
At 10 o'clock in the morning, another champion of the women's volleyball team announced that he was retiring! Cai Bin is under a lot of pressure!

author:Chasing the ball girl

At 10 o'clock in the morning, another player of the Chinese women's volleyball team announced that he was retiring, which will be the last national team match in the Paris Olympics. That's why he cherishes this national team game very much. As a coach, Cai Bin is actually under a lot of pressure, if this time the players of the Chinese women's volleyball team have no way to achieve good results in the Paris Olympics. That means that Cai Bin will face the next class! Now Cai Bin can't be nepotistic, every player has the opportunity to play, in the women's volleyball league has given players the opportunity to show, if you can't play on the field, you will be eliminated, no matter how long you spend working hard, poor state means being eliminated. After passing the women's volleyball league, the Chinese women's volleyball team has also made a big adjustment, and the lineup for training in Zhangzhou this time is a lineup for the Paris Olympic Games.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, another champion of the women's volleyball team announced that he was retiring! Cai Bin is under a lot of pressure!

But the growth rate of young players is too slow, and some of the veterans are facing retirement, and after Zhang Changning announced his retirement, Ding Xia announced his retirement again. Ding Xia is the core player of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the second bed position, and her performance on the court is also very outstanding, but in the league, we can see that he basically plays as a substitute and has not trained with the team for 3 years.

Ding Xia has also been seriously injured in the past few years, and has joined the national team intermittently. In the last league game, the coaching staff basically played him as a substitute. Her performance on the court is not as good as when she was at her peak, which is also the biggest problem facing China's reverse volleyball at present. Ding Xia is actually a setter that Cai Bin attaches great importance to, this time let her continue to play in the Paris Olympics, but also to let him be able to bring young players in the international arena, but there is no suitable candidate for young players at present, Diao Linyu is actually not a young player anymore, he is already a player belonging to the Mesozoic Generation!

At 10 o'clock in the morning, another champion of the women's volleyball team announced that he was retiring! Cai Bin is under a lot of pressure!

The setter is the core of the whole team, and if a team becomes stronger, the setter position must be strong. At present, the Chinese women's volleyball team is focusing on the setter in terms of lineup adjustment, and there are no suitable players for the setter, including the young player Xu Xiaoting after joining the national team, and she has not played out, and the coaching staff has also given her the opportunity to play, but the technical level cannot meet the requirements of international competitions in all aspects, so this is also the biggest problem facing China's Nirvana. Now that Ding Xia has announced that she is retiring, the pressure on the Chinese women's volleyball team will be even greater, the young players have not grown up, and the veterans are facing retirement, so how should the next setter be handled?

Although Ding Xia said that her current state is not particularly good, she was indeed very helpful to the Chinese women's volleyball team when she was at her peak. In fact, during Lang Ping's coaching, the focus on the setter position was also dominated by Ding Xia, who was able to put a lot of pressure on the opponent on the court and could be regarded as a world-class setter. Her play is very good in all aspects, the pass is in place, she and Li Yingying, Zhang Changning, Zhu Ting are very tacit in all aspects, and she handles the ball cleanly on the court, which is also an advantage of Ding Xia, and the speed is very fast.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, another champion of the women's volleyball team announced that he was retiring! Cai Bin is under a lot of pressure!

At present, the Chinese women's volleyball team has not recruited Yao Di to return to the team, it is because Yao Di's movements on the court are too slow, if you move slowly, it will also have a great impact on the team. Ding Xia stands in the setter position, in fact, the role of passing is very large, this time in the Paris Olympics, the coaching staff also gave her the opportunity to play as a substitute, and should not let him play as a starter. She was plagued by injuries and insisted on playing for the national team, and you can see that he is very hard working and very serious, which is worth learning from. We also hope that Ding Xia can stand on the last shift in the Olympic Games, get back to her original state, and make full preparations for the next competitions.

After Ding Xia retires, she will definitely still engage in some volleyball-related work, she is very suitable to coach as an assistant coach or coach, many volleyball players will stay in some leagues to be the head coach after retiring, like Ding Xia, she will definitely stay in some leagues of the women's volleyball team after retiring, and coaching as a coach is also very helpful for the women's volleyball team, whether Ding Xia goes to play the game, or as an assistant coach, she will be very helpful to the women's volleyball team. We also hope that the Chinese women's volleyball team can cultivate more excellent players in the second bed position and fully prepare for the national team's competition, because now this time in the Paris Olympics, there is no suitable player, so Ding Xia can only be on top, then we also expect him to play a better technical level and meet this game in the best condition!

Next, we also expect that at the Paris Olympics, Ding Xia and Diao Linyu can make greater contributions to the setter of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and we also expect him to play a bad technical level in the last national team game.

In the women's volleyball league due to injuries, she still insisted on playing, which is more sad to watch, so we also look forward to her being able to adjust to a better state and recover as soon as possible.

In this Zhangzhou training, the focus of the setter is still mainly on Ding Xia. Although Diao Linyu said that he was going to start, it was more of a lineup based on Ding Xia, Ding Xia would be relatively experienced, and the first game of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the Paris Olympics was to face the very strong American women's volleyball team, so this lineup must be dominated by veterans, and as a starter, it can give the opponent a certain amount of pressure!

If Ding Xia does not retire first, the pressure will be on Cai Bin, because the Chinese women's volleyball team is under great pressure in the setter position, and Cai Bin has not cultivated a very good player for 3 years, so the Chinese women's volleyball team will be in a great predicament in the setter position, so Cai Bin is under great pressure. Regardless of whether Cai Bin coaches in the future or not, the Chinese women's volleyball team needs to cultivate suitable setters. We hope that Diao Diao Linyu can play a good result, and then become the core of China's setter position, which will be of great help to the Chinese women's volleyball team, so now that Ding Xia has announced her retirement, Cai Bin's pressure is very great! #长文创作激励计划##我要上热门##中国女排现在还需要换教练吗?##丁霞对中国女排有多重要#

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