
The household registration window is not closed, and there is no shortage of services for the people

author:Lufeng Police

"Drive slowly, don't worry, don't worry, safety first

I'll wait for you! ”

In the household registration room of the police station

Such a warm greeting was heard

The household registration window is not closed, and there is no shortage of services for the people

On the evening of June 24

Household registration room of the Tuguan Police Station of the Lufeng City Public Security Bureau

The police received a call from Li in the jurisdiction

"I have two accounts

There is an urgent need to cancel the local official household registration

Due to my work and family

I haven't had time to come back

Now I'm going to come back

I'm going to leave in a while

Police Comrade


Help with household registration business? ”

After the household registration police listened

Considering the reasons for this

In line with the original intention of serving the people

He agreed to work overtime to handle the household registration business for him

Until 21:30

Li rushed from Yang Lin to Tuguan

The household registration police sorted out the required materials for him

Patiently explain to them, find archival materials, and make notes

The household registration window is not closed, and there is no shortage of services for the people


At 23 o'clock, Li's household registration business was completed

But a matter of Li's heart

The household registration window is not closed, and there is no shortage of services for the people

The interests of the masses are no trivial matter

Every branch and leaf is always about love

String lights lit up at night

It is a microcosm of serving the people

Lufeng Public Security

Always stand on the front line of serving the masses

In an ordinary post

Give everyone the warmest help

Source: Tuguan Police Station

★ Auditor: Yang Jianming

★ Editor: Liu Yurong

★ Disclaimer: The articles of this official account shall not be reproduced without authorization; If you need to reprint, please contact us; The source must be indicated for reprinting, and the content shall not be changed without permission; If you reprint it without permission, you must be held legally responsible.

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