
The city's courts presented gifts to the party's birthday

author:Jiaozuo Intermediate Court
The city's courts presented gifts to the party's birthday

On the occasion of the party's 103rd birthday, the city's courts solemnly celebrated the party's birthday by carrying out a variety of activities. Whether it is the "micro-party class" evaluation, or the teaching of special party classes, and the theme party day activities, they all reflect the specific practice of the city's court officers and police to remember the party's kindness and inherit and carry forward the great spirit of party building. Jiaozuo Intermediate Court ·

The city's courts presented gifts to the party's birthday

On June 21, Jiaozuo Intermediate People's Court held the "July 1st" review of the oath of joining the party, under the oath of Li Hongfen, secretary of the party group and president of the court, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party under the party flag, and the sonorous and powerful oath resounded throughout the court, expressing the original mission of the majority of party members and police, and expressing their firm determination to inherit the red gene, always maintain the true character of struggle, and maintain judicial fairness. In the afternoon of the same day, the Jiaozuo Intermediate People's Court held the "July 1st" Party Building Commendation and Spiritual Civilization Construction Promotion Meeting, presenting awards to advanced grassroots party organizations, outstanding party workers, outstanding Communist Party members, civilized courts, civilized families, civilized cadres and policemen and outstanding volunteers, and arranging and deploying the next step of party building and spiritual civilization creation.

The city's courts presented gifts to the party's birthday

On the evening of June 27, the city's courts held a "micro-party class" evaluation exhibition. At the evaluation site, 10 "micro-party classes" such as "A Little Spark Converges into a Torch", "Strong Learning and Mission", "Court Youth Say", "Choice", "I Want to Say to You", etc., through speeches, raps, sitcoms, short videos and other forms with high "speech" value and long-lasting aftertaste, or combined with personal work reality, preach the glorious history of the party, and talk about understanding and understanding; Or use vivid examples to interpret the story of court officers and police officers practicing their original intentions and forging ahead in ordinary posts. Qinyang Municipal Court ·

The city's courts presented gifts to the party's birthday

On June 29, the Qinyang Municipal Court organized all party members and police officers to carry out a series of activities with the theme of "Welcoming July 1st". "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution......" Under the oath of Cui Xiaobai, secretary of the party group and president of the hospital, all party members and police officers solemnly swore in front of the party flag, and more deeply felt the responsibility and mission they bear in the new era. Subsequently, everyone watched the "micro party class" "pennant reflects the red party flag" of the "micro party class" in the "micro party class" evaluation exhibition of the city's courts. Finally, Cui Xiaobai combined party discipline learning and education to give a lesson on clean political parties for all party members and policemen. Mengzhou Municipal Court ·

The city's courts presented gifts to the party's birthday

Recently, the Mengzhou Municipal Court organized cadres and police officers to go to the Red Education Base of Yanshan Village and the Lian Run Chuxin Education Base to carry out the party day activities with the theme of "Celebrating July 1st, Remembering the Original Heart, and Strengthening Party Spirit". During the activity, the cadres and policemen went to the red education base of Yanshan Village to visit the red exhibition halls such as Baopu Shouzheng Garden, Chuxin Hall, Inheritance Hall, and Large Cultural Wall, reviewed the oath of joining the party in front of the Monument to the Victory of the Anti-Japanese War, wrote down their best wishes to the party, and expressed the firm determination of the cadres and policemen to inherit the revolutionary spirit and conscientiously perform their duties. Subsequently, everyone went to the Lian Run Chuxin Education Base to visit the Dream Endeavor Education Hall, the Inspirational Model Education Hall and other exhibition halls, listen to the story of clean government, and effectively enhance the concept of law and discipline and the awareness of integrity and self-discipline of cadres and police. Pok Oi County Court ·

The city's courts presented gifts to the party's birthday

On July 1, the Boai County Court held a national flag-raising ceremony for the "Celebration of July 1st". In the sound of the high and majestic national anthem, the bright five-star red flag was rising, and all the cadres and policemen stood solemnly and saluted the national flag to express their loyalty and admiration for the great motherland. "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution ......" Subsequently, under the oath of Gu Tongfei, secretary of the party group and president of the hospital, all party members and police officers clenched their right fists and read the oath of joining the party sonorously and forcefully, revisiting the solemn and sacred oath to the party. Wuzhi County Court ·

The city's courts presented gifts to the party's birthday

On July 1, the Wuzhi County Court held the first phase of political rotation training for all cadres and police officers in 2024 and the theme activity of "Welcoming July 1st". Under the oath of Shi Wenxing, secretary of the party group and president of the hospital, the cadres and policemen stood solemnly and solemnly, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and fully demonstrated their firm determination to be loyal to the party. Subsequently, Shi Wenxing expounded on what is the party's discipline and the party's rules, accurately grasps the main essence and requirements of the six disciplines, and the great significance, objectives, tasks, methods and ways of carrying out party discipline study and education, and taught a profound party lesson on party discipline study and education for all cadres and policemen. Xiuwu County Court ·

The city's courts presented gifts to the party's birthday

On July 1, the Xiuwu County Court organized retired veteran party members and in-service party members and police officers to carry out themed party day activities at the former residence of General Li Xuesan. They visited the former residence of General Li Xuesan and gained an in-depth understanding of General Li Xuesan's heroic deeds and lofty spirit. Sun Yan, secretary of the party group and president of the hospital, wore the "50 years of glory in the party commemorative badge" for the retired old party members, and issued political birthday cards to the party members who joined the party in July. Liberated District Courts ·

The city's courts presented gifts to the party's birthday

Recently, the People's Court of the Liberated Area launched a series of themed activities of "Celebrating July 1st". Fan Chuanwu, secretary of the party group and president of the hospital, gave a lecture on party discipline learning and education with the title of "focusing on party discipline learning and education, abiding by the bottom line of justice and conscience", Fan Chuanwu combined with the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", from a deep understanding of the importance of the revision of the "Regulations", a correct understanding and grasp of the party's six disciplines, and a serious grasp of the implementation of the "Regulations" for an in-depth interpretation of the "Regulations". Sanyang District Court ·

The city's courts presented gifts to the party's birthday

On June 30, all the party members of the general party branch of the Shanyang District Court went to the red education base of Shishihui Village, Jiaozuo City, to carry out the theme activity of "continuing the mission and keeping in mind the entrustment to follow the party". Under the guidance of the commentator, we visited the fourth special area of Taihang District, the former site of the Jiaozuo Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, the former site of the Jiaozuo Municipal Public Security Bureau, the former site of the Xinhua Company in Jiaozuo City, and the third district office of Qinbo County. Subsequently, under the oath of Wang Shuguang, secretary of the party group and president of the hospital, all party members raised their right fists, solemnly swore an oath, and reviewed the oath of joining the party. Middle Station District Court ·

The city's courts presented gifts to the party's birthday

On July 1, the Zhongzhan District Court organized party members and police officers to carry out the oath of revisiting the oath of joining the party. During the activity, under the oath of Zhang Lei, secretary of the party group and president of the hospital, all party members and police officers stood solemnly, raised their right fists, and solemnly swore in the face of the bright red party flag, revisiting the solemn commitment made to the party and the people when they joined the party. "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, and fulfill the obligations of party members......" The words are sonorous and powerful, and the sentences are loud, and everyone is deeply touched and more deeply feel the responsibility and mission of the new era. On July 1, the Macun District Court held a national flag-raising ceremony for the "Celebration of July 1st". All the cadres and policemen are full of spirit, neatly dressed, neatly lined up in front of the flag-raising platform, accompanied by the majestic national anthem, the national flag is rising in the sun, all the cadres and policemen stand solemnly, pay attention to the national flag, and jointly wish the motherland prosperity. Subsequently, under the oath of Liang Shengli, secretary of the party group and president of the hospital, all party members raised their right fists to review the oath of joining the party, and the oath was sonorous and powerful, and the words were solemn and sacred, expressing the determination and confidence not to forget the glorious course and always firmly follow the party.

Author: Guo Jiali/text, picture

The city's courts presented gifts to the party's birthday

Director: Zhao Yujun Executive Director: Liu Chunrun, Wang Lili Coordinator: Shi Yichen, Li Yijing Editor: Guo Zixuan

The city's courts presented gifts to the party's birthday
The city's courts presented gifts to the party's birthday
The city's courts presented gifts to the party's birthday