
Italian media predict that 5 teams will win the Paris Olympics, and the Chinese women's volleyball team will only have a 25% chance!

author:Chasing the ball girl

Italian women's volleyball related media predict that there is a very high probability that 5 teams will win the gold medal in the Paris Olympics, and the Chinese women's volleyball team is also in the team, but the Chinese women's volleyball team only has a 25% chance, which has caused a lot of controversy!

Italian media predict that 5 teams will win the Paris Olympics, and the Chinese women's volleyball team will only have a 25% chance!

Not surprisingly, the women's volleyball team will win the championship in Paris in these 5 teams

1. Italy (40%)

De Grady leads, Posetti + Petrini + Serra

The Italian women's volleyball team is also very strong due to the strength of its players, and we can see through the women's volleyball league that the Italian women's volleyball team is indeed a very strong team in this women's volleyball competition. Like their lineup, there is no position where the strength of the players is not enough, and they play very well on the court, so the Italian women's volleyball team has a great chance to win the gold medal in this Paris Olympics. Therefore, the Italian media predicted that the Italian women's volleyball team won the championship in this women's volleyball league, so they also predicted that the Italian women's volleyball team had a 40% chance of the Paris Olympics.

Italian media predict that 5 teams will win the Paris Olympics, and the Chinese women's volleyball team will only have a 25% chance!

The progress of the Italian women's volleyball team in recent years is indeed very obvious, the players cooperate very well on the court, and the coach's tactical play is very in place, which is also an important reason why the Italian women's volleyball team can win the championship in the finals. In the next Paris Olympics, the Italian women's volleyball team has adjusted the strongest lineup to compete, so the probability of them winning the championship is relatively high. At the moment in the women's volleyball league, he has only three opponents. Turkish row. The Brazilian women's volleyball team, the Chinese women's volleyball team, and the other women's volleyball teams are not their big opponents.

2. China (25%)

Zhu Ting leads, Li Yingying + Zhang Changning + Wang Yuanyuan

The Chinese women's volleyball team has Zhu Ting here, so there is still a great chance to achieve good results in this women's volleyball league. However, because the coaching staff is not familiar with the playing style and tactics of other countries, this is also an important reason for the Chinese women's volleyball players to play on the court, then the Chinese women's volleyball team has finalized the game led by Zhu Ting, Li Yingying, Zhang Changning and Wang Yuanyuan will be the core players of this competition, these players are in very good condition, and this is also a very strong player in the women's volleyball league, it can be seen that the next task of the Chinese women's volleyball team is also relatively heavy, Since the strength of the team drawn by signing in is also very strong, I also hope that the Chinese women's volleyball team can adjust the strongest lineup.

The current state of the Chinese women's volleyball team is good, it depends on how the coaching staff adjusts in the future. After announcing the list of the Paris Olympics, we can also see that the players of the Chinese women's volleyball team are already the strongest lineup this time, and if there is no way to play in the Paris Olympics, the Chinese women's volleyball team is currently at a low point. The last league finals were due to the coaching staff giving up the game and not sending the strongest lineup, so it finally led to such a situation, then in the next Paris Olympics, the Chinese women's volleyball team will go all out to send the strongest lineup to meet the game.

Italian media predict that 5 teams will win the Paris Olympics, and the Chinese women's volleyball team will only have a 25% chance!

3. The United States (15%)

Larsson leads, Robinson + Skinner + Pramo

In fact, the U.S. women's volleyball team is a very strong team, but in the women's volleyball league, we can also see that they did not send the strongest set of lineups, some players are in the rest stage, and some players are injured and do not all go to the game, then in the next Paris Olympics, if the U.S. women's volleyball team sent the strongest lineup, then they must be among the big teams that won gold medals. We all know that the two sports of American volleyball and basketball are very strong, and it depends on whether the American women's volleyball team can return to the top in the next Paris Olympics.

As a championship team, the U.S. women's volleyball team will send some of the strongest lineups in the Paris Olympics this time, so this lineup will be dominated by Larsson, and this lineup will be unveiled at the Paris Olympics. The players of the U.S. women's volleyball team play very hard, and no matter how strong his teammates are, he can play a very good technical level, which is the strength of the U.S. women's volleyball team.

4. Japan (15%)

Sarina Koga leads, Lina Chenna + Ishikawa Mayu + Tanaka Ruixi

The morale of the Japanese women's volleyball team has been greatly enhanced in this women's volleyball league, and the two oranges have won the Chinese women's volleyball team, which can be seen that the strength of the Japanese women's volleyball team has improved. After 3 years of hard training, the players of the Japanese women's volleyball team have slowly played, and they handle the ball relatively cleanly on the court, which is also the key to the Japanese women's volleyball team being able to win the game. Similarly, the Japanese women's volleyball team also wants to win the gold medal in this Paris Olympics, and they still have a certain strength, but when facing strong teams, the Japanese women's volleyball team still has many problems to deal with.

Italian media predict that 5 teams will win the Paris Olympics, and the Chinese women's volleyball team will only have a 25% chance!

5. Turkey (5%)

Baladin leads, Karakurt + Tugba + Derya

Although the Turkish women's volleyball team is a very strong team, in the past few years, because some veterans have been in the decline of their careers, so some of their players on the court are not particularly stable, they all rely on two veterans, and it is difficult for this lineup to play a super high technical level in the game. The coach is very anxious in every game, especially against the opponent who is very strong, it can be seen that the coach is in very bad shape, and there is a big problem with the rotation of players on the field, which is the biggest problem facing Turkey. This is the Paris Olympics, it depends on how the Turkish women's volleyball team adjusts the lineup and how to rotate!

Italian media predict that 5 teams will win the Paris Olympics, and the Chinese women's volleyball team will only have a 25% chance!
Italian media predict that 5 teams will win the Paris Olympics, and the Chinese women's volleyball team will only have a 25% chance!

That's what the Italian media predicted for the Paris Olympics. The five gold medal teams, do you think it is reasonable? The Chinese women's volleyball team can have 25%, I think it is very reasonable, because the Chinese women's volleyball team is not the strongest team in the women's volleyball team at present, and some players are plagued by injuries, and the setter strength is not strong enough, like Zhu Ting has not yet found out the initial state, so the Chinese women's volleyball team has a 25% winning rate, I think it is very reasonable. Cai Bin is under a lot of pressure, because of his coaching ability and style, which will directly affect the Paris Olympics this time! #长文创作激励计划##中国女排##战意大利女排, can the Chinese women's volleyball team win?##我要上热门##爆料##中国女排0-3 defeated Italy##中国女排巴黎奥运会能够夺冠吗?##巴黎奥运会能进入前三吗?##一人一句为中国女排加油##中国女排三连败 Urgent qualification##爆料#

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