
Discover the five wonders of the Great Qin Empire!

author:Interesting history

I remember when I was a child, the illustration of the American astronaut looking back at the earth from space in the textbook, and the Great Wall could be faintly visible, ignited my infinite reverie about ancient China countless times. It wasn't until Yang Liwei's simple "no" that although it broke the fantasy of childhood, it also profoundly revealed the immortal status of the Great Wall in the hearts of the Chinese people. Today, let us travel through time and space, unveil the five unknown miracles of the Qin Dynasty, and feel the shock and wisdom that spans thousands of years.

1. The Great Wall of Qin: The dragon leaps over thousands of mountains and guards thousands of miles of rivers and mountains

Discover the five wonders of the Great Qin Empire!

"Qin has annexed the world, but Meng Tian will drive 300,000 people north to Rongdi and build the Great Wall to resist the enemy." This is not only a historical record, but also a symbol of the indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation. From Lintao to Liaodong, the Great Wall of Qin, which winds for thousands of miles, not only connects the Great Wall of Qin, Zhao and Yan in the past, but also builds a strong defense line for the sons and daughters of China to resist foreign aggression. Nowadays, although it is difficult to find the whole picture of the Great Wall of Qin, in Pucheng County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, you can still see its legacy and feel the majesty and magnificence of the Great Qin Empire.

2. Dujiangyan: millennium water conservancy, moistening the country of abundance

Discover the five wonders of the Great Qin Empire!

The Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 allowed the world to witness China's tenacity and unity, and Dujiangyan, an ancient water conservancy project that has not fallen, has become a beautiful landscape in this history. Dujiangyan, which was founded in the last years of King Qin Zhao, has gone through more than 2,000 years of wind and rain, and still irrigates the Chengdu Plain, achieving the reputation of "the land of abundance". It is not only a technological miracle, but also a model of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, nourishing generations of Sichuan and Chongqing sons and daughters, and also giving birth to countless beautiful legends.

3. Afang Palace: Unfinished dreams, lost earthly glory

Discover the five wonders of the Great Qin Empire!

"The first palace in the world" Afang Palace is a symbol of Qin Shi Huang's achievements and a bright pearl in the history of Chinese civilization. Although it was not fully built in the end and was reduced to ashes in the war at the end of the Qin Dynasty, the pursuit of beauty and the interpretation of power are forever engraved in the long river of history. Nowadays, we can only imagine the once glorious palace through the records of historical books and the interpretation of film and television works, and feel the shock and regret across time and space.

Fourth, Qin Zhidao: "Speed and passion on the emperor's road".

Discover the five wonders of the Great Qin Empire!

In the vast land of northern Shaanxi, there is still a legend about the "Emperor's Road". This rapid troop transportation road, built by Qin Shi Huang's order, is not only amazingly wide, but also an important passage connecting the Central Plains and the frontier. It witnessed the strength and unity of the Qin Dynasty, and also carried the heroism and sacrifice of countless soldiers. Today, although time has passed, Qin Zhidao still plays a role to a certain extent, becoming a bridge between the past and the future.

5. Chi Road: the ancient "national highway", the extension of imperial power

Discover the five wonders of the Great Qin Empire!

If the Qin Zhidao is the military artery, then the Chidao is the economic lifeblood of the Qin Dynasty. After Qin Shi Huang unified the six kingdoms, he built a network of galloping roads centered on Xianyang, which not only promoted economic exchanges between different places, but also demonstrated the majesty and inviolability of imperial power. Although it is difficult to find the Chidao site today, the planning and construction of the transportation network undoubtedly provides valuable reference and inspiration for future generations.

These miracles of the Qin Dynasty are not only a testimony of the long history of the Chinese nation, but also the crystallization of the wisdom and diligence of the ancient people. Spanning thousands of years, they still attract the attention of countless people with their unique charm. Let us continue to absorb the nutrients of history in the process of exploration and inheritance, and strive to create a better future. Finally, don't forget to like and share this article, so that more people can understand and fall in love with these precious cultural heritages!