
If you hate a person, you don't need to turn your face!

author:Ping'an Xiangtan
来源:《 十点文摘》每日好文,不见不散           
If you hate a person, you don't need to turn your face!


Things that you can't get used to see, every day,

People who don't like it, often meet.

If you expose the matter, you will invite trouble,

If you turn your face with someone, you will be embarrassed by each other.

The best thing to do is:

See through it or not, know it,

I hate not to turn my face, learn to stay away.

If you hate a person, you don't need to turn your face!


can not please the people,

will also be disliked by others.

People have a thousand faces, and their hearts are different,

If the thoughts are similar and the three views are the same,

You can get along with each other and communicate everything.

If the three views do not agree, the words are not speculated for more than half a sentence,

If there is a difference in thinking, no matter how long the explanation is, it will be in vain.

If you hate a person, you don't need to turn your face!

We are not RMB,

There's no way to make everyone like it.

In real life,

There will always be some people behind it,

Talking about us again and again, pointing fingers.

Don't care, ignoring it is the best revenge,

Don't be angry, releasing as soon as possible is the strongest counterattack.

If you hate a person, you don't need to turn your face!

The human heart is complicated, it is difficult to see through,

There are those who are not right in character and have bad hearts,

If you turn against it, you will be calculated,

You expose the matter,

It will only invite trouble for yourself.

For the peace of oneself and one's family,

To the villain, lightly,

and the bad guys, keep your distance.

If you hate a person, you don't need to turn your face!

In this world,

The most vicious thing is the heart,

The most terrible thing is people.

The heart is ruthless, and he dares to do anything,

When people are in a hurry, they will do anything.

So be sure to protect yourself,

See through one thing, no need to debunk,

Hate a person, don't turn your face.

Really smart people,

When confronted with ill-intentioned people,

Choose to be quietly estranged,

Instead of making a big fuss.


Don't be too mean to others.

Those who know the times are junjie, and those who know how to adapt are winners.

Whenever and whatever happens,

Don't keep dwelling on bad people and bad things,

Don't go toe-to-toe with the bad guys.

Be a mature wise man,

To the person you hate, the face does not change,

Indifferent to hypocrites.

See through and don't say, see through and don't reveal,

By pretending to be deaf and dumb, far away from disasters big and small,

With a pleasant expression, exchange for long-lasting peace!