
Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

author:Asako Pig
Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

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Edited by Asahi Zihai

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Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

The reason why Taiwan has not been able to return to the motherland for a long time is inseparable from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the Taiwan independence forces.

These Taiwan independence organizations and forces have been trying to split China in a vain attempt to separate Taiwan from China.

In the face of the despicable acts of Lai Ching-te and other Taiwan independence elements, the mainland ambassador to France responded domineeringly: He has the right to take back Taiwan at any time. So, how did the Taiwan independence elements on the island react to the mainland ambassador's remarks?

Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

Unexpected poll results

At the end of June, a new poll report was released in Taiwan, which focused on the latest ethnic identity of Taiwanese people, and the final result was somewhat unexpected

Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

Among them, 76.8% of the people consider themselves Taiwanese, and only 6.6% consider themselves Chinese. This was obviously deliberately done by the Taiwan authorities in response to the warning of the ambassador to France.

Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

In addition, such data has long been traced, because in the earliest period, almost all Taiwanese identified themselves as Chinese.

However, at the instigation of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the Taiwan independence forces, the identity of the people on the island has begun to change and even be distorted. This is especially true for young people on the island.

Nowadays, identity and national identity have become the most controversial topics in Taiwan's elections, which is also inseparable from the DPP's behind-the-scenes manipulation.

Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

Due to the continuous agitation of the Democratic Progressive Party, since 2011, more and more Taiwanese people have chosen to be Taiwanese when they are polled, and the proportion is far more than 70%.

Especially after the three political party rotations, the Taiwanese identity has become the consensus of the majority of the people on the island.

The reason for today's grim situation is that the DPP has always tried in vain to root the idea of de-sinicization in the hearts of the people on the island.

Sure enough, after many years, the DPP's "efforts" have finally not been in vain.

Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

Since Lai Qingde came to power in May, in order to confuse the people on the island and deceive the people of Taiwan, he has been trying to continue to implement Taiwan independence to the end by wrapping up the language of Taiwan independence.

The mainland has repeatedly stressed that the Taiwan issue is China's internal affair and no country or force has the right to interfere, but Lai Qingde obviously does not think so.

On the one hand, he is agitating the people on the island, and on the other hand, he wants to turn the Taiwan issue into an international issue with the back of the United States.

For this reason, he has repeatedly made Taiwan independence remarks since he took office, causing the situation in the Taiwan Strait to become increasingly tense.

Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

In the face of the arrogant behavior of Lai Qingde and the Taiwan independence forces on the island, the mainland has not chosen to get used to it again. Instead, they adopted the form of military exercises around Taiwan to deter and warn.

The signal released by this is self-evident: If the Taiwan independence forces continue to run rampant, the mainland will take all necessary measures to completely eradicate the Taiwan independence forces.

Domineering response

As a matter of fact, before the release of Taiwan's poll report, mainland ambassador to France Lu Shaye once again stressed the issue of Taiwan at a seminar on the 60 th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France.

Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

His domineering response is that the essence of the Taiwan issue is a continuation of China's civil war.

Next, he pointed out in detail that Taiwan was not a country in the past, will not be now, and will not be in the future, and Taiwan will always be a part of China.

The mainland has the right to cancel the present partition situation at any time. It is also very easy to regain the right to govern Taiwan.

Chinese mainland has been trying to adopt a peaceful way to unify the two sides of the strait, and the ultimate reason is that the people of Taiwan are Chinese and the people on both sides of the strait are of the same origin.

Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

The peaceful approach takes into account the innocent people of Taiwan, because after all, the Taiwan independence forces are still a minority on the island.

However, judging from the results of this poll, it is obvious that the people on the island have been bewitched by Lai Qingde and other Taiwan independence forces.

If such a situation continues, it is obviously unnecessary for the mainland to continue to insist on reunification by peaceful means.

If one country, two systems cannot be implemented smoothly, then one country, one system will become inevitable.

Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

It can be seen from Ambassador Lu Shaye's remarks that the remarks are not unscathing, and the extremely impactful remarks demonstrate the mainland's determination and confidence in reunifying the two sides of the strait.

More importantly, Ambassador Lu's remarks were made on such an important diplomatic occasion, and his intention was very obvious, that is, to warn Taiwan independence elements that if they insist on going their own way, they will surely bring about their own destruction.

At the same time, it is also a declaration to the United States and other Western countries that there is only one China in the world and that the Taiwan authorities headed by Lai Ching-te have no legitimacy.

Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

If these Taiwan independence forces continue to confront Chinese mainland, Chinese mainland will also reunify Taiwan by force at any time.

Ambassador Lu's remarks will inevitably make Lai Qingde and the Taiwan independence forces on the island somewhat restrained.

The "jumping" United States

Interestingly, Ambassador Lu's speech had just been reported, and the United States was the first to jump out.

The deputy secretary of state immediately called the mainland's vice foreign minister, and during the call, he "emphatically" emphasized his commitment to the Philippines and his determination to maintain the situation in the Taiwan Strait.

Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

It is not difficult to see from the words of the US Deputy Secretary of State that the United States obviously has some worries about China's moves on the Taiwan Strait issue and the South China Sea issue.

For this reason, they chose to have a showdown with China at this time, regardless of the consequences, and tried to put pressure on China to change the existing situation.

In fact, before that, the United States had arrogantly stated that once Chinese mainland made a move against Taiwan, the United States would certainly not stand idly by.

Although the United States has a hard mouth, it is very honest in body, and the United States behaved quietly in a recent military exercise around Taiwan on the mainland. Not only did he not dare to step forward, but he also drove the aircraft carrier to Singapore.

Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

The United States knows very well that if Chinese mainland really makes a move, Taiwan will no longer be able to use it as its trump card to suppress and contain China.

Therefore, the United States can only bite the bullet and pull with China on the Taiwan issue.

At the G7 summit, in order to increase its momentum, the United States united a number of countries and issued a huge statement that China was not allowed to recover Taiwan and attack the Philippines. But it is clear that this US approach has no effect on China.

From the moment China's economy rose, the United States regarded China as a competitor, not only fighting a trade war with China, but also trying to suppress and contain China's development in the fields of science and technology.

Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

I thought that China would be completely defeated, but I didn't expect China to become stronger and stronger.

Especially in today's complex international situation, China has not only resisted the suppression of the United States, but also become more and more courageous, and has developed rapidly in various fields.

This is something that the United States did not expect, and now the United States' jumping behavior has confirmed the fear in its heart.

The United States is worried that once it loses Taiwan's trump card, it will be completely unable to contain China.

However, whether it is the Taiwan authorities or the United States, it is obviously a miscalculation to try to make things happen with the Taiwan issue; although Chinese mainland has always been committed to peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait, it will never give up reunifying Taiwan by force.

Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

Now, in order to reverse the current situation, the Taiwan authorities even want to put pressure on China by means of opinion polls, but as everyone knows, Chinese mainland has long seen through the conspiracy and trajectory of the Taiwan authorities, and the Taiwan independence forces will eventually bring about their own destruction.

Reference source: "Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Those who take the initiative to give up their "Taiwan independence" separatist stance can not be held accountable for part or even all of their criminal responsibility in accordance with the law".
Our ambassador said that he has the right to take over Taiwan at any time, and a poll released on the island shows that 76.8 percent of the people do not recognize themselves as Chinese

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