
It's terrible! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, the cooking oil was shipped directly, and the netizens fryed the pot in the comment area!


A tanker driver revealed that it is an open secret in the tanker transportation industry that food liquids and chemical liquids are mixed and not cleaned.

In May this year, after a long-term investigation, it was found that the liquids transported by many general cargo tankers in China were not fixed, not only to undertake edible liquids such as syrup and soybean oil, but also to transport chemical liquids such as coal-to-liquid.

It's terrible! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, the cooking oil was shipped directly, and the netizens fryed the pot in the comment area!

In order to save money, many tankers do not clean the tanks during the exchange and transportation process, and some edible oil manufacturers do not strictly check whether the tanks are clean according to the regulations, resulting in the edible oil being polluted by residual chemical liquids (source: Beijing News)

This scene is really scary, I originally thought that edible oil was for special vehicles, but I didn't expect that edible oil can also be transported with those transporting chemical raw materials such as gasoline.

It's terrible! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, the cooking oil was shipped directly, and the netizens fryed the pot in the comment area!

It is understood that the cost of washing a tank is four or five hundred yuan.

This scene made many netizens feel the same way.

Some netizens said: "No wonder there is a layer of oil slick on the surface of the edible oil, and the color is different... ”

It's terrible! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, the cooking oil was shipped directly, and the netizens fryed the pot in the comment area!

Some netizens said: "I said that the dishes in the school cafeteria always smelled of gasoline before, and this time I found the reason"

Some netizens said: "I said what's going on, sometimes stir-frying, there is a diesel smell, this time I know." ”

It's terrible! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, the cooking oil was shipped directly, and the netizens fryed the pot in the comment area!

This problem still seems to be very serious, otherwise it wouldn't have exploded now, but it may take a platform like the 3.15 party to expose it before it will attract attention!

In this regard, some netizens said that this is really a rare thing, and they did not put this matter on the 3.15 party, as we all know, 3.15 only goes to work for one day.

Some netizens expressed doubts and said: "In this case, you need to tell that department to manage it, after all, edible oil is related to people's health, and nothing else matters." ”

It's terrible! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, the cooking oil was shipped directly, and the netizens fryed the pot in the comment area!

Some netizens said: "Blowing the air conditioner, drinking tea, taking a high salary, taking a vacation on time, not taking the initiative to perform their duties, hurting the people!" ”

Now it seems that it is still healthy to eat their own squeezed oil, some workshops, some people would rather go there to buy, than to sell the refined oil in the supermarket, although the price may be a little expensive, but fortunately it is healthy to eat.

Some netizens said that there will be residues in the oil press every time, and it is recommended to buy goods with national standards in regular channels, and the testing measures are still relatively perfect, just write GB-something.

It's terrible! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, the cooking oil was shipped directly, and the netizens fryed the pot in the comment area!

This is because, in general, self-pressing will fry very strongly when it is fried for the sake of fragrance, resulting in excessive benzopyrene.

Finally, I hope that the relevant departments can rectify this kind of chaos, and for the seller, at least some basic inspections still have to be done.

It's terrible! After unloading the tanker to coal-to-oil, the cooking oil was shipped directly, and the netizens fryed the pot in the comment area!

Perhaps, for the transportation of edible oil, it is also a way to increase the driver's freight accordingly, so that they will not save the money of the tanker in order to save money.

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