
caught 4,900 catties of large yellow croaker from a net and sold it for 9.57 million, which involved the secret of the black-hearted fishermen!

author:Bald Fish Commander

When it comes to large yellow croaker, it is estimated that many people are more familiar with its brother - small yellow croaker, small yellow croaker is cheap, the meat is delicate, the key is not expensive, whether it is fried or barbecued, it is the best ingredients.

But the big yellow croaker doesn't know, because I haven't eaten this kind of fish, it is said that a 2-pound big yellow croaker in a high-end restaurant, the price will not be less than 15,000 yuan, which is a sky-high price for me.

However, for sea fishing friends and fishermen, if you can catch a large yellow croaker or catch a large yellow croaker, you may be able to get rich overnight.

caught 4,900 catties of large yellow croaker from a net and sold it for 9.57 million, which involved the secret of the black-hearted fishermen!

On March 2, 2020, a fisherman in Xiangshan caught a wild yellow croaker with a length of 76 cm and a weight of 7.17 catties, which was bought for 72,000 yuan. Previously, a fisherman caught a 9.1-pound large yellow croaker, which was bought for 145,000 yuan.

On August 16, 2020, a fishing enthusiast in Qingdao caught a 5.7-kilogram large yellow croaker and was finally used as a meal by a local tyrant at a price of more than 100,000 yuan. The weight and quality of this big yellow croaker are really rare.

On December 2, 2020, in Tongzhao Village, Fenghua, Ningbo, a double-trawler "accidentally" caught more than 1,000 catties of wild large yellow croaker in the East China Sea, and the entire fishing village was boiling and fireworks were lit to celebrate. Even the professor of the Fisheries College of Zhejiang Ocean University specially purchased a few and brought them back to the school for dissection, and carried out molecular biology and other levels of testing to identify the identity of these large yellow croakers.

caught 4,900 catties of large yellow croaker from a net and sold it for 9.57 million, which involved the secret of the black-hearted fishermen!

It is not difficult to see here that the price of large yellow croaker is not affordable for ordinary people, here is only the wholesale price, after several layers of middlemen, and then enter the high-end hotel, and then enter the hands of consumers, after layers of increases, the price of large yellow croaker is ridiculously expensive, these large yellow croaker do not know who ate it.

On December 27, 2021, Ningbo fisherman Lin Haiping led a fishing boat to catch 4,900 catties of large yellow croaker by using a double-boat trawl on the boundary line of the East China Sea of the mainland. After arriving in Hong Kong, the price of 1-2 catties of individuals is 1,300 yuan per catty; 2-3 catties are 2100 yuan per catty, and more than 3 catties are 2900 yuan per catty, these big yellow croakers were snapped up by 3 buyers, and a total of 9.57 million were sold, which can be called an overnight rich!

I have to say that Ningbo fisherman Lin Haiping is really "lucky", it is really lucky to catch so many big yellow croaker, so why is the big yellow croaker so expensive? The main thing is scarcity, there is an old saying that "scarcity is expensive", and less is expensive.

caught 4,900 catties of large yellow croaker from a net and sold it for 9.57 million, which involved the secret of the black-hearted fishermen!

The reason why there are so few big yellow croakers is mainly because some black-hearted fishermen almost didn't wipe out the big yellow croaker! In the past, the large yellow croaker was only 5 cents a catty, and the price of some juvenile fish was even lower, and no one even cared about it and discarded it.

This starts with a way of fishing, because of the upgrade of fishing methods, so that the big yellow croaker ushered in a catastrophe! This is the rise of knock 罟 [gǔ] fishing!

Knock on the fishing is also called knock on the yellow croaker, knock on the operation, knock on the bamboo pole, this fishing method originated in the Jiading period of the Ming Dynasty. Invented by Chaoshan, Guangdong, it specializes in fishing large yellow croaker.

caught 4,900 catties of large yellow croaker from a net and sold it for 9.57 million, which involved the secret of the black-hearted fishermen!

Knock on the bamboo pole to continuously knock on the fishing, using the sound transmission vibration, so that the large yellow croaker faints or dies, so as to catch a large number of large yellow croaker.

In 1954, the knocking operation was introduced to Fujian from Shantou, Guangdong, due to the high efficiency and low cost, it was able to catch a large number of large yellow croaker, fishermen from all over the country followed suit, and then promoted it throughout the province, and then this efficient fishing method was widely used in coastal areas.

In 1957, in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, before the introduction of knocking corn, the annual catch of large yellow croaker was only about 5,000 tons, with the introduction of knocking corn, the catch of large yellow croaker that year exceeded 100,000 tons, and the output increased by 20 times.

caught 4,900 catties of large yellow croaker from a net and sold it for 9.57 million, which involved the secret of the black-hearted fishermen!

100,000 tons of large yellow croaker is terrifying to think about, this is not just a number, but countless large yellow croaker corpses! And that's just the Wenzhou area, if you add other areas, you think about how big the catch of big yellow croaker was back then. It is not difficult to see from here how rich the mainland's fishery resources were in those years.

However, this is just the appetizer! With the great increase in the catch of large yellow croaker, coupled with the inability to transport over long distances, the price of large yellow croaker has plummeted, and the value of large yellow croaker is only a few cents a pound when it is cheap, and some small individuals of large yellow croaker are directly discarded after death!

In 1974, Zhejiang Province organized 2,000 fishing boats to go to the central fishing ground of the large yellow croaker for fishing and production, which directly dealt a fatal blow to the large yellow croaker population, and the output reached a record of 168,100 tons. Since then, the resources of large yellow croaker in the East China Sea have declined sharply, and the large yellow croaker has almost disappeared, and only sporadic fishing has officially entered the era of "sky-high price" of large yellow croaker.

caught 4,900 catties of large yellow croaker from a net and sold it for 9.57 million, which involved the secret of the black-hearted fishermen!

Before 1954, this fishing method was only a small area of fishing, and the catch of large yellow croaker was not large, but with the widespread spread of this fishing method, the large yellow croaker was mortally threatened, and the population was almost wiped out. So how exactly is this type of fishing done? Why is it so efficient to catch large yellow croaker?

The principle of knocking on the fishing is to use 1-2 mother boats, dozens of fishing boats to form a circle, knock the bamboo board together, so that the two otoliths in the skull of the big yellow croaker resonate, causing the big fish and small fish to faint together, so as to catch them all.

Not only for the large yellow croaker, mainly totoaba fish, small yellow croaker, yellow croaker, etc., all belong to the totoaba family, there are 14 genera and 31 species of totoaba fish in the mainland, in addition to the large yellow croaker, the other 31 species of fish populations have been greatly reduced!

caught 4,900 catties of large yellow croaker from a net and sold it for 9.57 million, which involved the secret of the black-hearted fishermen!

The reason why it is so efficient is mainly because of the fishing method formulated for the body of totoaba fishes, so this fishing method has existed for hundreds of years, why has it been wiped out in modern times?

The main reason is that productivity has increased, and in ancient times, due to the limited size of the boats, and the fact that the spawning grounds of the large yellow croaker were not known, it was not possible to catch too many large yellow croaker.

However, compared with ancient times, modern ships are not only much larger, but also numerous, and the spawning grounds of large yellow croaker have been discovered, and they are fished in the spawning grounds directly when the large yellow croaker is spawning, resulting in the large yellow croaker and totoaba almost extinct in just a few years!

caught 4,900 catties of large yellow croaker from a net and sold it for 9.57 million, which involved the secret of the black-hearted fishermen!

Although many measures have been introduced to prohibit the use of knock fishing, it has not stopped the followers of black-hearted fishermen. A simple and efficient way to catch a large number of fish, other places will rush to follow suit, so that they feel that they are not inferior to others! Not only the big yellow croaker, but also many fish in China.

For example: anchor fish, visual anchor fish, etc., did not stop from the source caused this fishing method to blossom in just a few years of the country, fishing is not just a fish, but changed people's habits, once people's habits are changed, it is difficult to be reversed.

Finally: the coastline of the mainland is more than 18,000 kilometers long, and the distribution of large yellow croaker is very wide, and this common marine fish can be caught almost extinct, you can imagine how crazy these fishermen are to fish!

However, the prosperity of the big yellow croaker is just a flash in the morning, fortunately the neighboring countries also have the big yellow croaker, otherwise the big yellow croaker in the coastal waters of the mainland may really be fished out and extinct, what do you say?