
The US general clamored for a "decisive battle against China" and the formation of a new eight-nation coalition, and Putin hinted that China should be careful

author:Asako Pig
The US general clamored for a "decisive battle against China" and the formation of a new eight-nation coalition, and Putin hinted that China should be careful

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Edited by Asahi Zihai

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The US general clamored for a "decisive battle against China" and the formation of a new eight-nation coalition, and Putin hinted that China should be careful

In order to further strengthen its military encirclement of China, the United States has once again unleashed a "big move." ”

Trying to reorganize the eight-nation coalition, warships have indeed sailed to the Asia-Pacific region, and have launched actual combat military exercises around China.

In order to cooperate with this military action, the US general also directly proposed that a decisive battle would be waged against China.

The US general clamored for a "decisive battle against China" and the formation of a new eight-nation coalition, and Putin hinted that China should be careful

Faced with this situation, Putin has also shown unprecedented concern. What is the intention of the United States to form an eight-nation coalition? Are the new Eight-Nation Coalition really willing to be anti-China pawns of the United States?

The United States is in a hurry

The U.S. election is in full swing, and judging from the current situation, Biden's chances of winning are not too high.

But even in such an unfavorable situation, Biden still did not forget to gather "allies" and once again increase the encirclement of China and Russia.

The United States has proposed to send warships and warplanes to the Asia-Pacific region to conduct actual combat military exercises, and eight countries, including Britain, France, Germany, and Italy, have responded. The intention of this is obvious, it is aimed at China.

The US general clamored for a "decisive battle against China" and the formation of a new eight-nation coalition, and Putin hinted that China should be careful

Even in order to increase the momentum, the commander of the US Marine Corps has brazenly stated that he will start a decisive battle with China in the near future.

This is obviously a deliberate remark made in order to cooperate with the United States in rallying various countries to the Asia-Pacific region.

It is not difficult to see from the United States' instigation of European countries to join the Asia-Pacific military exercises that the United States wants to extend the military resources of European countries to the Asia-Pacific region, so as to further expand its military encirclement of China.

The United States seems to have a "desperate" idea for this military exercise, which can be seen from the US media reports, in which the United States once again turned the topic to China, maliciously smearing China, and at the same time rarely said that an armed conflict between China and the United States is likely to break out in the future.

The US general clamored for a "decisive battle against China" and the formation of a new eight-nation coalition, and Putin hinted that China should be careful

According to US media reports, it is not difficult to see that the United States is no longer able to suppress or contain China in the Asia-Pacific region on its own.

That is why the United States has chosen to "find another way" and join forces with nearly eight European countries in an attempt to form a new eight-nation coalition, so as to form a new deterrent force against China in the Asia-Pacific region until it further expands its encirclement of China.

Putin's reminder

It can be said that the mainland's periphery is not peaceful, and tensions tend to escalate and expand.

In this regard, Russian President Vladimir Putin also expressed some concern and hinted to China that the United States seems to be re-forming a new axis camp to encircle and intercept China.

The US general clamored for a "decisive battle against China" and the formation of a new eight-nation coalition, and Putin hinted that China should be careful

Obviously, Putin's worries and reminders are not unreasonable. Although China has always pursued a foreign policy of peace and friendship, it is clear that the United States and the West, especially the United States, do not see it that way.

China has always been regarded as a competitor and has tried to contain and suppress China in various fields.

Now, Russia is being sanctioned by NATO and other Western countries, and its economy is seriously damaged. More interestingly, however, the NATO bloc still seems to want to make a big deal out of China.

It is also the first time that China's influence has been emphasized in a new NATO strategy document.

This suggests that in the coming period, NATO is likely to respond to the United States and appear on the periphery of China.

The US general clamored for a "decisive battle against China" and the formation of a new eight-nation coalition, and Putin hinted that China should be careful

Sure enough, as soon as the United States proposed to form a joint military exercise in the Asia-Pacific region, NATO countries immediately responded.

Although the United States is pressing on the mainland step by step, the mainland is not without countermeasures.

In addition to being able to cope with the United States militarily, the relationship between China and Russia is relatively stable, and the two countries share common interests.

The relationship between the United States and Russia has long since broken down, and now, out of its own national interests, Russia will not stand idly by if China is really threatened by the United States.

The US general clamored for a "decisive battle against China" and the formation of a new eight-nation coalition, and Putin hinted that China should be careful

This means that the United States will have to face both China and Russia, two nuclear-armed states.

The United States is well aware of the military strength of China and Russia, and it has little chance of winning by provoking two opponents with such strong military strength at the same time

You must know that China and Russia have the means to threaten the national security of the United States, so the United States is tantamount to self-destruction if the United States goes to war with China and Russia at the same time.

After all, today's United States does not even have the ability to fight at multiple points. In such a situation, the United States is again thinking of "strange moves." ”

They want to put pressure on China and contain China by forming a new eight-nation alliance.

The US general clamored for a "decisive battle against China" and the formation of a new eight-nation coalition, and Putin hinted that China should be careful

The "Eight-Nation Alliance" with its own thoughts

However, it is doubtful that the new eight-nation coalition is really following in the footsteps of the United States wholeheartedly and suppressing China?

This is not necessarily the case, after the United States announced that it would hold joint military exercises in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Japanese media was the first to jump out, saying that China's military expansion in the Asia-Pacific region is getting faster and faster, and Europe will strengthen relations with Japan.

The US general clamored for a "decisive battle against China" and the formation of a new eight-nation coalition, and Putin hinted that China should be careful

Japan's small abacus is very loud, and it hopes to work with the United States and the West to contain China in the Asia-Pacific region.

At the same time, it has spared no effort to exaggerate the theory of the China threat, and even repeatedly tried to engage in a public opinion war to put pressure on China in the form of ruthless words.

But judging by the performance of European countries, it is clear that they are much calmer than Japan.

In fact, European countries have no conflict of interest with China, and are even more dependent on China.

Although Germany, Britain, France, and other countries have the ability to fight in the oceans, they have also dispatched certain warships to the Asia-Pacific region.

The US general clamored for a "decisive battle against China" and the formation of a new eight-nation coalition, and Putin hinted that China should be careful

However, if these countries want to form the momentum of the "Eight-Nation Alliance" during the Qing Dynasty, it is obviously impossible.

Now, even if these eight countries are really tied together, they are by no means China's opponents.

What's more, these European countries are still facing the danger of backyard fires at any time, after all, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is not over, and once the Russian-Ukrainian conflict spills over, it will inevitably burn to their own homes.

This is clearly the last thing NATO countries want to see.

Therefore, in any case, these countries do not have the courage to hand over their backs to the United States with confidence.

Since there is no trust in the United States at all, it is absolutely impossible to make these countries completely subordinate to the United States.

The US general clamored for a "decisive battle against China" and the formation of a new eight-nation coalition, and Putin hinted that China should be careful

Weighing the pros and cons, European countries are naturally reluctant to completely provoke China for the sake of the United States, because China can deploy naval and air forces to Europe at any time.

Once China's naval and air forces reach Europe, it is not known that it will outflank and encircle Russia.

It can be said that the United States is also very embarrassed now, and European countries support the United States on the surface, but when they really want to take practical actions, I am afraid that they will not participate in the struggle with China.

The US military's superiority in the Asia-Pacific region is no longer as good as it used to be, but the PLA's military strength is increasing day by day, and its influence in the Asia-Pacific region is also increasing.

The US general clamored for a "decisive battle against China" and the formation of a new eight-nation coalition, and Putin hinted that China should be careful

Naturally, European countries are not stupid, and seeing that the United States is declining day by day, under such circumstances, European countries naturally do not dare to really send troops to the Asia-Pacific region to confront China.

What's more, the military resources of European countries are already seriously insufficient, and if they are sent to the Asia-Pacific region, they will inevitably be attacked by Russia.

It can be said that the new eight-nation coalition formed by the United States is nothing more than a "paper tiger," which sounds a bit bluffing, but in fact it is not worth mentioning at all.

The US general clamored for a "decisive battle against China" and the formation of a new eight-nation coalition, and Putin hinted that China should be careful

This is because European countries will never sacrifice their national interests and be willing to be the vanguard or pawn of the United States in its anti-China efforts, and their dependence on China's industrial chain does not allow them to make such a choice.

This also means that the wishful thinking of the United States will inevitably come to naught.

Reference source: Reference news 2024-06-23 13:51 "Frequent Joint Training of Armies of European Countries in Japan" 2024-06-22 17:28 "Japanese media: US Navy commander announced that he would deploy a "littoral combat group" in Guam, threatening to "confront China"

The US general clamored for a "decisive battle against China" and the formation of a new eight-nation coalition, and Putin hinted that China should be careful

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