
Why don't others take you seriously?

author:The 11th floor is young

In life, everyone hopes that they can be understood and respected, there are many people around them who admire themselves, love themselves, like to be with themselves, are willing to confide in themselves when they have their hearts, and are willing to share joy with themselves......

But the reality often backfires, the world is complicated, and you are just a very insignificant one in this vast sea of people, ignored and marginalized by others...... It's a normal thing.

Obviously you are standing there, but you feel like a "transparent person", no one notices your existence, and even if they see you, they don't take you seriously.

You're frustrated, you're overwhelmed, and you're even trying to get recognition by trying to meet others.

But have you ever wondered why others don't take you seriously?

There must be some hidden reasons that you are not aware of.

Why don't others take you seriously?

01 Lack of courage to show yourself

Everyone's personality is different. Some people are self-confident and flamboyant, some people are inferior and introverted, some people are bright, and some people are shy......

Self-confident people are often very brave, and when facing anyone or anything, they can show a bold and fearless appearance.

It is never difficult for them to express themselves, which makes it easy for them to shine in the crowd and be sought after by everyone.

However, there are always some people who are often unknown, and even if they have ideas in their hearts, they rarely express their opinions in public.

Because he was timid in his heart and afraid to be the center of attention. It was this lack of courage to show himself that made him miss the opportunity for others to know and understand.

He may have unique insights, rich knowledge and outstanding talents, but because of his lack of self-confidence, these shining points are buried in silence, and he is regarded as an ordinary member and is not valued by many people.

If you want to change this situation, you need to be brave enough to speak up and share your own opinions in the right places, and let others see your value through self-presentation, so as to win respect and recognition.

Why don't others take you seriously?

02 Lack of unique personal charm

In interpersonal interactions, charisma is an intangible attraction that makes people more willing to approach, understand, and support you.

However, some people have a hard time getting people's attention, mostly because they are introverted, lack a sense of humor, and don't know how to communicate with people, which makes them fall into the crowd and be completely unremarkable.

It is not difficult to get more recognition from more people, and this requires a number of aspects.

First of all, pay attention to your demeanor and image. Make yourself look neat, decent, and temperamental.

Secondly, improve personal literacy and enrich personal knowledge, so that you can communicate with others in a state of erudition and talent, and make the topic broad and attractive.

At the same time, it is also necessary to learn to be humorous and witty in moderation to make the conversation process relaxed and enjoyable, so as to make a deep impression.

In addition, you can also cultivate some hobbies and special people, so that you can stand out from the crowd and be noticed.

Of course, I don't do these things to please anyone, but to please myself from the heart.

Why don't others take you seriously?

03 Lack of sincerity and kindness

Sincerity and kindness are one of the most important qualities of a human being.

When interacting with people, few people like hypocrisy and cunning, and when they encounter it, they want to go around and quickly dodge.

It is difficult for people who lack sincerity and kindness to truly win the trust and respect of others.

Because they are branded with "hypocrisy", "cunning" and "selfishness", in the hearts of others, they regard their own interests above everything else, always thinking about how to take advantage of others, and build their gains on the basis of harming others......

Such people will naturally be excluded and isolated in interpersonal interactions.

If you want to win the trust and respect of others, you can't do without the qualities of sincerity and kindness.

Treat everyone and everything with a sincere attitude, help and care for others with kind behavior, when you establish a good and friendly image of yourself, you will naturally gain the respect and friendship of others.

Why don't others take you seriously?

04 Don't know how to refuse and indulge others

There are always some people, because they don't know how to refuse, and as a result, they indulge in the repeated unreasonable demands of others, and as a result, they bring pressure and trouble to themselves, and they are also looked down upon and ignored.

People who don't know how to refuse are often too kind and hope to win the recognition and love of others by helping others.

When others make unreasonable demands, they often choose to compromise for fear of hurting the other person's feelings, and as a result, they become more and more indulgent in the other person's behavior.

But they don't know that the result of indulging others will not only cause negative distress to themselves, but also have a bad impact on interpersonal relationships.

Because when you constantly indulge in other people's unreasonable demands, you will make others mistakenly take it for granted, and they will ask more often.

This vicious circle eventually leads to a gradual imbalance in interpersonal relationships, making the originally harmonious atmosphere tense and depressing.

Bai Yansong said, why others don't take you seriously more and more, because you are too easy to talk. Whatever you do, you will agree as soon as you are asked; Whatever you want, you will give it.

You spend all your time and energy on others and get nothing for yourself.

Why don't others take you seriously?

In interpersonal interactions, the desire to be recognized is not a bad thing.

However, don't be in a hurry to deny everything about yourself because you are in a hurry to get the approval of others.

Learn to analyze calmly and find out the specific cause.

It's really a problem of its own, and you can try to change it.

If it is someone else's problem, then stick to your own principles, as long as your heart is calm and open, then what can you do if you are not recognized by others.