
It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

author:No. 2 Explorer
It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

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Text|No. 2 Explorer

Editor|Explorer No. 2


In the entertainment industry, any kind of anecdote seems to be very common.

Today's derailment, tomorrow's fall from the altar.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

There are many celebrities who marry wives who are much younger than themselves, and even their mothers-in-law are younger than themselves.

This, how do you open your mouth to call Mom?

Let's take a look at who they are!

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Tang Zhenye

Tang Zhenye is 65 years old, the same age as his mother-in-law.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

When Tang Zhenye was young, his face was like a crown of jade, his eyes were bright, and his appearance was really amazing.

Even when Miao Qiaowei first saw him, he said: There is such a handsome man in the world.

After the establishment of the "Wireless Five Tiger Generals", he is responsible for his appearance, and Andy Lau also said that the beautiful roles are his.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

At that time, Tang Zhenye was popular all over Hong Kong.

It's just that when people are popular, they are easy to face more temptations.

Tang Zhenye has been in this life, and he can be regarded as dashing, and his peach blossom luck is particularly prosperous.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Di Baona, Weng Meiling, Wu Junru, Jiang Kun, and unknown confidantes have all had scandals with him.

After going through so many ups and downs and feelings, Tang Zhenye met Wen Jing when he wanted to settle down.

50-year-old Tang Zhenye and 25-year-old Wen Jing fell in love.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

He met her at an event.

In constant contact, the two people slowly got to know each other, often communicated on the phone, and then confirmed the relationship.

Wen Jing said that Tang Zhenye is a man who says less and does more in life, from falling in love to getting married, he only said "I love you" three times.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

When the two of them got married, it caused a sensation in the entire entertainment industry.

He is the same age as his mother-in-law, both are 50 years old.

But how do you call it? Tang Zhenye's mother-in-law called him "Ah Tang", and Tang Zhenye still called his mother-in-law's mother.

Despite this, Tang Zhenye and his parents-in-law's family still get along quite well.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Li Chengru

Li Chengru is 70 years old, 1 year older than his mother-in-law.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Li Chengru is a veritable veteran actor.

In the past, he was also an out-and-out rich man.

Although there are ancestral houses left behind in the courtyard houses in Beijing, it is only 5 minutes away from the Forbidden City.

But after his father's death, Li Chengru's nine brothers and sisters had a hard time.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

When he was in his teens, Li Chengru often thought about what he had to do in order to fill his stomach.

So he followed Dong Xingji to learn Peking Opera, and practiced his lines for 10 years.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Later, I wanted to go to the crew to play the role of "Tang Seng", but I was rejected because my hair was too thick.

He stayed in the crew to help before and after running, and did chores.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

When he was doing business, Li Chengru also took his savings to buy goods in the wholesale market to make the difference.

After accumulating some money, he began to set his sights on trendy clothes.

He also opened a "special special" clothing store and created a "self-selected" sales model.

This time, Li Chengru made a lot of money.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

So, he invested in real estate, hotels and other industries and became a wealthy man.

In that era when the per capita salary was only a few dozen yuan, Li Chengru had already driven a Mercedes-Benz and BMW luxury cars, and the scenery was infinite.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

When people have money, they are easy to float.

He invested all his money abroad, waiting to reap the benefits.

Who knows, Li Chengru lost his hair.

Husbands and wives often quarrel with each other, and Li Chengru mentioned divorce.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Later, Li Chengru became an actor again.

This time, he calmed down and tempered himself well.

finally gained a good reputation in "Six Groups of Serious Cases".

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

The following year, he met Shi Yihong.

Although he was 18 years older than Shi Yihong, they got married under his unremitting pursuit.

Li Chengru is also only one year older than his mother-in-law.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

But the good times didn't last long, and due to the long-term separation, the relationship between the two people still came to an end.

At present, 70-year-old Li Chengru is still single.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Zhang Jizhong

Zhang Jizhong is 72 years old, 11 years older than his mother-in-law.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Zhang Jizhong's life can be regarded as not in vain.

When he was 70 years old, his daughter had just been born.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Zhang Jizhong's wife, Du Xinglin, is 31 years younger than him and is a highly educated doctor.

The "grandson love" between them was not optimistic at first.

Especially when they were just announced, the "tearing" between the predecessor and the current one made people feel even bigger.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Zhang Jizhong is 11 years older than his mother-in-law, but he still has to call his mother, it's so embarrassing!

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

But this unpromising marriage has lasted for 7 years.

Du Xinglin also endured a lot of pain, just to give birth to Zhang Jizhong.

Many people say that Du Xinglin has become a "fertility machine".

But is that really the case?

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Du Xinglin actually enjoys it.

Otherwise, after giving birth to a son and a daughter, she would not have been pregnant with three children at the age of 42 this year.

It seems that between their "grandson love", there is no doubt that there is true love.

Then bless them!

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Zhang Yimou

Zhang Yimou is 74 years old, 11 years older than his mother-in-law.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

He was known as the "National Teacher".

worked as a worker for 7 years, was admitted to Beiying at the age of 28, and became a director at the age of 38.

Zhang Yimou's life is full of legends.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Zhang Yimou has made great achievements in his career and created the era of "Mou Girl".

His first film won the Golden Bear Award at China's first international film festival.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

"Red Sorghum", "Ju Dou", "The Red Lantern Hangs High", "Alive" and so on have won numerous awards at home and abroad.

The commercial films "Hero", "Ambush on All Sides", "The City Full of Golden Armor", and "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" have twice set new box office records for Chinese films.

In 2008, he served as the director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games, and won the top ten figures of "moving China".

won the Golden Horse Award for Best Director for "Shadow".

He is in a mess in his career, but the emotional road is not so smooth

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

After a few years of marriage to his wife, they parted ways.

lived with Gong Li for 8 years, but died without a problem.

finally married Chen Ting, who was 32 years younger.

Chen Ting was only 18 years old at the time, but she became Zhang Yimou's heroine.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Zhang Yimou admired her, she even dropped out of school for him, concentrated on being the woman behind Zhang Yimou, and never cared about her reputation.

After giving birth to three children for Zhang Yimou, the two received their certificates.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Zhang Yimou is only 11 years older than his mother-in-law, but he is still called his mother.

He expressed his gratitude to his mother-in-law's family and gave her filial piety calmly.

Perhaps, Chen Ting is the qualified wife in Zhang Yimou's mind, she doesn't care about her status, she is willing to be a housewife and take care of him meticulously.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Hou Yong

Hou Yong is 57 years old, one year older than his mother-in-law.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

From selling pork to "double actor", Hou Yong spent 20 years.

But his three marriages only took 15 years.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Hou Yong married his wife when he was not yet popular, and then in order to let him work hard, his wife gave up the drama she loved.

But after marriage, there were no children, and under the constant urging of the family, the two also had an estrangement, and finally divorced.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

His second marriage was after he became popular, and he had a daughter after marriage.

Because they have been filming in various places, there are fewer opportunities for the two to meet, and they finally separated.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

In 2017, 50-year-old Hou Yong got married again, the other party was born in the 90s, and the difference between the two was 20 years.

Although he is not an insider, his temperament is not inferior to that of a star at all.

Their marriage this time was relatively low-key, and only relatives and friends participated.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Because the difference in youth is too big, Hou Yong is 1 year older than his mother-in-law.

Netizens were also worried before, but now it seems that there is no need to worry.

has been married for 7 years now, and the two often wear couple clothes to show their affection in a high-profile manner.

Looks like you're having a good time.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Deng Jianguo

Deng Jianguo is 61 years old, 9 years older than his mother-in-law.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Although Deng Jianguo is known as a "film and television predator", he is also a well-deserved "hype king", and even hype up his feelings.

We have seen many film and television dramas he has invested in.

"The Godfather of Guangzhou", "Anti-Corruption Storm", "Kangxi Weifu Private Interview", "Merry Genius Ji Xiaolan", "Raptors Crossing the River", "Gege Wants to Marry" and so on.
It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

The norm is to attract investment first and then hire someone.

However, he found another way and signed a contract with Tang Zhenzong, who was on fire in the mainland at that time.

then promoted his new film on the pages of major newspapers, and also signed a contract with Tang Zhenzong and held a start-up ceremony.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Before the movie was made, the popularity had already risen, and then he began to attract investment.

In this way, not only the new film was promoted, but the funds were also in place.

In those two years, he earned hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising revenue alone.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

After the broadcast of this film and television drama, the news of his disagreement with Tang Zhenye came and he was sued in court.

When they collaborated on the second drama, everyone found out that they had been "deceived" by Deng Jianguo, and he was just for publicity.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

He even hyped up his love life.

His wife, forever 19 years old.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

He is 33 years older than Huang Ziqi, 9 years older than his mother-in-law.

Originally, he recognized Huang Ziqi as his goddaughter, and then funded her to go to school and gave her living expenses.

But in the end, he actually married his goddaughter.

But the marriage lasted less than a year.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Later, Song Yan, Hong Xin, Liu Yang, Wang Yan and others were also just a means of hype.

Although everyone saw through him, he still went his own way.

once shouted to Daolang: I am willing to take 100 million to ask Daolang to make a movie.

was scolded by netizens: Stop hyping up the heat!

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Xie Xian

Xie Xian is 87 years old, 20 years older than his mother-in-law.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

A pair of sunglasses, combed with braids, is his trademark.

After having Nicholas Tse, Xie Xian, who was once dominant, was slightly gloomy in front of his son.

The famous Xie Xian was also named "Nicholas Tse's father".

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Blue is better than blue.

The relationship history of both father and son is very rich.

Xie Xian even won the Academy Award for Best Actor in his old age with "Kill at Dusk".

When he trembled and came to the stage to accept the award, people had to think of his "romantic history".

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

Xie Xian's romance is well known.

From Jialing, Zhen Zhen, to Deborah, to Coco, who is 49 years younger, Xie Xian's love life has received countless attention.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

In 2005, 69-year-old Xie Xian announced his love affair with Coco in a high-profile manner, and he also changed his previous romance and was particularly good to Coco.

Xie Xian is 49 years older than Coco and 20 years older than her mother.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

The huge age difference makes people question this relationship.

When everyone thought they were going to get married, they had been in love for 13 years, but the news of their breakup came.

To this day, Xie Xian has not fallen in love again.

Perhaps, I really can't talk about it.

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?


Although there are many such "old and young love" now, we still need to establish correct values.

What other celebrities do you know with a big age gap?

Let us know in the comments!

It's embarrassing! These 7 male stars are older than their mothers-in-law! How do you call Mom?

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Image source: Internet invasion and deletion


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