
After a year of crazy mobile games, you don't even want a face for a birthday?

author:Entertainment Vision

is extremely arrogant, the year when the mobile game "Against the Cold" was launched, it was called "NetEase Rebel", which made people feel unreasonable in all aspects.

In terms of slogans, the mobile game "Against the Cold" is under the banner of "making MMO great again", and it really does not sell values in the mall, and zero krypton players can rush to the combat power list, so it is called the first "no liver and no krypton" mobile game in China.

After a year of crazy mobile games, you don't even want a face for a birthday?

In terms of the number of users, it has also rushed to 50 million in just 4 months; It is said that it has earned more than 20 billion in a quarter.

In terms of word-of-mouth, because the mobile game "Against the Cold" is set in the Song Dynasty and insists on restoring traditional culture in the game, it has been frequently praised by official media such as CCTV and Xinhuanet; He also became Apple's darling and was given a thumbs up by CEO Cook.

After a year of crazy mobile games, you don't even want a face for a birthday?

It can be said that this year, no one can beat the new game of "Against the Cold", and the MMO industry is the first fault, so it deserves to be crazy.

After a year of crazy mobile games, you don't even want a face for a birthday?

Unexpectedly, after a crazy year, the mobile game "Against the Cold" ushered in its anniversary at the end of June, and it was crazy again, and some people even ridiculed: Is this not even a face?

After a year of crazy mobile games, you don't even want a face for a birthday?

In terms of content, the mobile game "Against the Cold" has also begun to roll, and PVP, PVE, AND PVX have made full efforts to create a trend of national style cyberpunk.

Let's just say that the new genre that is launched this time is mysterious, a highly educated genre that immerses itself in the study of black technology. Its maps are full of traps, and if you are not careful, you will be ruined.

After a year of crazy mobile games, you don't even want a face for a birthday?

In terms of PVE, like the classic dungeon "Wulin Fengyunlu", it ushered in the hidden chapter of the world, and a total of four new bosses were added. Among them, there are handsome guys and beautiful girls, as well as Tianshan Snow Stone who has been transformed into a "person", as well as a mysterious uncle who "fishes alone in the cold river and snow", and even "Mama Rong" who gave people needles at the age of 18.

After a year of crazy mobile games, you don't even want a face for a birthday?

There is also a pet breeding game on PVX, which is Palu Like, and there are also auto chess, Monopoly, and playgrounds are also in production, good guys, this is to place a martial arts game hall in the mobile game "Against the Cold".

After a year of crazy mobile games, you don't even want a face for a birthday?

In terms of linkage, the mobile game "Against the Cold" also launched big IP linkage content such as "The Legend of Zhen Huan", "Journey to the West", and My Emperor Cat before and after the anniversary, and many of the linkage appearances and actions are given away for free.

After a year of crazy mobile games, you don't even want a face for a birthday?

With so many solid gameplay, it stands to reason that the mobile game "Against the Cold" has been firmly seated in Diaoyutai and can sit in the position of the first brother of MMO for another year.

But as a manufacturer that takes the initiative to shoulder the player's shoulders, NetEase really doesn't leave any way for friends to live, and the price is once again hit to the point where they don't even want face.

After a year of crazy mobile games, you don't even want a face for a birthday?

For example, players can get a set of 288 yuan fashion when they log in to the game, and when they pinch their fingers, the mobile game "Against the Cold" will lose 14.4 billion yuan, and the player will also be given a free job transfer coupon for job transfer, and generally a job transfer ticket is sold for more than 100 yuan in other MMOs.

Such an arrogant game,Actually took the initiative to reduce the liver and krypton for the player,The player also gave great recognition,Some people say:It's very comfortable to play against the cold,The game doesn't sell values.,The copy also has AI teammates.,It's really not liver and krypton;; This anniversary celebration gave away more than a dozen sets of skins worth hundreds of yuan, and I received all the trumpets, and the game is really friendly to players.

After a year of crazy mobile games, you don't even want a face for a birthday?

After a year of crazy mobile games, how long can it bounce? If you've been thinking about players like this, I hope it's going to be popular for a little longer.