
The British General Election and the Nightmare of Hong Kong Immigration

author:Solid Material

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The UK will hold a general election on July 4, and has now entered the final sprint stage, in addition to whether the Conservative Party can keep its 14-year ruling position, whether the Labour Party can come to power from the new government, immigration policy is also my focus on no other reason, in recent years, I have been to Hong Kong many friends, they have settled, studied, lived in the UK, and continue to send messages, I also have an additional channel to understand the UK closely.

The British General Election and the Nightmare of Hong Kong Immigration

The election in the United Kingdom is not as world-renowned as the United States, because Britain has less influence on the world than the United States; It is also possible that Britain's foreign policy will converge across the parties, with little difference. Far less than the difference between Biden and Trump. The last UK general election was on December 12, 2019, when Johnson led the Conservative Party to win the election.

The British General Election and the Nightmare of Hong Kong Immigration

Although the Conservative government has not been easy in recent years, the UK has experienced Brexit, the epidemic, and the Russia-Ukraine war. But the British gave them 4 chances, 14 years. The complaints of the British people are mainly about economic problems, and the British economy has been very bad in recent years. So, I find that both parties are tightening up on immigration, and Labour leader Keir Starmer has repeatedly publicly expressed his extreme dissatisfaction with the "generosity" of the Conservative Party in immigration policy:

"Under the leadership of the Conservative Party, the number of immigrants has reached an all-time high. Whenever there is a choice between issuing more visas and raising the bar for jobs in the UK, the Conservatives always tend to increase the number of visas! As a result, net migration has tripled!"

A Labour win the election would significantly reduce net migration to the UK, especially for overseas work visas, and Labour's plan is to reduce reliance on overseas labour by nurturing and making better use of local resources.

Labour's control of immigration mainly includes the following measures:

1) Establish a new law enforcement unit with an additional 1,000 staff to expedite repatriation;

2) Abolition of the Rwanda Repatriation Scheme;

3) reform the points-based immigration system;

At the same time, Labour will also learn from Australia to address the skills shortage by upskilling British employees, including introducing new training schemes and improving apprenticeships.

I found that in the Labor Party's plan, the reform of the points-based immigration system may have a negative impact on Hong Kong immigrants, knowing that Hong Kong's BNO immigration (5+1) is a Conservative policy, will the Labor Party recognize it, and will it change its course? There is a lot of room for maneuvering, and the most important thing is that there is no political organization in Britain and Hong Kong to fight for rights and interests (which is very interesting, a group of people who claim to love democracy go to their favorite democratic countries, but most of them do not participate in their democratic political life), basically a plate of scattered sand, to use the idiom metaphor is the meat of the sword, and when there is a change of power, it is the most hurt. Moreover, Hong Kong BNO immigrants are not considered local employees, in short, Hong Kong BNO immigrants have a policy contraction before and a local competition after that, which is very unfavorable.

The British General Election and the Nightmare of Hong Kong Immigration

This is true for the Labour Party, and the Conservatives are no better. British Prime Minister Eddie Sin, who is a member of the Conservative Party, said that the immigration policy proposed by the Labour Party was "just a repackaging of the policies that the Conservative Party has enacted, which is meaningless".

I have read the Conservative Party's proposal on immigration, which is also a nightmare for Hong Kong immigrants, among which the impact on BNO immigrants is more obvious:

The British General Election and the Nightmare of Hong Kong Immigration

"Parliament decides safe and legal migration routes: The UK Parliament will have the power to decide which countries and territories provide safe and legal migration routes for asylum seekers."

In a nutshell: I regret it at any time, and I can defeat me yesterday at any time.

However, now that all the commentators believe that the ruling Conservative Party is stepping down this time, the question is how much to lose? The Economist conducted a large poll (with more than 13,000 participants) and found that 42 per cent of the Labour Party and 22 per cent of the Conservatives voted for the Labour Party. According to media analysis, the Conservative Party may suffer its biggest electoral defeat in a century.

On the one hand, the British economy is getting worse and worse, and on the other hand, the living environment is becoming more and more unfriendly and the immigration policy is changing day by day.

Text: Leisurely


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