
Dry mouth, eat nine more dishes in summer, moisturize yin and dryness, and moisturize and hydrate, and the nutrition is good and delicious

author:Sister Xiang said food

Hello everyone, this is Sister Xiang talking about food, sharing delicious home-cooked food every day. In summer, the temperature is high, the sun shines for a long time, and we are in a hot environment every day, and we often feel that our mouth is dry, and it is difficult to relieve it when we drink water. If you have the problem of dry mouth, in addition to drinking more water, you also need to adjust your daily diet, eat less heavy food, eat more light home-cooked food, less oil and less salt and do not eat spicy, some light stir-fried vegetables, steamed vegetables and soup are very suitable for summer eating, relieve dryness and supplement nutrition at the same time, and physical fitness will get better and better. Today, I recommend nine recipes, moisturizing yin and dryness, moisturizing and hydrating, nutritious and delicious, come and learn it together, learn to arrange it for your family, and spend the summer easily.

1. Scrambled eggs with cucumber mushrooms

Dry mouth, eat nine more dishes in summer, moisturize yin and dryness, and moisturize and hydrate, and the nutrition is good and delicious

Ingredients: cucumber, mushrooms, eggs, minced garlic.


1. Peel off the skin of the cucumber, clean it and cut it into small pieces. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into thin slices, beat the eggs into a bowl and stir them for later use.

2. Heat the oil, fry the egg liquid after the oil is hot, fry until it is set, and then fry it and set it aside.

3. Heat the oil again, add the minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then put the mushrooms in the mouth and stir-fry for a while, add the cucumber and stir-fry a few times after the oil is soft.

4. Stir-fry the cucumber until it is broken, pour in the eggs, add light soy sauce, oyster sauce and black pepper to taste, stir-fry evenly until the flavor is incorporated, and then put it out of the pot and serve on a plate.

2. Yellow skin lean meat broth

Dry mouth, eat nine more dishes in summer, moisturize yin and dryness, and moisturize and hydrate, and the nutrition is good and delicious

Prepare ingredients: lean meat, yellow skin, Chinese yam, dates.


1. Put the yellow peel into salt water, add starch and stir evenly to soak for 10 minutes, and then clean the surface.

2. Clean the lean meat and cut it into small pieces, put it in a steaming bowl, put in the yellow skin, yam and dates, boil the water and steam for 40 minutes.

3. After the yellow-skinned lean meat is steamed, take it out and serve it to the table.

3. Olive oil and citrus lean broth

Dry mouth, eat nine more dishes in summer, moisturize yin and dryness, and moisturize and hydrate, and the nutrition is good and delicious

Ingredients: lean meat, olives, lime.


1. Clean the lean meat and cut it into slices and put it in the stew pot, and crush the olives and oranges and put it in the stew pot.

2. Then add an appropriate amount of water, cover the lid and simmer for two and a half hours.

3. Ten minutes before cooking, add salt to taste, stir evenly and cook until flavorful, then serve to the table.

Fourth, loofah mushroom soup

Dry mouth, eat nine more dishes in summer, moisturize yin and dryness, and moisturize and hydrate, and the nutrition is good and delicious

Ingredients: loofah, mushrooms, shredded ginger, minced garlic.


1. Peel off the skin of the loofah, clean it and cut it into hob pieces. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into thin slices.

2. Heat the oil, add the shredded ginger and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the mushrooms and stir-fry a few times.

3. Stir-fry the mushrooms until they change color, then add the loofah and stir-fry for a while, stir-fry until soft, then add boiling water and cook for five minutes.

4. After cooking, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, stir a few times, and cook until the flavor is ready to eat.

5. Yam beef soup

Dry mouth, eat nine more dishes in summer, moisturize yin and dryness, and moisturize and hydrate, and the nutrition is good and delicious

Ingredients: yams, beef, minced garlic, coriander.


1. Clean the beef and cut it into thin slices, peel off the skin of the yam and wash it and cut it into small pieces.

2. Heat the oil, add the garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the yam and stir-fry for a while, fry until it changes color, then put in boiling water and cook for 10 minutes.

3. Then add the beef and cook for two minutes, add salt to taste, sprinkle with coriander, and then you can eat it out of the pot.

6. Loofah meat slice soup

Dry mouth, eat nine more dishes in summer, moisturize yin and dryness, and moisturize and hydrate, and the nutrition is good and delicious

Ingredients: loofah, lean meat, chopped green onion.


1. Clean the lean meat and cut it into thin slices, add salt, starch and a little water, and stir well. Peel the loofah, wash it and cut it into hob pieces.

2. Heat the oil, add the chopped green onion and fry it to make it fragrant, then add the loofah and stir-fry for a while, fry until it changes color, then put in an appropriate amount of water and boil.

3. After the loofah is soft, put in the lean meat and cook for two minutes, then add salt to taste, stir evenly and cook until it tastes, and then you can eat it out of the pot.

7. Steamed meatballs with loofah

Dry mouth, eat nine more dishes in summer, moisturize yin and dryness, and moisturize and hydrate, and the nutrition is good and delicious

Ingredients: loofah, minced meat, minced ginger.


1. Peel off the skin of the loofah, clean it and cut it into small pieces. Chop some of the loofahs.

2. Clean the pork and cut it into small pieces, then chop it into minced meat, add diced loofah, minced ginger, salt, starch, and stir well.

3. Put the loofah into the bottom of the steaming bowl, sprinkle with salt and cooking oil, stir well, then spread the meatballs, and steam in a pot with cold water for half an hour.

4. After the loofah meatballs are steamed, take them out and sprinkle them with chopped green onions to garnish, and then serve them on the table.

8. Winter melon, corn and carrot soup

Dry mouth, eat nine more dishes in summer, moisturize yin and dryness, and moisturize and hydrate, and the nutrition is good and delicious

Ingredients: carrots, winter melon, corn, shredded ginger, green onions, chopped green onions.


1. Peel off the skin of the carrot, clean it and cut it into hob pieces. Peel off the skin of the winter melon, wash it and cut it into small pieces. Wash the corn and chop it into small pieces.

2. Heat the oil, add the shredded ginger and green onion to fry the fragrance, and then add an appropriate amount of water to boil.

3. After the water boils, add the corn and carrots and cook for 10 minutes. Once cooked, add the winter melon and continue to cook for ten minutes.

4. After cooking, add a little salt to taste, sprinkle with chopped green onions, and then you can eat.

9. Lotus root and pear pork rib soup

Dry mouth, eat nine more dishes in summer, moisturize yin and dryness, and moisturize and hydrate, and the nutrition is good and delicious

Ingredients: lotus root, pear, pork ribs, red dates, ginger slices, green onion knots.


1. Peel off the outer skin of the lotus root, clean it and cut it into small pieces. Sprinkle the surface of the pear with salt, scrub it and cut it into small pieces.

2. Chop the pork ribs into small pieces, blanch them in a pot under cold water after cleaning, add ginger slices and green onion knots to remove the smell, skim off the foam after boiling, and then scoop up the ribs and clean them.

3. Put the pork ribs, lotus root, red dates and ginger slices into the soup pot, add enough water, cover and simmer for an hour.

4. When the time is up, add the pears and continue to cook for 20 minutes. After cooking, add salt to taste, stir well and cook until flavorful, sprinkle with chopped green onion and eat.

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