
"Ah woo bite, eat the troubles 2"|egg yolk and egg white to gather


I like to eat the whites of boiled eggs and I don't like to eat egg yolks. The reason is funny, I always choke on the egg yolk. Eating salted duck eggs is just the opposite, I like to eat egg yolks very much, especially the quicksand-like egg yolks, and every time I eat them, I have a sense of pleasure that touches my soul.

Eating a sense of pleasure, has it reached the realm of "ahhhh

"Ah woo bite, eat the troubles 2"|egg yolk and egg white to gather

"Ah Woo Bite, Eat the Troubles 2" is the sequel to the heart-warming picture book "Ah Woo Bite, Eat the Troubles" by Xiaohongshu's popular comic blogger "Yolk Diplomatic Ambassador of the Egg Yolk Country".

As an ambassador for human diplomacy, Yolk has a special ability after eating a yolk fruit, she is able to hear food speak. However, this special ability can only last for one year.

In this episode, the Yolk King brings Yolk a salted egg flavor to the yolk fruit, renewing her ambassadorship. At the same time, she was also given a staff No. 817, and after reciting "The Yolk King is the most handsome in the universe", she could go back and forth between the Yolk Planet and the Earth.

"Ah woo bite, eat the troubles 2"|egg yolk and egg white to gather

★ "Eggs" are willing to heal you

To tell you the truth, I've been sitting in the right seat for a long time reading this chapter. When you cook something, either the ingredients in the pot are all turned into black charcoal, or the water fills the pot, and you really don't dare to blink.

Mastering the heat and cooking time does require a certain amount of practical experience, as well as a lot of patience and care.

"Ah woo bite, eat the troubles 2"|egg yolk and egg white to gather

★ Some dishes disappear when they get to the hot pot

When eating hot pot, those eggs, intestines, and rice cakes are always impossible to find, and when you are full and put down the chopsticks, they will come out.

With good tools, we can catch all these "fish that slipped through the net".

"Ah woo bite, eat the troubles 2"|egg yolk and egg white to gather

★ Stop losing sleep for people who sleep soundly

Danbao, who quarreled with Ah Dan, had insomnia at night. The mother chicken told her that Ah Dan slept soundly. Danbao can't figure it out, why can't I sleep with it but sleep sweetly? Mother Chicken said that Ah Dan didn't care. Danbao is so unwilling.

Mother Chicken says it's our own health and happiness that matters. Although Ah Dan quarreled with you, it didn't feel at ease, going to bed early and getting up early was great, while you sulked here, suffocating yourself as a rotten egg and about to be thrown away.

This is what we often say, "I am not angry when others are angry, and there is no one to replace me when I am angry." If I am angry, I will be happy with anyone, and it will be painful and laborious. "Learn to unleash yourself, learn to release your emotions, and escort your own health.

"Ah woo bite, eat the troubles 2"|egg yolk and egg white to gather


Walking through the yolk world, listening to the "egg" words and "eggs" of the egg yolk world, at a certain moment our hearts resonate with the food, stretching, shaking, winding, hugging, relaxing and happy slowly into the heart, like a warm and soft hand gently soothing our wounds.

"Ah woo bite, eat the troubles 2"|egg yolk and egg white to gather
