
Revealing the Four Princes of the Warring States: The Unknown History

author:Interesting history

1. Qi State Meng Weijun

Revealing the Four Princes of the Warring States: The Unknown History

In that vast history, Tian Wen, although a name is not engraved with the exact year of birth and death, but like a bright star illuminates the firmament of the Warring States, the world respectfully calls him Meng Weijun, a legendary figure who combines wisdom, benevolence and courage. The concubine's surname is Tian, the text is its name, and the words reveal an extraordinary atmosphere, Wenzi, Xue Wen, and Xue Gong are all expressions of admiration for it by later generations, and each title carries a legendary story.

He was born in the land of Linzi in the country of Qi, an ancient and rich land, with magnificent mountains and rivers and outstanding people, who gave birth to this extraordinary son. His father, Jingguo Juntianying, was a generation of famous ministers, and his grandfather, King Qi Wei, was even more eloquent and created a prosperous era of Qi. Bathed in the family style of princes and generals since childhood, Tian Wen not only inherited the glory and wisdom of the family, but also planted a grand wish to help the world in the depths of his heart.

In his youth, Tian Wen won the appreciation of his father with his extraordinary talent and outstanding insight, and was entrusted with the important task of presiding over the housekeeping. Whether it is a knowledgeable scholar, or a heroic man who has fallen into the rivers and lakes, or even a thief of chickens and dogs, as long as he has a skill, he can find a place under his command. For a time, thousands of diners gathered together to conspire with the world's major events, and its reputation spread far and wide among the princes, becoming a unique landscape in the Warring States Period.

Tian Wenzhi's governance is not only to gather guests, but also to convince people with virtue and govern the family with benevolence. He is well aware that talent is the foundation of prosperity, so he gives every guest a high courtesy and respect, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, they are treated equally. This open-mindedness and bearing have made Meng Weijun's Mansion a haven in the hearts of countless people, and it is also a stage for countless heroes and heroes to display their talents.

When he was the king of Qi, Tian Wen was entrusted with an important task and served as the minister of Qi. He judged the situation and adopted the strategy of long-distance friendship and close attack, united with Han and Wei, and jointly attacked the strong Chu and the weak Yan, showing outstanding political wisdom and military talent. However, the world is impermanent, and the Tianjia Rebellion started, so he had to temporarily avoid the limelight and retreat to Xueyi, but the loyalty and love for the country in his heart have never diminished in the slightest.

In the seventeenth year of King Qi, the storm rose again, and Tian Wen was invited by the King of Wei to serve as the minister of Wei. He once again put on the battle, united Yan and Zhao to fight against the Qi country, showing extraordinary courage and courage. In this complex political and military struggle, Tian Wen always maintained a clear mind and firm faith, and contributed his strength to the balance and stability among the princes.

After King Qi Xiang succeeded to the throne, Tian Wen chose to be neutral among the princes and not dependent on any faction. He knows that the world is like a new chess game, and only by remaining neutral can he maintain the peace of himself and his family. In his later years, he lived in seclusion in Xueyi and lived a life of indifference to fame and fortune, but his deep affection for the country and his worries about the world never dissipated.

However, fate always seems to play tricks on people. It is rumored that Tian Wen once entered Qin as a minister, but was imprisoned for being slandered. In those dark days, it was his guests who stepped forward and stole the fox white fur to bribe the lucky concubine of King Qin Zhao, so that he could see the light of day again and escape. This experience not only highlights Tian Wen's personality charm and deep connections, but also fills future generations with infinite admiration and emotion.

Tian Wen's life is full of legends and tragic feelings. He was not only an outstanding politician and military strategist during the Warring States period, but also a man with lofty ideals who had a heart for the world. His story is like a brilliant and colorful picture scroll unfolded in front of the world, which is breathtaking and thought-provoking. In the long river of history, he left a strong mark and became a good story for future generations.

2. Chu Guo Chun Shen

Revealing the Four Princes of the Warring States: The Unknown History

Huang Xie, a giant of the Chu State who spanned the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, his life deeds are like bright stars, shining in the long river of history. Born in 314 B.C. and died in 238 B.C., this prime minister of Chu became a rare and outstanding figure of his time with his outstanding wisdom, extensive learning, extraordinary eloquence and loyalty to the country.

In his early years, Huang Xie traveled all over the world and learned from others, not only proficient in the subset of classics and history, but also good at verbal debate, and his talent is full of admiration. In the first year of King Chu Kaolie, that is, in 262 BC, Huang Xie was appointed as the prime minister of Chu by virtue of his outstanding ability and noble character, and gave the twelve counties north of the Huai River as fiefs, with the honorific title of "Chunshenjun". This honor was not only a recognition of his personal ability, but also a symbol of the high hopes placed on him by the state of Chu.

During his tenure as prime minister, Huang Xie demonstrated extraordinary political wisdom and statecraft. He was wise and faithful, generous and loving, and was known as a courteous corporal. Whether it is domestic governance or diplomatic mediation, Huang Xie can handle all kinds of complex affairs with ease. He opened up a wide range of talents, eclectic to one pattern, and recruited many talented people to jointly assist the king of Chu in governing the country, so that the state of Chu could remain strong and stable during the Warring States period.

Huang Xie's prestige and influence spread far and wide, and he was known as the "Four Princes of the Warring States" along with Wei Wuji, the Xinling Jun of Wei, Zhao Sheng, the Pingyuan Jun of Zhao, and Meng Weijun Tianwen of Qi. These four princes not only enjoyed high prestige and power in their own countries, but also established extensive contacts and friendships between other countries, and jointly promoted political, economic and cultural exchanges during the Warring States period.

However, Huang Xie's brilliant life suffered misfortune in his later years. In 238 BCE, King Chu Kaoli died of illness, and Huang Xie was ambushed in the Thorn Gate by assassins sent by Li Yuan on the way to the funeral, and his entire family was not spared. This tragedy not only made the world regret, but also cast a tragic color on Huang Xie's legendary life.

Despite this, Huang Xie's life is still remembered and admired by later generations. With his outstanding talents, noble character, loyalty and dedication to the country, he became an outstanding representative and eternal legend of the Warring States period. In the long river of history, Huang Xie's name will always be closely linked with the Chu State and the Warring States Period, shining with an inextinguishable light.

3. Zhao Guo Pingyuan Jun

Revealing the Four Princes of the Warring States: The Unknown History

Zhao Sheng, a pivotal figure in the history of Zhao State, his life deeds are full of legends and family and country feelings. As the prime minister of King Zhao Huiwen and King Xiaocheng, he not only rose and fell on the political stage three times, but also stood up at critical moments to turn the tide and continue his life for the survival of Zhao State.

Zhao Sheng's wisdom and benevolence were vividly demonstrated in his feat of leading the disciples to Chu for help. Faced with the critical situation of the Qin army besieging Handan, he did not choose to retreat or give up, but resolutely embarked on the road of asking for help. At the negotiation table of the state of Chu, he and the guest Mao Sui worked together to convince people with reason and move people with emotion, and finally succeeded in persuading the king of Chu to send troops to rescue him, realizing the cooperation of Chu and Zhao against Qin. This feat not only demonstrated Zhao Sheng's outstanding diplomatic skills, but also demonstrated his deep concern and selfless dedication to the fate of the country.

In the Battle of Handan, Zhao Sheng took the lead, scattered his wealth to reward the soldiers, and recruited those who dared to die to attack the Qin army. His behavior not only greatly boosted morale, but also laid a solid foundation for the final victory in the Battle of Handan. Under his leadership, the Zhao army was highly motivated and fought valiantly, eventually forcing the Qin army to retreat thirty miles and successfully lifting the siege of Handan. This result not only saved Zhao from peril, but also won Zhao Sheng a high reputation and admiration.

However, Zhao Sheng's greatness is not only in his wisdom and benevolence. He is also a gentleman who understands righteousness and is indifferent to fame and fortune. After the victory in the Battle of Handan, when Yu Qing wanted to ask him for a title in recognition of his merits, he followed Gongsun Long's advice and refused. This kind of spiritual realm that does not seek fame and fortune and only thinks about the country and the people is even more admirable.

Zhao Sheng's life was a glorious and great life. With his own practical actions, he explained what is a real minister of society and what is a real pillar of the country. His deeds have been praised by later generations, and "Xunzi Chendao" compares it with ancient sages; In the "Historical Records", Sima Qian also called him "the best son of the turbid world". These praises are not only an affirmation and praise of Zhao Sheng's personal qualities, but also a high evaluation of his outstanding contributions to Zhao and even the entire Warring States Period.

4. Wei Guoxin Lingjun

Revealing the Four Princes of the Warring States: The Unknown History

Wei Wuji, also known as Xinling Jun, was an outstanding figure in the Wei State during the Warring States Period and one of the "Four Princes of the Warring States", whose life deeds are full of legends and family and country feelings. He was born into the nobility of the Wei state, but he did not have the slightest arrogance, but was known as a corporal of courtesy and virtuousness, and recruited a large number of customers, forming a large think tank, which provided solid support for his political and military career.

Wei Wuji's wisdom and foresight were recognized at the time. He was well versed in the political and military situation of the Warring States Period, and had a clear understanding of Qin's eastward intentions. He opposed the strategy of blindly pro-Qin and invaded Korea, and advocated the preservation of Korea to maintain the security of Wei. This far-sighted strategic vision made him unique in the political arena of the Wei State and won widespread respect and praise.

In the Battle of Handan, Wei Wuji showed extraordinary courage and talent. In the face of the siege of the Qin army and the hesitation of the King of Wei, he resolutely took action. He used his wisdom and the assistance of his disciples to successfully steal the tiger talisman, seize the military power, and lead the coalition army to break the Qin army and relieve the siege of Handan. This result not only saved the Zhao State from peril, but also greatly deterred the arrogance of the Qin State, and bought precious respite for the six Kwantung countries.

In addition to his military prowess, Wei Wuji also made outstanding contributions to politics. He presided over the plan to attack Qin in a joint column, and successfully united the allied forces of Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, and Yan, and defeated the Qin army. This victory not only demonstrated Wei Wuji's charisma as a leader and diplomatic skill, but also set an important milestone for the six Kwantung states in their joint resistance to Qin in the late Warring States period.

However, Wei Wuji's later years suffered misfortunes. He was slandered and ostracized because of Qin's anti-intrigue schemes, and was finally forced to die of illness. His death was undoubtedly a great loss for the Wei State and even the entire Warring States Period. Despite this, his life is still remembered and admired by future generations. His wisdom, courage and patriotism have become valuable assets that inspire future generations to keep moving forward.

In addition, Wei Wuji also co-edited the "Art of War of Wei Gongzi" with his disciples, although this art of war has been lost, but it can give a glimpse of Wei Wuji's profound attainments in military theory and practice. The loss of this art of war is undoubtedly a great regret in military history, but Wei Wuji's military thinking and strategic vision have forever remained in the long river of history.

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