
Take stock of the military parades of the ancient Six Dynasties

author:Interesting history

China has a long history of 5,000 years, and its military history runs through every stage of social development. The military parade, as a military ritual carrying a deep tradition, can be traced back to field hunting activities and has evolved to this day. According to historical records and speculation, the ancient legend of the god of war Chiyou was revered as the leader of the hunting activities of the Chinese ancestors. Later generations used field hunting for military training, and they would hold sacrificial ceremonies to remember Chiyou, a custom that continued until the Song Dynasty.

[1, Mengjin watched the soldiers, the feat of swearing to cut down]

Take stock of the military parades of the ancient Six Dynasties

At that time in the distant Xia Shang, the sky had not yet been stained by the dust of the Iron Horseman, but the earth was already quietly pregnant with the storm of change. Field hunting, this ancient and simple activity, in the hands of the people of the Xia merchants, not only became a satisfying skill, but also turned into a prelude to the military training of teaching battle formations and patrolling princes. As for the Western Zhou Dynasty, the gift of hunting has been deeply embedded in the blood of military training, ploughing in spring and summer, harvesting in autumn and hiding in winter, and there is no shortage of military drills between the four seasons. In "Zhou Li, Da Sima", what flows between the lines is a detailed description of the military training system, each season is divided into two halves of yin and yang, the first half is the order of etiquette, the second half is the shadow of actual combat, in the field hunting, see the prosperity of the army, the morale is high.

On the eve of King Wu's war, on the bank of Mengjin, the wind and clouds will meet. An unprecedentedly large-scale military exercise kicked off here, known in history as "Mengjin Watching Troops." The princes gathered, the flags covered the sky, the iron horses were clanging, and the sound shook the universe. This is not simply a show of force, but also a cohesion of people's hearts and a convergence of justice. King Wu watched the army in this way, which not only tested the strength of the army, but also won the hearts of the princes, laying a solid foundation for the brilliant victory of the future war. The water of Mengjin has witnessed the magnificence of this period of history, and also reflects the deep understanding of the ancients for military wisdom and strategic vision.

[2, in the fine willow camp, the beauty of the ages has been sung]

Take stock of the military parades of the ancient Six Dynasties

Time passed, and under the sky of the Western Han Dynasty, a magnificent scene of military exercises was staged. On the day of the autumn breeze, whether it is the central army in the Gyeonggi region or the local army in the border fortresses, they all use the name of autumn shooting and proofreading to reorganize the army and carry out the actual military operation. And the name of the fine willow camp, like a bright star, illuminates the night sky of history.

Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty came to Xiliu in person to watch Zhou Yafu's strict management of the army. However, seeing that the camp gate was closed and the military order was like a mountain, even if it was the Ninth Five-Year Honor, he had to follow the order and not exceed it in the slightest. Zhou Yafu greeted him with a military salute, but he did not give the courtesy of the monarch and ministers, but he won the deep respect of Emperor Wen. The sentence "The emperor respects General Lao" expresses Emperor Wen's appreciation and affirmation of the rigorous and disciplined army. The story of the fine willow camp is like a clear stream, cleansing the hearts of the people, and let future generations remember that the real general is not only excellent in martial arts, but also needs to govern the army in a good way in order to achieve immortal achievements.

[4, Wuhou is resourceful, and the eight formations talk about martial arts]

Take stock of the military parades of the ancient Six Dynasties

The Three Kingdoms were in flames, and the Marquis of Zhuge Wuhou of Shu led the Shu army to the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains with extraordinary wisdom and courage. Zhuge Liang not only paid attention to the training of soldiers' physical strength and skills, but also created the original eight-array diagram, which pushed the tactical synthesis training to a new height. In the eight formations, there are endless changes, and the soldiers shuttle back and forth in it, as if they are in actual combat, which not only exercises tactical literacy, but also enhances teamwork ability. Not to be outdone, Soochow had a strict review system, and adjusted the strength of the troops according to the results of the review to ensure that its combat effectiveness was always maintained at its peak.

[5, Song Taizu pro-imperial parade of martial arts, majestic world]

Take stock of the military parades of the ancient Six Dynasties

During the Tang and Song dynasties, military parades became an important form of military training. Tang Taizong Li Weigong asked the right question, contains a wealth of military ideas and methods, step by step, graded coaches, after the general review, there is also the emperor's review, in order to highlight the national prestige, invigorate the morale of the army. Zhao Kuangyin, the Taizu of the Northern Song Dynasty, was even more practical, talked about martial arts, personally reviewed the forbidden army, stabbed the cavalry and shot, selected the world's horsemen, and gathered in the Que Court, his heroic posture was sassy, which made the three armies excited. The education and reading system in the spring and autumn has pushed the training of the forbidden army to the track of institutionalization and standardization.

[6, the Ming and Qing dynasties, the system is complete, and the momentum is magnificent]

Take stock of the military parades of the ancient Six Dynasties

In the era of the Ming Dynasty, the military parade system was more perfect, and the small parade at the end of the year and the big parade for three years became customized. The same was true in the Qing Dynasty, where the Eight Banners and the Green Battalion were all required to be regularly reviewed to test the results of training and examine the combat effectiveness of the troops. Emperors such as Qianlong and Jiaqing regarded the Great Reading as an important means to show the country's military prestige and deter the Quartet. Nanyuan, Lugou Bridge, Yuquan Mountain and other places have left the glorious imprint of the Qing Dynasty. Every grand review is a comprehensive test of the army's discipline, tactics, and equipment, and it is also a concentrated display of the country's strength and national spirit. The Dayue system of the Ming and Qing dynasties not only reflects the importance that the rulers attach to military training, but also witnesses the indomitable and enterprising spirit of the Chinese nation.