
It's fierce! Lua is talking about a 40-pound giant bighead carp, 2 people take turns walking the fish for 40 minutes, why does it eat fake bait?

author:Bald Fish Commander

As a fisherman, have you ever had a "highlight reel moment"? How big of fish do you catch? Or what strange fish have you caught?

I believe that the vast majority of anglers are only fishing crucian carp, when encountering grass carp and carp to eat hooks, the probability of tangential running fish accounts for half, and the carp or grass carp that can go ashore is not large, because the line group of crucian carp fishing is relatively thin, and it is difficult for large fish above 5 catties to go ashore.

It's fierce! Lua is talking about a 40-pound giant bighead carp, 2 people take turns walking the fish for 40 minutes, why does it eat fake bait?

But a fishing friend ushered in the "highlight moment", the blogger "Meat Doesn't Fight Turtles" published a short video titled "My husband caught a big fish again!" It is estimated that my husband will blow for another year, and the two of them slipped away for 40 minutes and finally got ashore."

In the video, a man in black shorts and a white shirt is trying to go fishing, judging from the fishing tackle he uses, it is a lure angler, judging by the degree of bending of the fishing rod, this fish is indeed not small.

It's fierce! Lua is talking about a 40-pound giant bighead carp, 2 people take turns walking the fish for 40 minutes, why does it eat fake bait?

When this bighead carp came ashore, not only the anglers were stunned, but even I was stunned that it was so big! It is not an exaggeration to say that such a big bighead carp is a giant bighead carp, and this video has been sent out, causing netizens to reply one after another!

It's fierce! Lua is talking about a 40-pound giant bighead carp, 2 people take turns walking the fish for 40 minutes, why does it eat fake bait?

Netizens left a message saying: "This costs 40 pounds." Judging from the size of this fish is indeed very large, it is estimated that there are 30-40 catties, to be honest, there are very few places with such good resources in the country, when we fish, we encounter about 10 catties of bighead carp is already a big fish, more than 30 catties of bighead carp, if the platform fishing can be fished, it is estimated that the water's edge is full of people.

It's fierce! Lua is talking about a 40-pound giant bighead carp, 2 people take turns walking the fish for 40 minutes, why does it eat fake bait?

Netizens left a message saying: "This can be blown for a year"! For anglers, no matter what kind of fishing method, there are not many opportunities to catch such a large fish, and it is really not many to catch such a big fish for a year. I have a friend who caught a carp of more than 10 catties, and he has been blowing it for several years, and he has never caught a big fish of more than 10 catties again.

It's fierce! Lua is talking about a 40-pound giant bighead carp, 2 people take turns walking the fish for 40 minutes, why does it eat fake bait?

Netizens left a message saying: "Such a big silver carp is hard to find all over the country, this is enough to blow for a lifetime, and Teacher Deng Gang wants to worship you as a teacher." It is not enough for Deng Gang to worship him as a teacher, but it is rare for such a big silver carp to be taken by Lu Yazheng, because the silver carp is a filter-feeding fish.

It feeds on plankton by filtering plankton from the water. Plankton is diverse, especially animals, and almost all animal groups can be found: tiny protozoa, algae, but also some crustaceans, molluscs, and juveniles of certain animals.

Plankton have little or no swimming ability and can be divided into phytoplankton and zooplankton. Bighead carp is a typical filter-feeding fish, and its diet is zooplankton such as clades and copepods and some phytoplankton

It's fierce! Lua is talking about a 40-pound giant bighead carp, 2 people take turns walking the fish for 40 minutes, why does it eat fake bait?

The individuals of plankton such as cladopods and copepods are generally between 1-10 mm, so the lure's bait is generally very large, about 3-5 cm in length, such a large bait has long been beyond the range of zooplankton, why do bighead carp eat such a large bait? I think there may be two reasons for this.

1. Coincidentally, it is not uncommon for Luya Zhengkou to catch silver carp or bighead carp, and there are often jokes posted by bloggers on the Internet that Lua Zhengkou caught silver carp. I think it's a coincidence, because bighead carp have large mouths, and they often devour plankton with their mouths wide open in the waters.

It is likely that when he was devouring plankton, Lua's lure happened to pass through his mouth, and he swallowed the bait into his mouth by mistake, creating the illusion of eating the hook, which was just a coincidence.

It's fierce! Lua is talking about a 40-pound giant bighead carp, 2 people take turns walking the fish for 40 minutes, why does it eat fake bait?

2. It is indeed bighead carp that takes the initiative to eat, or it may be that bighead carp takes the initiative to eat, there is a video on the Internet, in the video, when fishing for grass carp with a large earthworm, a bighead carp was caught after black drifting. It's not that you just cast the rod and hit the fish, but that in the process of waiting after throwing the rod, the fish is black drifting.

It can be seen from this video that the silver carp belongs to the active devouring of large earthworms, that is to say, the silver carp takes the initiative to eat, and it is not difficult to see from this video that it is not impossible for the silver carp to take the initiative to attack the fake bait around it.

Finally: whether it is a coincidence, or bighead carp takes the initiative to eat, I have to say that this is the "highlight moment" of this fishing friend, after all, such a big fish, many anglers have never caught, as long as they can catch it, what do you say?

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