
Psoriasis is mostly "dragged", these 4 points are in place, and the skin lesions are getting better and better!

author:Traditional Chinese medicine brandy

Swipe to this article, it means that you are anxious about how to treat psoriasis! Don't be in a hurry, read this sharing slowly, it can help every psoriasis patient friend.

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Psoriasis is mostly "dragged"! Why? In many patients, due to early neglect or improper treatment, the disease is prolonged and the skin lesions gradually worsen.

Psoriasis, commonly known as "psoriasis", is a chronic, inflammatory skin disease that often afflicts patients; In traditional Chinese medicine, it is not only a lesion on the surface of the skin, but also an external manifestation of the imbalance of the internal environment; In daily life, as long as these 4 points are achieved in life, skin lesions will not develop and will get better day by day.

Psoriasis is mostly "dragged", these 4 points are in place, and the skin lesions are getting better and better!

4 pieces of advice from old Chinese medicine practitioners

Number 1: Don't be blind

Standardize treatment and avoid blind medication. , must be under the guidance of professional doctors to develop a targeted treatment plan; Do not use drugs blindly, especially hormone drugs, so as not to aggravate the condition. If your skin lesions keep coming and going, chances are you're taking the wrong medication.

Number 2: Good attitude

In traditional Chinese medicine, emotions are very important, and long-term anxiety, depression, nervousness and other bad emotions will affect the normal operation of qi and blood and aggravate the condition; So, give yourself a vacation, relax, and don't keep the strings on the strings.

Number 3: Eat right

If you eat right, the skin lesions will naturally heal quickly; Eat light, digestible, and nutritious foods such as fresh vegetables, fruits, lean meats, etc.

Psoriasis is mostly "dragged", these 4 points are in place, and the skin lesions are getting better and better!

No. 4: Strong physique

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "righteousness is stored in the body, and evil cannot be done". Patients can enhance their physical fitness and improve their body's ability to resist diseases through appropriate physical exercise and traditional Chinese medicine regimens (such as Tai Chi, Baduanjin, etc.).

If your skin lesions are repeated, you spend a lot of money, and you don't see much results, then do you reflect on the above 4 points? After doing these 4 points, it is necessary to treat the skin lesions through TCM syndrome differentiation and targeted treatment, so that the skin lesions can be clinically cured.

My outpatient case

I have been emphasizing standardized treatment above, and this patient has suffered from this! This is a patient in Anhui Province, with a history of psoriasis for 3 years, and the results have been fine for a period of time and relapsed badly.

Psoriasis is mostly "dragged", these 4 points are in place, and the skin lesions are getting better and better!

Immediate diagnosis: At the time of the patient's visit. Patients report itchy skin with mild pain. Ordinary diet is greasy, sleep is not good, and mood is more anxious.

Syndrome differentiation: The symptoms of psoriasis in patients belong to the category of "blood dryness". The patient's blood deficiency and dryness in the body lead to skin dystrophy, resulting in symptoms such as erythema and scaly skin. At the same time, the patient's greasy diet, lack of sleep, and emotional anxiety are all causes of blood dryness.

Psoriasis is mostly "dragged", these 4 points are in place, and the skin lesions are getting better and better!

Prescription: Mainly to nourish blood and moisten dryness, dispel wind and relieve itching, "Bai's Dry and Lung Saving Soup" is added or subtracted, and at the same time, it is assisted by traditional Chinese medicine external washing + dietary therapy.

With her active cooperation, she insisted on taking the drug for less than 2 courses, and the red spots on her head and arms all subsided