
A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

(Disclaimer: This article is purely a fictional story, not my own experience, the names of people and places in the article have nothing to do with reality, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read rationally, the pictures in the article are from the Internet)

"Yulan, it's not that your father won't let you get married, can't you find a local, China is not as good as you think."

"Dad, don't talk about it, I have to decide my love by myself, and you don't have to worry about the dowry, I can prepare it myself."

It turned out to be Yulan, a female college student from Laos, who wanted to tie the knot with a Chinese guy for love.

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

Unexpectedly, this was strongly opposed by the father, hoping that the daughter could think about her own happiness and find a local to marry.

But Yulan's mind has been decided, and she said that she has prepared a bride price of 40 million, so she doesn't have to worry about her father.

What happened to make Magnolia so determined, did the two end up together?

"The first time I met Magnolia, I married for love"

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

My name is Yulan, and I was born in a small mountain village on the border between Laos and China.

My father used to work as a teacher in the local area, but the treatment was so poor that he had to go abroad with his parents to work to support the family.

After my parents went abroad, my brother and I lived at my grandmother's house, which also made my personality a little introverted.

I think it has something to do with the fact that I grew up living in other people's homes, and I was able to analyze other people's feelings through tone of voice when I was very young.

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

Later, I learned that this is called observing words and feelings, and I have won the love of many people by relying on this characteristic, whether it is teachers or classmates, they have a high evaluation of me.

Although my parents were rarely by my side during my childhood, their efforts brought me better learning conditions.

This also allowed me to get into university, which was rare for Lao people at that time, and my life became better because of my parents.

When I was in college, I majored in accounting, because I knew that every company needed accounting, and it was more or less a rigid major.

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

In addition, there are many Chinese co-founded companies in Laos, and the treatment is much better than that of local companies, and it has always been my goal to be able to enter a Chinese company.

After graduating from university, I first worked part-time at a local logistics company, and it was at this time that I met Haodong from China.

On this day, I helped my colleague next door to handle the courier and called the customer to inquire about the courier, and the boss at the time said that the customer was a Chinese.

So I said hello in Laotian and waited for his response, but I didn't expect the customer to use English instead of Chinese.

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

Then I hung up the phone after talking nonsense, and my colleague told me that the customer said that he had made the wrong call, which made me look dazed.

In order to deal with this problem as soon as possible, I called again, but the other party was very angry and yelled at me.

In desperation, I had no choice but to report the problem to my boss, only to learn later that it was this person's friend who left the phone, not myself.

Later, the boss personally dealt with this problem and told me that there were some communication problems at that time, saying that there was no need to worry about it in the future.

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

In order to apologize, the customer's boss, that is, Haodong, a Chinese guy, also found our company to apologize.

The boss also called me out, and Haodong apologized to me and added my contact information, hoping to treat me to a meal.

I readily agreed, because Haodong was very good-looking, with a pair of black-framed glasses on his face, revealing a trace of handsomeness.

At that time, he seemed to deliberately look at me a few more times, because I had just graduated from college at that time, and I was still wearing simple clothes and a ponytail, which was very innocent.

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

After a brief communication, Haodong said that he still had some things to deal with, and left in a hurry, and his appearance lingered in my mind.

Later, Haodong shared with me every once in a while, and I also told him about some of his troubles at work.

Every time Haodong has a good help to enlighten me, which makes me feel that Haodong is very reliable, and my heart gradually sprouts a good feeling.

Later, because we were busy with work, we never went out to eat that meal, and Haodong ordered me some drinks and fruits to eat every once in a while.

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

We also told each other about some personal situations, chatted about three views and so on, but I didn't expect us to be so similar.

Born in a coastal city in China, Haodong went to Thailand as an exchange student in college, studying languages.

Later, after graduating from university, I went to Thailand to work in tourism at the recommendation of a friend, but I caught up with the epidemic before I started.

So Haodong did a little business in several surrounding countries, bought and sold gadgets to make a living, and did relatively free work.

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

I didn't expect this Sven young man to be so capable, although he didn't make a lot of money, but he was very motivated.

I can also feel that this young man has a good impression of me, and he is usually very gentle with me when he talks and does things.

Because Haodong knows my boss, he usually learns some information about me from his boss.

Later, after a long time, Haodong knew that I liked Chinese snacks very much, but the price was too expensive and I was always reluctant to buy them.

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

Haodong spent a lot of money and bought me a big bag of Chinese snacks every once in a while, which made me feel very surprised.

On the weekend, when we finally made time, Haodong asked me to meet at a local restaurant.

We also drank a bottle of red wine that day, chatted about the bright future, and when we saw that the mood and atmosphere had arrived, Haodong confessed to me.

I also agreed to Haodong, and I liked Haodong very much before that, and we were naturally together from that day on.

"40 million Lao coin as a bride price"

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

I also believed that I would be even luckier when I met Haodong, so I bought a lottery ticket for our birthday at the lottery shop next door.

Unexpectedly, this lottery ticket really won 50 million, and after paying taxes, it got 40 million, which is converted to more than 10,000 yuan.

Instead of giving the money to my parents, I secretly saved it as my reserve fund in case I needed it.

At first, I didn't tell my parents that I had a foreign boyfriend because they didn't want me to marry that far.

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

As I expected, when I told my parents about it, they were strongly opposed.

They seem to be perpetually prejudiced against the Chinese, saying that many people online who marry Lao girls are not good for them.

Even though I helped Haodong say countless good things, it still didn't change their opinions, but fortunately, I didn't give up, but insisted on telling them every day that Haodong was different.

In order to reassure them, after agreeing, I took Haodong to our house, and he was very nervous at that time.

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

Haodong also carefully prepared a lot of meeting gifts, brought a lot of Chinese specialties, and bought cosmetics for my mother.

When they met, although there was no special welcome, they reached out and didn't hit the smiling person, let alone their son-in-law.

After a brief chat, my mother was the first to break through the defense line, praised and praised Haodong, and loved it very much.

And I think Haodong's conditions are good in all aspects, how can he not have a girlfriend, he must be lying to his feelings when he is with me, so let me not be fooled.

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

Later, basically every time I went home, my parents would ask me about my relationship problems, for fear that I would still be with Haodong.

Haodong also understands my parents' mentality very well, so he visits me every once in a while with gifts, hoping to reassure my parents.

In the ruthless heart, my parents had no choice but to let go of their prejudices and hope that Haodong could treat me well.

At that time, because of the epidemic, we had a simple meal with our relatives around us, and we officially came together.

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

The local marriage customs in Laos are similar to those in China, and there are also three gold bride prices and dowries, but they are all discussed.

However, Haodong also went out to work hard, and he had money in his pocket, but not much, which was not enough for the conditions proposed by my parents.

So they began to return in their hearts, and in the middle of the night they dragged me to do ideological work, which made me very irritable.

"Yulan, it's not that your father won't let you get married, can't you find a local, China is not as good as you think."

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

"Dad, don't talk about it, I have to decide my love by myself, and you don't have to worry about the dowry, I can prepare it myself."

Later, I took the money in the lottery at that time and gave it to Haodong, saying that it was my own hard work and asked him to take it away as a bride price.

40 million Lao dollars is already a lot in the local area, and it is converted to more than 10,000 yuan, which is enough for a family to live for a long time.

With my help, my parents didn't say anything more and warmly welcomed Haodong into our home.

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

The tradition here in Laos is to get married, and the man lives in the woman's house, but this is different from the Chinese marriage.

Haodong also expressed his understanding, after all, he followed the local customs, so there was not much of it, and my parents also changed their attitude and warmly welcomed Haodong.

Later, after the epidemic relaxed, Haodong took me back to China, and he also took me to visit many attractions in China.

During the time I lived in China, I was pregnant with a baby, and my parents-in-law took care of me very intimately, and I also felt a full sense of belonging.

A Laotian female college student married far away from China and traveled thousands of miles for love, and bluntly said: Is 40 million dowry enough?

I have to say that the medical conditions in China are really good, and under the care of Haodong, I don't have anything to worry about at all.

Later, the baby was born smoothly, and I was also confined for the first time, but I didn't expect it to be so comfortable, and someone sent me to eat, wear and live.

We plan to wait for the epidemic to end, we will visit our parents in Laos, and the children will stay in China for a period of time and let their grandparents take care of them.

I hope that in the future, Haodong and I can successfully overcome the difficulties of life and create a better life with our hands.

(Disclaimer: This article is purely a fictional story, not my own experience, the names of people and places in the article have nothing to do with reality, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read rationally, the pictures in the article are from the Internet)

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