
Yin deficiency and fire are prosperous, and Zhibai Dihuang pills are useless? Traditional Chinese Medicine: It may be that these two places are empty!

author:Director He of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Do you have such a situation, that is, you get on fire at every turn, your mouth is dry and thirsty, you don't quench your thirst when you drink water, your body is hot and dry in the afternoon, you sweat when you sleep at night, and the sweat stops when you wake up, and your tongue sticks out to see, your tongue is red, and there is little or no tongue coating, then it may be that you are yin deficiency and fire.

Yin deficiency and fire are prosperous, and Zhibai Dihuang pills are useless? Traditional Chinese Medicine: It may be that these two places are empty!

When it comes to yin deficiency and fire, many people may think of Zhibai Dihuang pills, but many people have reported to me that they don't feel very effective after using it, but in fact, it's mostly because you ignore the two organs of the liver and lungs! What does yin deficiency and fire have to do with the liver and lungs?

Yin deficiency and fire are prosperous, and Zhibai Dihuang pills are useless? Traditional Chinese Medicine: It may be that these two places are empty!

First of all, from the perspective of the five elements, the kidney is the water viscera, and the kidney yin is the yin of the body, so when your kidney yin is insufficient, it is easy to breed deficiency fire, resulting in yin deficiency and fire, but people with kidney yin deficiency will also lead to liver fire and lung fire, because the lungs are gold, the kidneys are water, and the lungs are gold and kidney water, and they are in a mutually beneficial relationship, so the lack of kidney yin will also lead to the deficiency of lung yin; The liver belongs to wood, and the kidney is aquatic liver wood, and the lack of kidney will also lead to liver fire

Yin deficiency and fire are prosperous, and Zhibai Dihuang pills are useless? Traditional Chinese Medicine: It may be that these two places are empty!

Therefore, it can be seen that people with insufficient kidney yin are not only simple yin deficiency and fire, but also prone to liver fire and lung fire, at this time, on the basis of soreness in the waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus, they will also show irritability, dry and itchy eyes, dry cough and less phlegm, irritability and other situations

Yin deficiency and fire are prosperous, and Zhibai Dihuang pills are useless? Traditional Chinese Medicine: It may be that these two places are empty!

Therefore, at this time, the correct conditioning should be on the basis of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidney, with medicines that clear the liver and nourish the lungs and yin, such as on the basis of Zhibai Dihuang soup, with Dan Yu Xiaoyaosan and Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang to add or subtract, so that it can not only nourish yin, but also clear heat, and the three viscera can be taken into account, and the liquid can fully reach the whole body, and the situation of yin deficiency and fire is self-defeating

Yin deficiency and fire are prosperous, and Zhibai Dihuang pills are useless? Traditional Chinese Medicine: It may be that these two places are empty!

That's all for today's sharing, the above content is for reference only, do not promote the treatment plan, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline in time, and we will see you next time.

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