
Ten talents who were not reused during the Three Kingdoms period

author:Interesting history

During the period of the Three Kingdoms, heroes and heroes sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, but in this magnificent historical picture, there are also some talents who have not been reused due to various reasons, and their light is covered by the torrent of the times, which makes people sigh. Here are 10 talented people who should have shined, but unfortunately failed to show their ambitions.

Sun Shao, the first prime minister of Eastern Wu,

Ten talents who were not reused during the Three Kingdoms period

The government affairs are excellent, but they always seem to be overshadowed by the brilliance of the stars of Soochow. He was diligent and conscientious, but due to bad luck, he failed to leave a deeper mark on the political arena of Soochow.

Jiang Gan, widely known for stealing books from the "Heroes Club",

Ten talents who were not reused during the Three Kingdoms period

But his resourcefulness and eloquence go far beyond that. If Cao Cao can abandon prejudice and make good use of his talents, Jiang Gan may be able to shine in the diplomatic arena and become a rare think tank among the three kingdoms.

Gao Shun, the commander of the "trapped camp" under Lu Bu,

Ten talents who were not reused during the Three Kingdoms period

Brave and loyal. However, Lu Bu's short-sightedness and suspicion prevented the talent of this loyal and brave general from being fully developed, and he could only fall with Lu Bu in the end.

Chun Yuqiong, a general under Yuan Shao,

Ten talents who were not reused during the Three Kingdoms period

The battle achievements are impressive, but they are criticized for the mistakes in the battle of Guandu. In fact, if Yuan Shao can make good use of it, Chun Yuqiong will definitely be able to make more contributions to Yuan Shao on the battlefield.

Liu Feng, Liu Bei's adopted son,

Ten talents who were not reused during the Three Kingdoms period

is brave and good at fighting, but because of his identity, he has never been able to gain Liu Bei's full trust. In the end, it ended tragically because of the victim of the political struggle, which is embarrassing.

ZHANG Zhao, Dongwu Chongchen,

Ten talents who were not reused during the Three Kingdoms period

Righteous and intelligent. However, he was repeatedly marginalized in Soochow's political decision-making and failed to give full play to his political wisdom and influence.

High-level cadres, from a famous family,

Ten talents who were not reused during the Three Kingdoms period

Talented, but unable to occupy a central position due to the complex struggles within Yuan Shao's group. His ambitions and talents could only be dissipated with Yuan Shao's defeat in the end.

Liu Yan, after entering Shu, worked hard and made a lot of achievements.

Ten talents who were not reused during the Three Kingdoms period

However, in the face of the complex political situation and strong external pressure in Shudi, he failed to realize his larger political ideals and could only retire in disgrace.

Wei Yan, a fierce general of the Shu Han Dynasty, with outstanding military achievements,

Ten talents who were not reused during the Three Kingdoms period

However, due to Zhuge Liang's suspicion, it failed to be fully trusted and reused. His military talent and enterprising spirit were severely restrained in the late Shu Han period, which is regrettable.

Jia Xu, resourceful, has no last resort,

Ten talents who were not reused during the Three Kingdoms period

However, it is difficult to gain full trust because of his experience of tossing and turning between multiple masters. In the turbulent times of the Three Kingdoms, although he repeatedly performed miraculous feats, he never became the core figure of the power of a certain force.

These ten talents, either due to bad luck, or because of the mistakes of the monarch, or because of the twists and turns of their own fate, finally failed to leave a more brilliant chapter on the stage of the Three Kingdoms. What happened to them is not only a tragedy of personal fate, but also a regret that cannot be ignored in the history of the Three Kingdoms. If they can be given a more suitable environment and more trust, perhaps the history of the Three Kingdoms will be more wonderful because of their existence.

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