
Yuan Jinhan, a pilot of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War Air Force, was forced to land with 8 guns, what happened to him?

author:Voices of Ichihei pYos

On August 21, 1937, the battle in Songhu intensified.

Just as the Chinese army's combat units were pursuing and advancing with victory, more than 10 Japanese planes that suddenly took off from the enemy's aircraft carrier approached them head-on and strafed at low altitudes, suppressing the dilemma of the army units.

At this time, the 4th Air Force Group was ordered to bomb the enemy aircraft carriers, and arrived at the right time; because of his outstanding combat achievements, Le Yiqin, who had already served as deputy captain, led the 22 Squadron to dive down from a high altitude.

Seeing this, the Japanese fled in a hurry, and Le Yiqin led the team to pursue the victory, rushing into the sky above the enemy's position, and there was a burst of strafing and bombing. The Japanese troops that were landing in the vicinity of Wusongkou and Zhangjiabang were suddenly attacked, killing and wounding more than 1,000 people, and the enemy's arrogance was once again frustrated.

Because in many air battles, Le Yiqin used superb tactics and fierce and ruthless firepower to open his bow left and right, and to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy planes.

A comrade-in-arms once advised Le Yiqin to change the number of the plane to paralyze the enemy, and he replied frankly and firmly: "If because of my heroic battle, I will increase the prestige of the country, this is the glory of the country and the individual. ”

Le Yiqin is like a brave eagle in the air, pounced on the enemy, and did not show mercy. But when he left the air battlefield and treated the defeated prisoners, he was magnanimous.

According to his classmate, Wang Zhuo, the leader of the 5th Squadron of the 24th Brigade, recalled:

"At that time, our side treated wounded prisoners of war very favorably, and enjoyed the same medical treatment as our wounded.

One day, Le Yiqin and I went to the hospital to visit Junichi Okamoto, who was shot down by him and captured, and when we came to the ward, the prisoners of war were nervous when they saw us in the uniforms of flight officers.

We walked over and shook hands with him, and because of the language barrier, he took a pen and wrote: Yesterday in the sky, we each fought for our country and were enemies; Today in the ward, we are friends. Knowing that your leg is injured, bring some fruits and snacks to see you, don't be afraid, take care of yourself.

The prisoners of war were very moved when they met, and they also wrote very respectful words to express their gratitude, and Junichi Okamoto burst into tears and bowed his head in shame. ”

The famous painter Ye Qianyu once made a cartoon with the content of "Four King Kongs" and participated in the Soviet Union's Anti-Enemy Comic Exhibition. During the preview exhibition in Nanjing, the painter found that Le Yiqin also came to visit, and invited him to take a group photo in front of the painting.

On August 23, 1937, Yuan Jinhan accompanied Captain Li Guidan to bomb the Japanese troops in Liuhe, Shanghai.

When they circled the enemy's position in Liuhe to look for a target, they discovered that nine enemy "95" fighters were flying in the air below them.

In order to complete the task of dropping bombs to bomb the enemy, they ignored these enemy planes. Li Guidan looked back at his teammates, stretched out his thumb, and pointed downward, meaning that we had come to the sky above the enemy position.

Then with a push of the nose, he pounced down like a tiger descending from a mountain, and a string of crisp machine guns rang out, like a string of fiery snakes jumping towards the enemy position, and the devil's heavy machine gun position was dumb.

Li Guidan turned over another harrier and threw down a bomb, and suddenly the devil's artillery position set off a wave of red and yellow smoke, and the planes following him swooped down one after another to shoot and bomb, and swept the Japanese position like a tsunami.

Yuan Jinhan also followed the dive and dropped the bomb, he dropped the bomb on the enemy's position and climbed quickly, when he suddenly saw a Japanese plane painted with red insignia on the clouds, intending to attack the rear and lower of the long plane Li Guidan.

At that time, the pilot covering the long plane did not notice it, and the situation was very critical, so Yuan Jinhan immediately accelerated and quickly bit the tail of the Japanese plane that was about to attack Li Guidan, and opened heavy fire from a favorable position, shooting it down.

At this time, two Japanese planes rushed towards him from behind him, and he couldn't dodge, only saw a few fires, and heard a few sounds of "bang bang bang", he immediately fell unconscious, and the plane rotated and fell, falling from a height of more than 5,000 meters to more than 1,000 meters, because the cockpit was broken, the strong wind blew him up, and he quickly corrected the level flight, only to begin to find that the man and the plane were in a dangerous state.

The plane was too fast, he instinctively used his left hand to reduce the throttle, only then did he see that his left palm was pierced by a bullet, and he had lost the strength to move, he looked around his body, there were bullet wounds everywhere, his clothes were stained red with blood, and the whirlwind brought by the propellers blowing from the broken windshield kept sucking the blood from the bullet wound at the root of his left ear and floating out.

Later, he was shot a total of 8 times, 1 in the ear and in the hand, 2 in the leg (the bullet has not yet been removed), and 5 in the back.

He saw a flat rice field in front of him, he first clamped the steering stick with his leg, closed the accelerator with his right hand, and then pulled up the steering stick and forced down into the rice field.

His plane flipped three times in the yellow ripe rice bushes, and the last time he threw him out of the plane and fell into the mud field, he was already bleeding all over, and after another fall, the man passed out.

The two peasants, who were guarding their homes and refused to retreat, saw that something had happened to him, and ran quickly and pulled him out of the muddy field, his ears and nose were covered with mud, and he was not killed, but almost drowned in the paddy field.

They helped him wash the blood from his face, and Yuan Jinhan also came to his senses, and saw them carrying him with a door panel, braving the fire of the Japanese army, to a country house where the field ambulance team was stationed.

The field ambulance team here is the first ambulance team of the Shanghai branch of the Red Cross Society of China, Yuan Jinhan saw that there were a total of 8 nurses and 1 doctor here, and the 9 of them had just arrived here not long ago, and Yuan Jinhan was the first wounded to be sent.

At this time, an army herald ran to give a verbal order: "Luodian has been lost, our position will be retreated immediately, and you must also retreat immediately." ”

The doctors and nurses were in a state of confusion of retreat, and then a nurse walked up to Yuan Jinhan and looked at him, Yuan Jinhan said: "Go by yourself, my injuries are already very serious, and I may not be able to be saved, leave me alone, you can go!" ”

The young and beautiful nurse replied firmly: "No! We're going to take you with us, and we're coming to the battlefield to save you. ”

After she finished speaking, she moved a rattan chair over, put Yuan Jinhan on the rattan chair and sat on it, covered him with a military blanket, tied the rattan chair with two bamboo poles, and was carried by four nurses in turn in the direction of the bus station.

After coming to the station, they found a civilian car, no one could drive, Yuan Jinhan said: "I'll drive, you help me change gears, my right hand can still drive." He was about to get up and walk to the car, when he suddenly found more than 30 Japanese soldiers surrounding, and he shouted, "Run!" ”

Although the doctors and nurses of the ambulance team wore white overalls with red cross insignia, the Japanese soldiers still shot and chased them, and Yuan Jinhan saw clearly from the rattan chair, and the Japanese soldiers shot and killed all nine people and dragged them on the road.

Later, he learned that they were Su Keji, a well-known surgeon in Shanghai, and nurses Xie Huixian, Liu Zhongwu, and Chen Xiufang.

After all nine men and women were shot, the Japanese soldiers walked towards the Yuanjinhan. Yuan Jinhan thought that it was over, and when the Japanese soldiers were killing, he went to touch the revolver on his waist, and when he touched it, only the gun bag remained, but the gun was gone.

It's miserable! It was impossible to resist suicide, he decided to pretend to be dead, it was very easy for Yuan Jinhan to pretend to be dead, after he was injured and forced to land, his heart was already weak, and his breath was slight.

On a hot day, the Japanese soldiers went to the nearby village to find water, and the remaining two Japanese soldiers were watching near Yuan Jinhan, and one of the Japanese soldiers took a chair and sat opposite the garden, looking at him curiously, and Yuan Jinhan also looked at the Japanese soldiers with half-open and half-closed eyes like a dead man.

At this time, Yuan Jinhan thought in his heart: "Bleeding so much and hurting so badly, why haven't I died yet!" Why I'm not dead yet! I am alive in pain, and 9 young lives died at the hands of Japanese devils to save me, and as long as I can't die, I will definitely avenge you! ”

He felt that the face of the Japanese soldier was no longer in front of him, and his eyes squinted, and when he saw the two Japanese soldiers talking for a while, one of them left, and the other sat next to him for a long time, and then he also went to the station to find water to drink.

Run! The desire to survive infused his whole body with new blood and strength, and he immediately jumped up from his chair and ran away.

Later he told reporters:

"I don't know where that strength came from, maybe it's because I've been trained rigorously, and my willpower and body are very strong; Maybe it's because I like sports, I'm very strong, maybe it's the natural exertion of human potential, but anyway, I ran nearly 20 miles in one go, and met Wang Shixuan, an army officer (he was a famous player on the Seven Tigers basketball team), who asked his superiors for a car to take me to Kunshan Front Hospital.

The next day, when the doctors operated on me, the Japanese bombed again, and the whole hospital was blown to pieces, and strangely, only the operating room was not damaged at all.

For my safety, the dean specially hired a steamboat to take me to Suzhou for treatment, and encountered three Japanese planes strafing me on the way, and the captain asked me what to do, and I asked him to increase his horsepower, break in, and escape again.

Later, I was transferred to hospitals in Nanjing, Wuhu, Changsha and other places for treatment, and three months later, I returned to the Air Force to continue fighting. ”

Later, Yuan Jinhan learned that Li Guidan was also slightly wounded in this battle, which shows how arduous and heroic the air battle was at that time, and how heroic and tenacious the Chinese air force athletes were.

Note: Yuan Jinhan, a native of Hebei Province, made two wishes when he was studying: one was to be the police chief, because he saw the police in the interior of Hebei Province, and he wanted to be the police chief, so he could put the local police in order.

Another volunteer is to be a pilot, because he saw the southern pilot who came to the north to perform flying stunts, wearing a white khaki flight suit and white leather shoes, so handsome that he was envious, so he made a wish to be a flying general.

In school he was an athlete, after graduation he was involved in the patriotic frenzy to run around, before the Anti-Japanese War, he was a volunteer, and finally was admitted to the Air Force Aviation School as he wished.

Later, he served as the captain of the 3rd Air Force Group and the principal of the Air Force Infant School, and after going to Taiwan, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general of the Kuomintang Air Force.

--Bibliography "Sino-Japanese Air War", by Dai Kuixian

Anti-Japanese Air War [No. 40]

Yuan Jinhan, a pilot of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War Air Force, was forced to land with 8 guns, what happened to him?

About the Author

Since I was a child, I liked words, and when I was a primary school student, I often used to do sample essays. During the literary youth, many articles won awards. After decades of wind and rain, his hobby has not changed, he likes to read literature and history, insists on writing, and welcomes exchanges.

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