
The government has no money to repay its debts, so it embezzles the meal allowance for rural students! In just three years, 66 counties have appropriated nearly 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for rural children to repay local debts and others

author:Late sunny L

The government has no money to repay its debts, so it embezzles the meal allowance for rural students!

In just three years, 66 counties have appropriated nearly 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for rural children to repay local debts and other expenditures.

In addition, 41 counties and 1,533 schools have lowered the standard of feeding by shoddy and cutting corners.

forcibly pulled out 270 million from the mouths of rural children,

There are also 5 county education departments and the winning supplier conspired to arbitrage 42.1602 million yuan for welfare!

These people are really bold, the children's rations dare to be deducted, where has the conscience gone?

In the past, no matter how hard it was, it couldn't be a child, no matter how poor it was, it couldn't be poor in education.

Now it is a holiday benefit that can suffer the children of the countryside, but cannot lack iron rice bowls!


The government has no money to repay its debts, so it embezzles the meal allowance for rural students! In just three years, 66 counties have appropriated nearly 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for rural children to repay local debts and others
The government has no money to repay its debts, so it embezzles the meal allowance for rural students! In just three years, 66 counties have appropriated nearly 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for rural children to repay local debts and others
The government has no money to repay its debts, so it embezzles the meal allowance for rural students! In just three years, 66 counties have appropriated nearly 2 billion yuan in subsidies for nutritious meals for rural children to repay local debts and others

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