
My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

(Disclaimer: This article is purely a fictional story, not my own experience, the names of people and places in the article have nothing to do with reality, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read rationally, the pictures in the article are from the Internet)

"Saori, your Chinese boyfriend is here to cheat on feelings, don't you understand now, don't be fooled again."

"Mom, I've inspected it all, don't worry, Hailong won't lie to me, he also said that he wants to come to the house to have a look."

It turned out to be a Chinese guy Hailong, who met his girlfriend Saori, who was 10 years younger than him, when he was in Nepal.

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

Saori's mother admonished her daughter to keep her eyes open and never fall for bad men.

But her daughter Saori said that she had already conducted a comprehensive investigation, and she didn't have to worry about her mother's feelings.

What happened to make Saori's mother so worried, did the two end up together?

"A Wonderful Transnational Relationship"

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

My name is Hailong, I was born in the countryside, my parents are both native farmers, and I rely on the family's one-third of an acre of land to pull me to the end.

Because the conditions at home have not been very good, it is my greatest wish to be able to eat and dress warmly.

When I was a child, I was very smart, and my relatives and friends at home often praised me for growing up.

But because my parents don't know how to educate, and because of farm work, I often stay in a free-range state.

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

When I was in high school, my grades began to plummet, and then after the college entrance examination, my grades were also very poor, so I had to choose to enter the society and work hard.

At the beginning, because I didn't have the skills to support myself, I could only do some hard physical work, and my salary was only enough to maintain food and clothing.

After two years of hard work outside, I couldn't save much money a month except for my rent and living expenses, so I simply returned to my parents.

After many years of busyness, the situation at home has not improved, and my parents simply let me get married and have children first, and then think about the rest of the matter.

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

My parents also started to help me find suitable partners in the village, but after meeting several girls, in the end, they were all gone.

The reason is that the family is poor, and the bride price in the countryside is relatively high, starting with a bride price of more than 100,000 yuan plus a suite in the county.

My family obviously couldn't afford such a large wedding expense, and gradually, I lost faith in this path.

Slowly, I am almost 30 years old, but my parents' urging to marry has not stopped, and I am simply ready to go out and work hard for a few more years.

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

My friend told me that I would earn more money by working abroad, and under his recommendation, I found a relevant agency, and after handling business, I went abroad to work.

It was this choice that changed the trajectory of my subsequent life, and I also met my future wife Saori by the way.

When I first arrived in a foreign country, I entered a construction site founded by a Chinese, and I mainly worked in it.

Although I work long hours every day, I earn a lot of money, and I have two days off on weekends.

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

During that time, I was basically immersed in work every day, and on weekends when my roommates were out to play, I would catch up on sleep in the dorm.

But the parents' call to urge them to marry has not been left behind, and the parents also said that as long as they can get married, this is their last wish.

I also had to download a foreign dating app, and I looked at different foreigners on it every day, and suddenly one day I received a friend application.

The other party is Saori from Nepal, and because she saw that my avatar was Asian, she sent a friend application.

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

However, Saori is also very good-looking, with big eyes, fair skin, and a long black hair.

We first chatted in simple English, and then when she learned that I was Chinese, she was very excited.

Saori told me that she had heard stories about China since she was a child and had a longing for China, but she had never had the opportunity to visit China.

I also told Saori a lot of stories about China, and although it was difficult to communicate through chat apps, we both had a lot of fun chatting.

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

Later, I learned that this little girl was only 20 years old, and there was a ten-year age difference between me and me, so I simply thought about making friends, and I didn't dare to think about getting married.

But because Sarah is so beautiful, I always can't help but want to chat with her, and I cherish this relationship with Sarah.

Unexpectedly, after we talked for a month, she asked me how I felt about her, and I complimented all the good things I could think of.

Sarah also told me directly that she likes me, and every day when I go to bed, my face comes to mind.

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

Sarah also said that she wanted to see me, she was in Niebuhr, and if I was willing to go to her, Sarah would also marry me.

Fortunately, the place where I work is not far from Nibuhr, and I went through the relevant procedures after work and bought a plane ticket during the holidays.

I didn't blindly choose the past, in fact, I was also afraid of being scolded, but in the past six months of chatting, I can feel that Sarah is not a bad person.

And this girl is only twenty years old, and the chat is full of innocence and kindness, just ask which liar in the world would be so simple?

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

I remember that when I first landed in Nepal, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening, so I went to the hotel to rest first.

I'm going to meet Saori in person the next day, but I'm going to have the courage to do it, but I'm still a little worried.

I slept late that day, and I was very worried about Saori not liking me in reality, and worried that her parents would not fulfill us.

At this time, Saori's family, she was telling her parents about it, but Saori's parents were very worried about her.

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

"Saori, your Chinese boyfriend is here to cheat on feelings, don't you understand now, don't be fooled again."

Saori said that she had already inspected me, so that her parents did not have to worry about themselves.

"Mom, I've inspected it all, don't worry, Hailong won't lie to me, he also said that he wants to come to the house to have a look."

The next morning, Saori got up early and dressed up to meet me at the agreed place.

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

It's just that I didn't expect Saori's father to insist on following his daughter that day, and Saori had no choice but to take his father to see me.

When I walked out of the hotel lobby, everyone was blindsided, and I didn't expect my father-in-law to be with Saori.

Originally, I was thinking that after going around the neighborhood with Saori, I would go to Saori's house to visit his parents.

I was caught off guard, but his father welcomed me into the car and her family was very friendly.

"Nerve-wracking first meeting"

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

Although Saori's parents were worried that I was a human trafficker, they saw that I had traveled thousands of miles to buy a plane ticket to Nepal, and they thought I still had a sincere heart.

In addition, my height is also relatively high, and my body is relatively well-proportioned, which makes people look safe, and the only drawback is that the grade gap is a bit big.

The first time I came to Saori's home, I found that the life of the locals was very hard, and I had a hard time fighting with what I had when I was a child.

Saori's family conditions are similar to mine's, but the country is different, and Saori's family is actually middle-class in Nepal.

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

Once Saori's father was very brilliant, and there were some industries in the family, such as animal husbandry, manufacturing, handicrafts and other fields.

However, because of continuous losses, coupled with the epidemic and earthquakes, losses came one after another, and in the end I could only live the life of an ordinary person.

Saori also has a younger brother and sister, both of whom are still in school, and although they don't understand the language, they are very kind to me.

Saori's mother packed up a house for me to live in, not much different from the room I lived in when I was a child.

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

In the next few days, I lived at Saori's house, and when I saw something I could help, I would help out, and it was time to cultivate feelings.

After living here for a month, Saori's parents and younger siblings finally approved of me as a son-in-law.

So the father-in-law took the lead in proposing to get married, and in Nepal, marriage requires the woman to give a bride price.

If the woman gives more bride price, then the daughter will have more face in her in-law's family in the future, and it can also solve many hidden problems.

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

However, I am Chinese, and it is not easy for Saori's family to live, so I politely declined this statement.

But my father-in-law still insisted on going through the process for me, so he bought me a pair of gold rings and gold bracelets, which were about less than 10,000 yuan.

I could only be kind to my father-in-law, and then I also gave Saori a lot of dowry and cleaning in the same way.

Saori and I had a simple wedding in Nepal, and with the blessing of family and friends, we entered the wedding hall.

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

I also terminated the contract for overseas labor and asked my boss to resign, and the boss heard that I was married and gave me a red envelope of 2,000.

After the wedding, Saori took me around the refining in Nepal first, and then took some videos and uploaded them to the Internet.

Originally, I just wanted to record my life, and when I got old, I returned to China together with these videos, and I was very happy to think about it.

However, because Saori is very good-looking, and she can sing and dance, she has attracted a lot of fans in the middle.

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

After getting my marriage certificate in Nepal, I was ready to take Saori back to China to live, and Saori was pregnant with my baby.

On the one hand, they want to go home so that their parents can see their daughter-in-law earlier, and on the other hand, China's medical conditions are better and can ensure the safety of mothers and children.

After coming to China, Saori's once slender figure gradually lost shape, and to put it bluntly, the food was too good, which made her a little unable to control her mouth.

My Chinese guy was voluntarily confessed by Miss Nibuhr, and her mother-in-law asked if you were a liar

My parents also like this Nepalese daughter-in-law very much, and they make food for her every day, for fear that she will not be suitable for anything.

I hope that in the future, Saori and the child will be able to walk out of the delivery room safely, and then the family will live happily together.

Now I gradually realize that no matter how much money I make, it is not as important as happiness in life!

(Disclaimer: This article is purely a fictional story, not my own experience, the names of people and places in the article have nothing to do with reality, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read rationally, the pictures in the article are from the Internet)

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