
At 9 o'clock in the morning, the good news of the Chinese women's volleyball team is that the setter will have the core main force, Cai Bin is excited!

author:Chasing the ball girl

Good news for the Chinese women's volleyball team. All the players of the Chinese women's volleyball team are now training in Zhangzhou, and they also want to make full preparations for the next Paris Olympics. At present, the strongest squad has been set aside, and the other players who cannot be selected for the national team have returned to the local training area, that is, they are fully prepared to be able to join the national team in the future. At present, judging from the lineup, we can see that the weakest link is the setter. The Chinese women's volleyball team is currently facing the biggest problem in the setter. These problems must be solved, and if you want to achieve better results in the Paris Olympics, the weak link of the second pass must be solved. If a team wants to become stronger, then the setter must be the core of the whole team!

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the good news of the Chinese women's volleyball team is that the setter will have the core main force, Cai Bin is excited!

The latest good news is that the Chinese women's volleyball team has been cultivating suitable candidates for the setter position, although the current Diao Linyu and Ding Xia are the core setters of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the Paris Olympics, but their state is still a very big gap compared with the setter in the international arena. It is impossible for the Chinese women's volleyball team not to rebuild the position of setter, and it will definitely attach great importance to this position, there is no way to do it in the Paris Olympics this time, there is no suitable candidate, so Ding Xia and Diao Linyu are still placed in a big name of the national team, then the Chinese women's volleyball team will adjust a group of young players to prepare for the Olympic Games in 4 years, so now the Chinese women's volleyball team has cultivated suitable setter players in local teams!

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the good news of the Chinese women's volleyball team is that the setter will have the core main force, Cai Bin is excited!

In fact, Cai Bin has found a very suitable player as a successor in the setter position, because Ding Xia should face retirement after playing the national team this time, because her physical condition in all aspects can no longer meet the requirements of international competitions, in fact, Zhu Ting's sister Zhu Jiahui is the player that the Chinese women's volleyball team will focus on cultivating in the future, we can see that the relationship between Zhu Ting and Yao Di is very good, including going to the national team to play, and going abroad for further study, and will bring her teammate Yao Di by her side, Yao Di is a player with a better setter position, although she was not selected for the national team this time, because one of her playing styles is not suitable for the players in this lineup, and the coaching staff is not used to Yao Di's style of play, so Yao Di was not introduced into the national team!

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the good news of the Chinese women's volleyball team is that the setter will have the core main force, Cai Bin is excited!

Zhu Ting's sister Zhu Jiahui usually trains with Yao Di, that is, she wants to teach her a technical style through Yao Di. Zhu Ting's sister is also relatively young, and she will definitely be a setter trained by the core of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the future, he works very hard like Zhu Ting, and pays diligently every day, she is still young, and she will definitely become the core setter of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the future, we can see her strength, physical condition, and passing the ball very well, these are one of his physical advantages, plus Zhu Ting will definitely take her abroad for further study in the future. For the Chinese women's volleyball team, there is finally hope in the setter position!

After the Paris Olympics, the Chinese women's volleyball team will also make a big adjustment to the lineup, and some veterans will retire, so they are all young players to play. Like Diao Linyu, her state is not particularly ideal, she is not a veteran, she has spent 3 years to focus on cultivating her, and her efforts have been greatly rewarded, but there is no way to solve her shortcomings, and it is more difficult to solve these problems in the short term if he is not in place.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the good news of the Chinese women's volleyball team is that the setter will have the core main force, Cai Bin is excited!

Because the strength of each player is different in all aspects, so the next Chinese women's volleyball team in the setter position, must be based on cultivating young players, so if Zhu Jiahui joins, it will definitely be of great help to the Chinese women's volleyball team in the next game, because he went abroad to learn more skills and playing styles, and like Zhu Ting, it was also under the introduction of Lang Ping, and the technical level of the major aspects will be stronger after going abroad for further study!

Zhu Jiahui will be stronger than Yao Di and Diao Linyu in terms of height and movement, because Yao Di is too slow to move on the court and is not suitable for the current coaching staff, so he was not selected for the national team's squad. Yao Di is actually very good at his strength, and now Zhu Jiahui is learning from Yao Di, and he will definitely be able to become a core setter in the future. The Chinese women's volleyball team has finally found the right players to focus on training, in the past 3 years, the players trained by the Chinese women's volleyball team in the setter position are not qualified enough, so Zhu Jiahui is also slowly growing up, and we are also looking forward to seeing her join the national team this day.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the good news of the Chinese women's volleyball team is that the setter will have the core main force, Cai Bin is excited!

Zhu Ting basically went to the Italian League A for further study, so Zhu Ting's sister must also want to go abroad for further study through her own strength, because foreign playing styles will be relatively more mature in all aspects, so if he can go abroad for further study, this will also be very helpful for his personal career. So in the past two years, Zhu Ting will definitely take her to play abroad, and through a high-intensity and difficult game training, he can improve his technical level, so Zhu Jiahui will definitely become the core setter of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the future, because the difficulties of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the setter position are relatively large. The stronger the setter, the stronger the whole team will become. So this is very good news for the Chinese women's volleyball team, and we are also looking forward to Zhu Jiahui joining!

Although Yao Di was not selected for the national team, we can see from her game in the Italian League that he is still in very good shape, and he is constantly improving his strength. Therefore, we also hope that many players of the Chinese women's volleyball team can continue to learn and improve their strength, which will be of greater help to the Chinese women's volleyball team in the future. At present, the Chinese women's volleyball team is in a state of achieving the old with the new, so we also look forward to more outstanding young players joining the Chinese women's volleyball team!

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the good news of the Chinese women's volleyball team is that the setter will have the core main force, Cai Bin is excited!

This is the Paris Olympics, and the Chinese women's volleyball team will make a big adjustment to the setter, solve the problem, and make full preparations for the Paris Olympics. It is also good news for Cai Bin, the Chinese women's volleyball team finally saw hope, no matter what the Chinese women's volleyball team achieves in this Paris Olympics, we should support the women's volleyball team, we believe that these players will go all out and reflect the spirit of the women's volleyball team. We are also very happy that Zhu Ting's sister Zhu Jiahui can play better in the next games, and look forward to the day when he joins the national team. You are also welcome to focus on this topic, you can leave a message below the comments. #长文创作激励计划##我要上热门##中国女排##蔡斌##中国女排巴黎奥运会能够夺冠吗?#

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