
Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

author:Film and television small hoes

Little hoe will continue to look at it today

Episodes 11-12 of "The Year of China".

The crown prince because of the princess

It's boring

He came to Qin Zhenzhen

Although Qin Zhenzhen will participate in the palace banquet

But she is a wish

A flower that grows in the mountains

Reluctant to meddle

The palace is deceitful

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

Shangguan Ya came to attend the palace banquet

She didn't want to enter the palace

But she couldn't help but choose

The palace banquet allows everyone to make incense together

It is intended that the results are used to choose concubines

Concubine Rou intends to make a hindrance from this

The people who support her side

The Shangguan family is the same

Shangguan Ya deliberately and Qin Zhenzhen

Changed their sachets

Anyway, the two of them are fragrant

I can't get to myself

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

The emperor and the ministers over there

The prince's marriage is also being discussed

Li Rong thought about it

The father only wants the crown prince

Choose a girl from a second-rate family

Qin Zhenzhen's identity is very suitable

But Qin Zhenzhen didn't want to enter the palace

Therefore, the making of incense is also a good time

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

Li Rong thought about reminding the prince

I choose the incense she makes

As a result, the maid was stopped

But fortunately, Pei Wenxuan remembered

With his last help

The prince chose Li Rong's incense

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

2nd and 3rd place

It was Shangguan Ya and Qin Zhenzhen

And it's obvious Shangguan Ya

Qin Zhenzhen's incense has been changed

Otherwise, at the level of Qin Zhenzhen

It's not at all in front

Concubine Rou just wanted to this time

Let the Emperor see who they are

is coveting the position of the crown princess

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

The emperor wanted to take advantage of the opportunity

Marriage to Qin Zhenzhen

At this time, Su Rongqing

understood Li Rong's thoughts

Came out in time and interrupted

It's the end of this paragraph

Although the prince has a heart

But Qin Zhenzhen doesn't love the palace

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

Li Rong helped Qin Zhenzhen this time

also wanted to let Pei Wenxuan

There is a chance to continue the frontier in the future

But Li Rong didn't understand at all

Pei Wenxuan was dissatisfied with her arrangement

Didn't think about his feelings at all

Got out of the car in a fit of rage on the spot

He also made it clear to Li Rong

He didn't like Qin Zhenzhen

Not in this life and not in the last

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

He confessed to Li Rong on the spot

I won't be able to give Li Rong a whole thing directly

Pei Wenxuan said

The emotion of not being seen by yourself

also said that once Li Rong was identified

There is no way to change anyone

She couldn't see through it in her previous life

Those people and those things

and Pei Wenxuan's heart

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

Li Rong always suppressed emotions

I can't see through people's hearts

Solve everything with reason

She reminisced about the past

The rain caught up with Pei Wenxuan

I want to ask these things clearly

For the first time, I showed my heart

apologized to Pei Wenxuan

She's in that position

Accustomed to not telling the truth to people

She knew his mind now

But I don't know how to respond

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

The two of them also said yes

Now that I have a chance to do it all over again

Two people have emotions when they are in the air

Be the first to say it

The first thing Li Rong said

It's just to keep him moving

Let's just mention separation

Don't love it too much

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

Because of Shangguan Ya's matter

Li Chuan and Li Rong were scolded by the queen mother

Li Rong couldn't stand it anymore

After persuading her mother, let the Shangguan family withdraw

It's good for everyone

She took her kneeling brother and left

It can be regarded as separated from the queen mother

In the previous life, she also did

persuaded Li Chuan to marry Shangguan Ya

So the relationship between two people

It's also getting worse

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

Li Chuan's attitude towards his mother

They all obey their words

Now resist getting married

It also made her suspicious of her son

Is there someone in my heart?

Naturally, I started to look it up

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

Pei Wenxuan is operating in secret

Let the princess, the crown prince and the Qin family

The farther the relationship looks, the better


It was her birthday

The prince gave her a sword

The prince made up his mind

Make yourself strong

Protect Qin Zhenzhen and Sister A

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

Victory in the Northwest before

The Emperor did not intend to reward the family

It is clear that the family will be suppressed

The Maison is the focus

stared at the Qin family

They framed the Qin family

There is collusion with the Yang family

A letter was found from the Qin family

A thousand taels of gold were also found

Qin Zhenzhen was sent away by his grandfather

Li Rong rushed over

Only some people were saved

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

The crown prince rushed to the queen mother

Questioning if she did it

The family must get rid of the Qin family

Because the Qin family is on the side of Concubine Rou

They want to make an example of the chickens

But what they don't know is

The Qin family is their own people

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

Li Chuan knew that only being strong

will have the right to choose

He asked Li Rong yes

She didn't want this power

If Li Rong wants to

He is willing to give his full support

Borrowed Qin Family Draft

She can surrender to the emperor

Build your own guard

It was named the Supervision Division

Independent of the three provinces

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

Qin Zhenzhen was rescued by Li Rong

But Li Rong hid the crown prince

Qin Zhenzhen knelt down and begged Li Rong

She was willing to go to the fire

I only hope that Li Rongjian will inspect the department

She was willing to be that knife

But Li Rong knew about the construction of the Inspectorate Division

No one will tolerate it in the future

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

In the previous life, Li Chuan was deposed

A lot of things are

Inspectorate found out

Rather than let the emperor form

It's better for them to take the initiative

No matter what Li Rong chooses

Pei Wenxuan will live and die together

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

Li Rong was also struggling in her heart

In the previous life, she told herself

Don't cross the line

is the protection of oneself

Don't leave weaknesses and handles

Here she actually wavered

Otherwise, there would not be this scene

Behind the prince's choice of concubines in "Spending the Age" is the struggle for power in the family, and the Qin family was framed because of their poor background

Dig to the bottom and dig it up

Here's the hard work

A small film and television hoe that even dares to hoe himself

The round hoe will take you to chase hot dramas

Like and follow, don't get lost after chasing dramas

We'll see you next time