
The little things are not to be underestimated! The police quickly retrieved the "beloved little motorcycle" for the masses

author:Lufeng Police

"Comrade Police!

My electric car is gone,

Please help me find it. ”

The little things are not to be underestimated! The police quickly retrieved the "beloved little motorcycle" for the masses


Luoci Police Station, Lufeng City Public Security Bureau

Received a call from Ms. Chen

said that his electric car was parked at the fork in Dongyi Village, Cat Street, and was stolen

Please call the police

The little things are not to be underestimated! The police quickly retrieved the "beloved little motorcycle" for the masses

After receiving the alarm

The police on duty at the police station immediately rushed to the scene

The police conducted an investigation of the scene of the crime

Video surveillance around the scene was retrieved

The person involved was immediately locked

The police quickly found the hiding place of the people involved

The suspect was successfully apprehended

And according to the confession of the suspect

The stolen electric car was recovered

The little things are not to be underestimated! The police quickly retrieved the "beloved little motorcycle" for the masses

The police returned the electric car to Ms. Chen

Ms. Chen saw her beloved electric car

I was very excited to appear in front of my eyes

Share the good news with your family on the spot

At the same time, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the police

The little things are not to be underestimated! The police quickly retrieved the "beloved little motorcycle" for the masses

The interests of the masses are no trivial matter

The people have called for a response

Recover lost property for the masses in a timely manner

Solve the difficulties of the masses

Warm the heart with one by one

Interpret the original intention of "serving the people".

The little things are not to be underestimated! The police quickly retrieved the "beloved little motorcycle" for the masses

Source: Luoci Police Station

★ Auditor: Yang Jianming

★ Editor: Liu Yurong

★ Disclaimer: The articles of this official account shall not be reproduced without authorization; If you need to reprint, please contact us; The source must be indicated for reprinting, and the content shall not be changed without permission; If you reprint it without permission, you must be held legally responsible.

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