
Who are the twelve tiger ministers of Eastern Wu?

author:Interesting history

The Twelve Tiger Ministers of Eastern Wu are not only the witness of the glorious history of the Eastern Wu regime during the Three Kingdoms period, but also the brilliant treasure of Chinese martial virtue and loyal and brave spirit. Let's delve into the legendary story of each Huchen and feel the ambition and pride that spans thousands of years.

Cheng Pu:

Who are the twelve tiger ministers of Eastern Wu?

As the oldest general in Eastern Wu, Cheng Pu is not only a fierce general on the battlefield, but also a model of wisdom and bravery. His life is a witness to the establishment of Soochow from its inception to stability, and his loyalty and tenacity are like a rock, guarding the foundation of the Sun family. The tacit cooperation in the Battle of Chibi showed the deep friendship and outstanding military talent between him and Zhou Yu.

Yellow Cover:

Who are the twelve tiger ministers of Eastern Wu?

The planner and executor of the "Bitter Meat Scheme", Huang Gai, with extraordinary courage and wisdom, laid a key step for the victory of the Battle of Chibi. He was willing to bear the pain of flesh and skin, just in exchange for Cao Jun's trust and laxity, and finally a fire burned Cao Cao's ambition and ignited the fierce fighting spirit in the hearts of the Eastern Wu soldiers.

Han Dang:

Who are the twelve tiger ministers of Eastern Wu?

Brave and good at fighting is the most distinctive label of Handang. From Sun Jian to Sun Quan, he always charged ahead, writing his loyalty to Soochow with enthusiasm. The heroic performance against Dong Zhuo was not only a proof of personal strength, but also a powerful demonstration of the military might of Eastern Wu.

Jiang Qin:

Who are the twelve tiger ministers of Eastern Wu?

He is known for his open-mindedness and is a rare loyal and good general in Sun Quan's heart. On the journey to pacify Jiangdong, Jiang Qin's figure was everywhere, and every victory he won was another expansion of the territory of Eastern Wu.

Zhou Tai:

Who are the twelve tiger ministers of Eastern Wu?

Sun Quan's confidant and favorite general, known for his loyalty and bravery. In times of many crises, Zhou Tai always stepped forward and used his flesh and blood to build an impregnable line of defense for Sun Quan. His presence made Sun Quan feel an unprecedented sense of security.

Chen Wu:

Who are the twelve tiger ministers of Eastern Wu?

Although his life was frozen in the tragedy of the Battle of Hefei, Chen Wu's courage and courage were forever engraved in the long history of Eastern Wu. His life was a life of fighting, a life of dedication for Soochow.

Dong Xi:

Who are the twelve tiger ministers of Eastern Wu?

The heroic sacrifice in the Battle of Susukou is the highest interpretation of Dong Xi's loyalty and love for Eastern Wu. At the cost of his life, he guarded the gate of Soochow and showed the iron backbone of the generals of Soochow.

Gan Ning:

Who are the twelve tiger ministers of Eastern Wu?

Known as the "water dragon", Gan Ning's prestige in the Dongwu naval army is far and wide. He led the naval army, like a dragon playing in the water, so that the enemy army was terrified. Gan Ning's righteousness and squandering money made him a hero in the hearts of soldiers.

Ling Tong:

Who are the twelve tiger ministers of Eastern Wu?

As the son of Ling Cao, Ling Tong not only inherited his father's bravery, but also showed extraordinary military talent at a young age. Every victory he won was an encouragement and encouragement to the younger generation of generals in Eastern Wu.

Xu Sheng:

Who are the twelve tiger ministers of Eastern Wu?

At the critical juncture when Cao Pi attacked Wu on a large scale, Xu Sheng proposed a clever plan to build a wall for defense, and successfully resolved the crisis of Eastern Wu. His wisdom and courage laid a solid foundation for the tranquility and prosperity of Soochow.

Pan Zhang:

Who are the twelve tiger ministers of Eastern Wu?

The feat of capturing Guan Yu made Pan Zhang's name resound throughout the Three Kingdoms. He fought bravely and performed many miraculous feats, and was a rare fierce general in the Eastern Wu Army.

Ding Feng:

Who are the twelve tiger ministers of Eastern Wu?

As the last of the twelve tiger ministers, Ding Feng was young, but he showed courage and wisdom beyond his years. He spent his whole life fighting for the prosperity of Soochow until the last moment of his life.

These twelve tiger ministers, their respective stories are as bright as the stars, and together they constitute the most dazzling chapter in the long history of Soochow. Their loyalty and love not only created the glory of Soochow, but also became a good story for future generations.