
Zhang Zhijie passed away, and 3 people need to pay the main responsibility! The International Badminton Association has responded accordingly!

author:Chasing the ball girl

There was a major accident in the competition that the Chinese Badminton Association participated in in Indonesia, and Zhang Zhijie's death had a great impact on the entire Badminton Association. Zhang Zhijie is a very good player, and he will definitely be a strong national player in the future. Fei Cheng regretted leaving us at the age of 17, so this time about Zhang Zhijie's death, there are 3 relevant staff members who are mainly responsible.

Zhang Zhijie passed away, and 3 people need to pay the main responsibility! The International Badminton Association has responded accordingly!

Zhang Zhijie, who was born in a single-parent family since he was a child, worked very hard, and finally walked to the international arena through his own efforts, his mother single-handedly raised him, it was not easy, and finally saw hope, and suddenly came the bad news, his mother couldn't accept this reality, and was hospitalized directly. Now, about Zhang Zhijie's death. The National Sports Administration, the World Badminton Association, and the Chinese Badminton Association have all made relevant responses, but they have not said how to proceed at present. Reparations.

In any case, the damage to a family is too great, and it is also caused by some uncontrollable factors, and there are some factors that could have been avoided, but it was not done, so there are 3 people here who have to take important responsibility, do you think it is reasonable?

Zhang Zhijie passed away, and 3 people need to pay the main responsibility! The International Badminton Association has responded accordingly!

The first: the referee

From the scene of the game, we can see that two or three minutes after Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, the referee let the head coach in. At that time, the golden first aid time had been missed, and if the first aid was timely, to be honest, Zhang Zhijie should not have passed away so soon. The referee was indifferent when he fell to the ground, and he just according to a rule of the Badminton Association, the referee did not let the coaching staff enter the field at any time on the field, so the coach could only watch from the side, and the referee was also in accordance with the rules of the Badminton Association for the phenomenon of him falling to the ground, and did not say that the first one was to save the patient, but always implemented the rules. In fact, the rules are dead, people are alive, why do you have to do things according to the rules? If you don't rescue in time according to the rules, maybe Zhang Zhijie won't leave so soon!

When he fell to the ground, he should have stopped playing. But the referee still stood and watched, and did not say that he came over to see what was going on. After two or three minutes, the coaching staff came in, but the golden period had been missed, if Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground at that time, the referee came directly to see, and the team doctor was called in a bad situation, at this time there should still be a chance to rescue, because he was very critical in the rescue of the golden two to three minutes, and it was also because the referee was more stubborn and dealt with it according to the punishment of the Feather Association, so he did not watch Zhang Zhijie's situation, which also led to the missed golden period, Therefore, the coach Ken Referee must also have a certain responsibility, if he observes a dynamic of the players in time, then Zhang Zhijie maybe. Grab the golden salvage time!

Zhang Zhijie passed away, and 3 people need to pay the main responsibility! The International Badminton Association has responded accordingly!

Second: Coaching

The coach must also have a big factor, the players may also be under a lot of pressure, in the previous interview video, we saw Zhang Zhijie said in the interview that he was very eager to win, so he worked very hard to treat this game, and at that time his eyes were dark when he was interviewed, it can be seen that his physical condition may also have a great impact on all aspects.

Another thing is that the coaching staff must know the physical condition of the players, and every player who goes to the national team must undergo a medical examination. The coaching staff must know the current situation of the players, and there is another factor, that is, the coach must appease the emotions of the players, because if the pressure is too high on the field, some players' physiology and psychology may not be able to bear it, so the coaching staff must make a corresponding response, that is, the players must be psychologically counseled, which is very critical!

Due to the influence of the referee, the coach did not play in time, also because the badminton association has relevant regulations, within the specified time, the coach can not play, at that time we also saw the first to play is the coach, the incident is more abrupt, I believe the coach did not expect such a result, but also according to the relevant regulations of the badminton association, so did not go on the field to save people in time, missed the golden period of the coach does have to bear the corresponding responsibility, because the player is you brought to play abroad, The state of the players on the pitch must be very familiar to the coaches in all aspects!

As a coach, you must learn to rescue in time and learn some skills of retelling, because players experience these games, there will be these situations, so as a coach, you must master the corresponding skills in order to be able to go smoothly in the game, which is also a problem for many coaches in China!

In the future, all coaches who take players to foreign countries must be very aware of the physical condition and pressure of the players, and also give psychological counseling to the players, which is very important. If the psychological pressure of the player is too great, an adjustment should be made, and if the psychology is too big and the spirit is tense on the field, it is easy for the player to have some physical problems. This is also a very important responsibility of the coaching staff, and I hope that in the future, the coaching staff should pay attention to the dynamics of the players at all times in all the games of the national team. Winning the game is very important, but the physical condition of the players is even more important, and every player wants to get better honors for the country, so the national team should attach great importance to the physical condition of the players.

Zhang Zhijie passed away, and 3 people need to pay the main responsibility! The International Badminton Association has responded accordingly!

Third: Doctor with the team

In fact, every time the national team has a game, there should be a corresponding team doctor to participate in the game, because the player's physical condition will happen at any time, so the team doctor should follow up in time, then only the team doctor here in Sydney can see that the country itself is very backward in terms of economic aspects and medical conditions, so if there is a problem and there is no time to rescue, It's a pity for the players, then it is reasonable for China to match the corresponding team doctor, then this is because the Chinese Badminton Association did not send a team doctor, which is a big responsibility!

Zhang Zhijie passed away, and 3 people need to pay the main responsibility! The International Badminton Association has responded accordingly!

Another is that the economy of Sydney is too backward, and many of the equipment is not perfect, so it is recommended that this kind of competition should not be compared in such a relatively backward country, and it is necessary to go to some economically developed cities to compare, which will be relatively better. The most conservative thing is that China has to send a team doctor to be present in every game, and if there is a problem, there must be a team doctor from its own country to follow up, and the effect will be relatively obvious, because there is a difference in geography and culture in different countries. Some of them don't know much about the physical condition of our own Chinese, so they will miss a golden period!

Zhang Zhijie's matter has indeed caused a lot of heated discussions, because he is very young, only 17 years old, 17 years old has a great opportunity to break through and grow in the future, it is the golden period of his youth, he has just stepped into the arena, there is a lot of space to challenge himself. This is because the medical equipment is not advanced enough, and the referee is more stubborn. There is no corresponding one to affect a player, this is a pity, the next will be attached great importance to this matter, the next Paris Olympics is about to start, so the national team, the National Sports Bureau, the World Badminton Association, the Chinese Badminton Association will make a corresponding adjustment. First of all, you must take into account the physical condition of the players, and the body is the first to be able to play better in the game!

This situation does not want to happen, but it has happened, I think the National Sports Bureau should make a corresponding compensation, and there is a must pay more attention to his family situation, because he was born in a single-parent family, it is not easy for his mother to raise him single-handedly, when he is ready to become a talent, but this situation occurs, his mother is currently fainting in the hospital, then we also hope that the country can give him more encouragement and support. #长文创作激励计划##外交部回应张志杰离世##专家称张志杰猝死错过3个救命环节##张志杰被认定死亡后羽协仍尝试转院##教练欲观察张志杰情况时被裁判叫停#