
Within one day, there were two confrontations over the Taiwan Strait, with the Y-9 electric warfare suppressing US planes and the E3B forcibly breaking into the strait

author:October track

When Lai Qingde was dying, the U.S. military watched from the wall; The PLA's military exercises around Taiwan ended, and the US military made a comeback. The US military, which does not dare to confront the PLA, is still sneaky and unswerving in the Taiwan Strait. Just as the Taiwan military's "Han Kuang exercise" was about to begin, the US military was again engaged in the Taiwan Strait. Within 24 hours, China and the United States completed two confrontations over the Taiwan Strait. Among them, the E-3B Sentinel airborne early warning plane that forcibly entered Taiwan's "southwest airspace" was driven away by the PLA, and another US RC135W reconnaissance plane was jammed by the PLA Y-9 electronic warfare plane, and it also left in a gloomy manner.

At the same time that the PLA fighters intercepted the E-3B "Sentinel" airborne early warning aircraft, another air game was also thrilling. During this period, an RC135W reconnaissance plane of the US military carried out a provocation in the airspace near the Bass Strait and conducted electronic reconnaissance of Chinese targets. As an old adversary, RC135W frequently approaches China's coast to carry out tasks such as espionage intelligence and regional surveillance, which is a big problem for us. In this counteraction, the domestically produced Y-9 electronic warfare aircraft became the protagonist, and the Y-9 successfully drove away the RC135W by approaching the interference and suppressing it at close range, and also accumulated experience for the possible outbreak of actual combat at sea in the future.

Within one day, there were two confrontations over the Taiwan Strait, with the Y-9 electric warfare suppressing US planes and the E3B forcibly breaking into the strait

In fact, in terms of studying opponents, the PLA has long mastered a number of cards in the legal system. For example, to combat large and high-value air targets such as RC135W, the fifth-generation aircraft J-20 is fully competent. In addition to having high-altitude, high-speed and stealth flight capabilities, the J-20 also has the advantage of a large range. It is equipped with 4 auxiliary fuel tanks, which can fully penetrate into the opponent's strategic rear activities. Once it reaches the target airspace, the J-20 will be a "tiger into the flock," and the US military's early warning aircraft and electronic reconnaissance planes will be shot down by the J-20 one by one.

It can be said that these two air encounters were full of gunpowder, and the PLA pilots also choked on the US Air Force E-3B early warning plane. The reason why the US military has used such radical means to provoke a military conflict between China and the United States is because the Taiwan military's "Han Kuang 40" live military exercise will begin in late July, and this is a military exercise close to actual combat and is also an important way for "Taiwan independence elements" to engage in military collusion with the United States. According to Taiwan media reports, during the military exercise, the US military will send relevant personnel to participate in it, and will "direct or cooperate with the military exercise." Therefore, before the military exercise, the US military sent fighter planes to provoke in the airspace around Taiwan Island, which was to test the attitude of Chinese mainland. At the same time, the US military has also supported the DPP authorities with concrete actions and encouraged their arrogance of "seeking independence by force."

Within one day, there were two confrontations over the Taiwan Strait, with the Y-9 electric warfare suppressing US planes and the E3B forcibly breaking into the strait

As for the conspiracy of collusion between the United States and Taiwan, Chinese mainland's countermeasures are simple and efficient. According to information released by Taiwan's defense department, on June 26 and 27 alone, within 24 hours, the PLA deployed 35 sorties of military aircraft and seven warships in the Taiwan Strait. Duration. PLA fighters continued to pass through the so-called "middle line of the strait" to respond to the frantic provocations of the "United States and Taiwan" in a four-way manner. In this regard, both the US military and the Taiwan authorities have remained silent as expected.

As far as Lai Qingde is concerned, the hope of "keeping Taiwan" is still in the United States. It's just that the current U.S. government is gradually turning Taiwan into a second Ukraine. Recently, the United States announced a new round of arms sales to Taiwan worth about $360 million. While speeding up arms sales to Taiwan, the United States has also begun to deeply tie up the Taiwan authorities in an attempt to turn the entire Taiwan region into a battlefield in order to attrition and attack the PLA. At present, the Taiwan military is obedient to the US military in all aspects of its training, deployment, and other military fields. In addition to spending a lot of money on buying a large number of weapons and equipment that are very expensive but of little use, the DPP authorities are also gradually strengthening their military strength through military exercises and military expansion, which has also brought Taiwan into a situation of fierce war and danger.

Within one day, there were two confrontations over the Taiwan Strait, with the Y-9 electric warfare suppressing US planes and the E3B forcibly breaking into the strait

In the face of the continued provocation of the "US-Taiwan" military collusion, Chinese mainland's series of responses have been very clear. No matter how much money the DPP authorities spend to "buy peace," they will not be able to change the trend of the war situation in the Taiwan Strait. Once the war of reunification begins, the PLA will inevitably decide the outcome of the war, and this has been clearly demonstrated in the previous military exercises around Taiwan. It is precisely because "the first battle is the final battle" that no matter how many tricks the DPP authorities and the US military use, the PLA's reunification battle will not be affected. Taiwan will inevitably return to the embrace of the motherland.