
Party building empowers the whole domain to promote grassroots governance "lively"

author:Happy Steel City

Party building is the foundation for doing a good job in all aspects of work. The one who is fundamentally solid, Huashi will be mao.

Grassroots governance is in good order, industrial development is steadily improving, rural revitalization is in full swing, and the happiness index of the masses is rising...... Behind the excellent "answer sheets", there is a strong pulse of party building leading high-quality development, and the majestic power of the party building work in the whole region is condensed.

Today, we celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. More than 22,000 party members in the region have devoted themselves to economic development, project construction, rural revitalization, and serving the masses under the guidance of party organizations at all levels, and are striding forward towards higher goals with a high-spirited and energetic spirit.

Party building leads

Polishing the "happy background" of the community

Charity scissors, free Chinese medicine consultation, sewing repair, policy publicity...... In Liyuan Community, Wenyuan Street, the "Good Neighbor Market and Party Building Supermarket" activity is carried out regularly every month, providing one-stop diversified volunteer services for community residents.

Party building empowers the whole domain to promote grassroots governance "lively"

Carrying out the activity of "Good Neighbor Bazaar and Party Building Supermarket" in the community is a useful exploration to deepen party building to lead grassroots governance and promote the high-quality improvement of community party organizations to serve the people, and it is also an important innovative work of grassroots party building in Gangcheng District. Up to now, more than 15,000 residents have been served by carrying out the "Good Neighbor Market and Party Building Supermarket" activity in various communities.

In order to do a good job and achieve results, we must firmly grasp the "bull's nose" of grassroots party building.

Gangcheng District adheres to the leadership of party building throughout the whole process of community grassroots governance, implements the "three-level guarantee" mechanism of district-level leaders covering streets, street cadres covering communities, and community "two committees" covering grid communities, and improves the organizational system of "community party organizations-grid party branches-building party groups-party member center households", explores the establishment of a "one network, three links and five lists" global coverage grid organization system, and promotes "one network governance" to be more scientific and efficient.

In order to solve the problem of "urgency, difficulty and longing" of the masses and build a better home, Gangcheng District focused on consultation and deliberation, carried out "community semi-monthly talks", innovated the "three meetings" mechanism of the people's analysis meeting, the sunshine council and the consultation promotion meeting, and established 12 consultation and deliberation platforms such as the "Mei" issue mediation room and the "good to discuss" consultation hall, set up a bridge of "the people call for government", and effectively solved 126 problems such as elevator installation, charging shed construction, and real estate certificate processing. Establish a "find a branch when there is something to do" to serve the people, and create 22 community party building brands such as "Youwen Bida". Explore the "partner" model of community governance, relying on community party-mass service centers, community day care centers, and grid service stations, to build a party building and people's livelihood service complex, and establish a "15-minute party-mass service circle".

Party building leads

Jump out of the road of common prosperity for the masses

When I came to Dagou Village, Xinzhuang Street, a picture of rural revitalization came into view: the winding rural road was lined with green trees, the crystal clear spring water flowed by, the tiled houses were scattered, the special agricultural products were fruitful, and bursts of laughter came from time to time in the village......

Party building empowers the whole domain to promote grassroots governance "lively"

Today, the harmonious and prosperous scene of Dagou Village is inseparable from the guidance of the village party organization. This year, on the basis of optimizing the environment and strengthening the industry, Dagou Village has built a residential homestay in Jimushan Pastoral Township, attracting tourists and driving products out with industrial development, so as to realize that the house is lived, the land is planted, and the consumption is come. "After all 24 houses are completed and put into use, it is expected to increase the annual income of the village collective by 100,000 yuan. In the next step, we plan to launch new models such as 'camping + research', 'camping + performing arts' and 'camping + night market' to drive more villagers to get rich and increase their income. Shang Qingwen, secretary of the Party branch and director of the village committee of Dagou Village, said with confidence.

In Gangcheng, there are many villages that thrive like Dagou Village. Gangcheng District strictly implements the relevant deployment requirements of the project of "10,000 people go to the countryside and 1,000 villages are promoted", and takes the promotion of village collectives and farmers' double income as the entry point, gathers strength, integrates resources, and leads and promotes the convergence of various resource elements to the countryside, forming an overall joint force to promote rural revitalization.

If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. Gangcheng District formulated a training plan for the first secretary and organized a centralized study of the compilation of agriculture-related policies; Establish a cooperative relationship with the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and carry out at least one agricultural expert steel city trip every quarter; Combined with the open class of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, two sessions of the "First Secretary Forum" were held to strengthen the team of first secretaries.

Combined with the work of "double joint construction", Gangcheng District actively promotes the establishment of a list of unit service resources and a list of village-level needs for the units directly under the district and the help villages, and incorporates the assistance work into the assessment of the grassroots party building work of the departmental units, and promotes the "cadres package villages" to "unit joint villages". Since the beginning of this year, a total of 44 district-level units have carried out assistance activities in villages, driving 3.5 million yuan of assistance funds and a number of policy resources such as road renovation and employment security.

The joint construction of enterprise groups and villages is to attract investment and talents in the field of rural revitalization. In the project of "10,000 people going to the countryside and 1,000 villages upgrading", Gangcheng District actively promotes the joint construction of villages and enterprises, and at present, 94 villages in the district have clarified the project plan for the joint construction of villages and enterprises, and 59 joint projects have been launched and implemented.

Party building leads

Ensure high-quality development

Recently, in order to fully grasp the operation of the village "two committees" team and the performance of village cadres since the change of office, Gangcheng District carried out the mid-term evaluation of the village "two committees" team, analyzed and judged 230 villages and more than 1,100 members of the "two committees" in the district, summarized experience, investigated problems, and "checked the pulse and prescribed prescriptions" for the construction of the village-level team.

Party building empowers the whole domain to promote grassroots governance "lively"

How is the run-in of the new team? How well have the promises made during the election been implemented? Members of the district party and government leadership team took the lead in carrying out "village to village" research to understand the operation of the team and the promotion of key work. A special class was set up at the district level to organize and cooperate with 10 departments and units such as discipline inspection and politics and law to jointly carry out assessments. 42 comrades who are familiar with rural work were selected from relevant departments and units directly under the district to form 7 evaluation teams, each led by a cadre at the department level, to conduct evaluations through democratic evaluation, individual interviews, random visits, on-site inspections, and access to materials, so as to fully grasp the "first-hand" information on the construction of village-level teams.

Talent is an important support for the realization of high-quality development of agriculture and rural areas, in the mid-term evaluation of the village "two committees" team, Gangcheng District established village status files village by village, analyzed the "portrait" of the age, education, major, experience, etc. of the members of the "two committees", and focused on evaluating whether the structure and function of the team is reasonable, whether the members of the "two committees" are suitable for their posts, especially the performance of the party organization secretary in all aspects of "morality, ability, diligence and integrity"; Establish four types of personnel ledgers, including the village's capable people outside the village, the introduction of outstanding talents after the change, the village-level reserve force and the outstanding young members of the "two committees", and comprehensively grasp the construction and reserve of the leader team.

In view of the shortcomings and loopholes found in the assessment, the district level has studied and formulated measures to strengthen the construction of village-level party organizations, and promoted the continuous improvement of the standardization and standardization level of village-level party organization construction.

Cohesion, strong governance, and people's livelihood. Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres in Gangcheng District are catching up with and surpassing each other, striving for first-class, and the vitality of party building has been continuously transformed into development effectiveness, with a strong development atmosphere, bursting development vitality, and a strong development momentum. (Steel City Financial Media: Zhang Li)


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