
#八段锦有哪些动作要领?#一句话八段锦动作要领1. Preparatory pose: stand with shoulders wide and the body upright, the main thing is to stand firm, be quiet for a while, and then start. 2. Both hands

author:Weichang Chinese Studies

#八段锦有哪些动作要领? #

In one sentence, the essentials of the eight dan brocade movements

1. Preparatory type:

Stand shoulder-width apart with your body straight, the main thing is to stand firm, be quiet for a while, and then start.

2. Hold Tianli Sanjiao with both hands

Tuotian must be slow, not hard in front, proud first.

3. Open the bow left and right like shooting an eagle

After the horse has stood firm, he begins to draw the bow from side to side, slowly and tensely, not violently.

4. Regulate the spleen and stomach must be single-handed

The upper and lower arms should be coherent and communicate with each other, so the upper and lower arms should not be too straight, and if they are too straight, they will be stiff.

5. Look backwards with five labors and seven injuries

The two palms can be divided or pressed, and the head can not be turned violently, just like twisting the towel a little bit, but back to the right, you have to relax and wait for it to turn back by itself.

6. Shake your head and tail to get angry

No matter which version, the waist and hip and head fit are the key, and it doesn't matter if you shake your head.

7. Climb the feet with both hands to strengthen the kidney and waist

It doesn't matter if you massage or not, the key is to inhale and lift up and then exhale and lean forward slowly, or raise your hands or rub your back or waist.

8. Gather fists and anger to increase strength

It's better to treat "accumulating fists" as "tight fists", and the effect will come immediately.

9. Behind the seven ups and downs

If the heel is off the ground, if you press down with both palms, the effect of stretching up and down is better, of course, with the inhalation and lifting, the foot and exhale to a higher level.

Weichang Chinese Studies

July 2024

#八段锦有哪些动作要领?#一句话八段锦动作要领1. Preparatory pose: stand with shoulders wide and the body upright, the main thing is to stand firm, be quiet for a while, and then start. 2. Both hands
#八段锦有哪些动作要领?#一句话八段锦动作要领1. Preparatory pose: stand with shoulders wide and the body upright, the main thing is to stand firm, be quiet for a while, and then start. 2. Both hands
#八段锦有哪些动作要领?#一句话八段锦动作要领1. Preparatory pose: stand with shoulders wide and the body upright, the main thing is to stand firm, be quiet for a while, and then start. 2. Both hands
#八段锦有哪些动作要领?#一句话八段锦动作要领1. Preparatory pose: stand with shoulders wide and the body upright, the main thing is to stand firm, be quiet for a while, and then start. 2. Both hands
#八段锦有哪些动作要领?#一句话八段锦动作要领1. Preparatory pose: stand with shoulders wide and the body upright, the main thing is to stand firm, be quiet for a while, and then start. 2. Both hands
#八段锦有哪些动作要领?#一句话八段锦动作要领1. Preparatory pose: stand with shoulders wide and the body upright, the main thing is to stand firm, be quiet for a while, and then start. 2. Both hands
#八段锦有哪些动作要领?#一句话八段锦动作要领1. Preparatory pose: stand with shoulders wide and the body upright, the main thing is to stand firm, be quiet for a while, and then start. 2. Both hands
#八段锦有哪些动作要领?#一句话八段锦动作要领1. Preparatory pose: stand with shoulders wide and the body upright, the main thing is to stand firm, be quiet for a while, and then start. 2. Both hands

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