side.

In this regard, some netizens said: "At the critical moment, see if Ma Ye can carry the banner of courtesy, righteousness and shame instead of"

Some netizens said: "It's impossible, watching his shows, they are all full of righteousness and strictness, and gentlemen are virtuous."

Ma Weidu Company unilaterally laid off 80 people, and insiders broke the inside story, which turned out to be a foreshadowing!

Some netizens said: "The art works are depreciated, the bosses don't make good money, and they don't take over the antiques and toys to anyone,"

According to insiders, the answer to all this, in "Round Table Pie", Ma Weidu once said: "A person's greatest maturity is to be able to bear grievances." ”

Perhaps, he thinks that his employees can also choose to bear the grievances. However, this may be his wishful thinking!

Ma Weidu Company unilaterally laid off 80 people, and insiders broke the inside story, which turned out to be a foreshadowing!

In any case, if it is a conscientious boss, he should not unilaterally terminate the labor contract, nor should he owe the employee money.

I hope that he can come forward to explain this matter and not chill the hearts of the old employees. At the same time, once a person's credibility is lost, it will be difficult to restore it.

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