
Four tragedies of Yuan miscellaneous dramas!

author:Interesting history

1, Guan Hanqing's "Dou E's Injustice"

Four tragedies of Yuan miscellaneous dramas!

Dou Tianzhang, a scholar in Shanyin, was forced by debts to reluctantly put his seven-year-old beloved daughter Dou E and Cai Po as a child daughter-in-law to pay off the debt. After Dou E became an adult, she married Cai Po's son, but soon after marriage, Cai Zi died of illness. Cai Po asked for a debt from Dr. Sailu, but was lured to the suburbs by him, wanting to commit misdeeds, but fortunately Zhang Donkey's father and son rescued her. After Dr. Sailu escaped, Zhang's father and son forced Cai Po and Dou E to accept them, but Dou E resolutely refused. During Cai Po's illness, Zhang Donkey took the opportunity to poison the lamb belly soup and accidentally killed her father. Zhang Donkey accused Dou E of "killing her father-in-law with medicine" and sued the government, and the corrupt official Tao Zhu bent the law and wrongly beheaded Dou E. A few years later, Dou Tianzhang was inscribed on the gold list, and the official went to the government to visit the envoy and inspect to Shanyin. Dou E's unjust soul appeared and cried to her father. Dou Tianzhang finally found out the truth and was the female Zhaoxue.

2, Ma Zhiyuan's "Autumn in the Han Palace"

Four tragedies of Yuan miscellaneous dramas!

Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty was suspicious, reused the eunuch Shi Xian, and conspired with traitors such as Wulu Chongzong and painter Mao Yanshou. In order to prevent Confucian ministers from approaching the monarch, he advocated the selection of beautiful women to enter the palace. Zigui is the beauty queen Zhaojun, with a superb appearance, and was selected into the palace. Mao Yanshou was greedy for lust, held a grudge, and deliberately scandalized the portrait of Zhaojun. Zhaojun entered the palace for three years, but he was not taken care of by the king. Until a chance encounter, Emperor Yuan was shocked by heaven, only to know that he was deceived by Mao Yanshou, and angrily raided his home. Mao Yanshou fled to the Xiongnu, instigated Shan Yu to invade, and asked Zhaojun to be his wife. The Huns were approaching the city, the courtiers were afraid, no one asked for battle, and blamed Zhaojun for misleading the country. For the overall situation, Zhaojun embarked on the road of harmony, to the border of Hu and Han, caring for his homeland, committing suicide by throwing himself into the river, and taking the Quanzhong Festival.

3, Bai Pu's "Sycamore Rain"

Four tragedies of Yuan miscellaneous dramas!

An Lushan failed to violate the order, so Zhang Shougui had to spare his talents and escort him to Beijing. Prime Minister Zhang Jiuling strongly advocated getting rid of him, but the Ming Emperor did not accept it and gave him an official position. The concubine was favored and accepted An Lushan as her righteous son. Later, An Lushan and Yang Guozhong were at odds and went out of the town of Fanyang. On the night of Qixi Festival, Emperor Ming and the concubine had a banquet in the Palace of Eternal Life, gave a golden hairpin box, and swore a white head. However, the good times did not last long, in the fourteenth year of Tianbao, An Lushan rebelled, and the Ming Emperor took refuge in Shu with his concubine. Ma Weiyi mutinied, Yang Guozhong was killed, and the army still did not disperse, forcing Emperor Ming to give the concubine death. The concubine was helpless and hanged herself in the Buddhist hall to calm the army's heart. After Suzong returned to Beijing, Emperor Ming lived alone in the West Palace, hanging the statue of the concubine to send condolences. One day, I met again in my dream, and I was awakened by the sycamore rain, and I was stunned.

4, Ji Junxiang's "Zhao's Orphan"

Four tragedies of Yuan miscellaneous dramas!

During the reign of Jin Linggong, Tu Anjia and Zhao Dun had a political disagreement, and framed Zhao Dun as a traitor, causing the Zhao family to be beheaded, but Zhao Shuo and the princess were spared. Tu Anjia used another poison plan to force Zhao Shuo to commit suicide, the princess was imprisoned in the mansion, and after giving birth to a son, she was orphaned in Cheng Ying and committed suicide. Cheng Ying hid the orphan in a medicine box and was released by Han Ju, who then killed himself. Cheng Ying took the orphan to Gongsun Pestle. Tu Anjia wanted to cut down the grass and eradicate the roots, and ordered the country to search for babies. Cheng Ying and Gongsun agreed to replace the orphan with Cheng Ying's parent, Cheng Ying reluctantly accused Gongsun of hiding orphans, Gongsun touched the steps and died, and his parents and children were also slaughtered. Tu Anjia took Cheng Ying as a doorman, and regarded loneliness as his own.

Twenty years have passed, and the orphan has grown up, and I don't know my life experience. Cheng Ying's picture scroll details the grievances of the Zhao family, and the orphans are full of grief and anger, vowing revenge for their families. When the Duke of Mourning ascended the throne, he avoided slaughtering the weight of Anjia and ordered the orphans to be captured. The orphans lived up to their expectations, Tu Anjia was finally tortured to death, and the family was destroyed. The Zhao family's great enmity was snowy, the orphans were given the name Zhao Wu, and the heroes who saved the orphans were rewarded.