
"Touch" to add a friend's children's watch, the hidden danger is amazing! Yes, but be wary of these points

author:Qi Yan Qi said education

I don't know when it started, I found that almost every child nowadays has a "children's watch", and most of them are smart models, which can be-

"Touch" to add a friend's children's watch, the hidden danger is amazing! Yes, but be wary of these points

In the past, it depended on fate to make friends, but now no matter whether you know each other or not, as long as you "touch", you can add friends.

There is no age limit at all, who you want to add, what you want to post.

It can be said that it is no different from a small smartphone.

It was originally for the safety of children, but unexpectedly, it brought more safety risks.

So is it really necessary to equip a baby in primary school or even kindergarten with a thousand-yuan "smartphone"?

"Touch" to add a friend's children's watch, the hidden danger is amazing! Yes, but be wary of these points

The "danger" of the smartphone, it also has!

There was once a mother who said: A 6-year-old child uses a phone and watch to transmit AV. The video is high-definition and uncensored, and the private parts are naked, as well as teasing, stroking and other indecent actions.

What made her even more devastated was that the child had already watched it several times at that time. And the sender of the video is actually a friend of the child's school.

However, this danger hidden inside the "phone watch" is not unique......

1. Accidentally added to pedophilia, the child was "threatened in the air"!

Netizens shared that after the child has a phone watch, he is particularly addicted to the circle of friends, and likes to "touch" and add friends when he goes out.

As a result, he "bumped into" pedophilia, and he always sent some words with "sexual innuendos" intentionally or unintentionally......

"Touch" to add a friend's children's watch, the hidden danger is amazing! Yes, but be wary of these points

The other party speaks naked sexually suggestive language↓↓↓

"Touch" to add a friend's children's watch, the hidden danger is amazing! Yes, but be wary of these points

I don't quite believe that minors would say such things.

It is likely that some adult men with "pedophilia" approached their children with bad intentions in order to avoid supervision and disguised themselves as minors.

2. "Children, please use your parents' mobile phones to scan the code!" ”

Have you found that there are many functions of phone watches, but some of them cost money, and even teach children how to open a membership!

I'm afraid that the children won't understand, and even the "mom and dad's mobile phone" have been prompted.

Netizens also said: I originally wanted to contact the child more conveniently, but I was induced to consume, which also requires money, that also needs money, is our money blown by the wind?

"Touch" to add a friend's children's watch, the hidden danger is amazing! Yes, but be wary of these points

There are also some parents with big hearts, in order to make it convenient for their children to take the bus and go to the supermarket to buy things, they directly connected the card, but the children recharged frantically, and the adults did not receive a prompt.

"Touch" to add a friend's children's watch, the hidden danger is amazing! Yes, but be wary of these points

The final result can only be that there is no way to complain.

3. Being hacked, parents received a false location from a scammer

Originally, I wanted to keep track of the whereabouts of my children at any time, but now my privacy was exposed, which increased the security risks and the opportunity to fight with scammers out of thin air.

Therefore, it is really not recommended to buy a phone watch with too many functions for your child.

If it is really necessary, then you have to go to the regular channel to buy, and after buying it, close everything that should be closed, and open everything that should be opened.

"Touch" to add a friend's children's watch, the hidden danger is amazing! Yes, but be wary of these points

Before using the phone watch, do these steps!

Who would have thought that the original purpose of children's watches was to use them as a positioning tool, and the parents who bought them were just to prevent their children from becoming addicted to mobile phones.

Now it seems that the increasingly rich functions of phone watches, if you want to completely eliminate the safety hazards of children's watches, parental supervision is also an indispensable part of life.

When you choose a satisfying watch for your child, remember to do these three little things:

(1) Turn off the "Watch Install App" function

Today's children's watches basically have the function of automatically installing apps.

If you don't close it early, it will be difficult to prevent the download of unscrupulous software, or even the implantation of black software.

(2) Turn off your child's "Payments" setting

Nowadays, many children's phone watches have the function of payment. However, since children do not have the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, and do not know how to resist temptation, it is recommended that parents turn off this function to avoid children being induced to consume.

(3) "Timely shutdown" and set the time of use

This is the most important thing.

Set the time for your child to use the watch every day, and take away the phone and watch before going to bed every day, turn it off and charge it.

This can not only ensure that the watch has power the next day, but also prevent the child from being too addicted to the Internet, and it is also convenient for him to check whether the watch has potential safety hazards regularly.

Source: Network comprehensive arrangement, the copyright belongs to the original author, pay tribute to the original, if there is any infringement, please contact the background to delete "Mother's Hobby Time" Hotline: 0451-82898800 Editor: Wan Lan Review: Cui Ying Final Review: Kai Qi

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