
Wanglou Coal Mine: Clever calculation of "three accounts" to promote promotion

author:Shandong Energy Group

Since the beginning of this year, Luxi Mining Wanglou Coal Mine has widely condensed the consensus of "living a 'tight life' and having a 'good life'", focusing on the annual production goals and tasks, cleverly calculating the three accounts of "economy, management and saving", and continuously improving the level of mine operation and management.

Calculate the "economic account" and accurately control the cost

Wanglou Coal Mine firmly establishes the concept of "all costs are controllable", takes stable production and production as the foundation, refines internal control measures, strengthens source governance, reduces non-productive expenditures, reduces operating costs, and improves economic benefits.

The mine adheres to the key links and focuses on the key links, and for the 1310 track along the empty very small coal pillar excavation and roadway turning construction, the use of follow-up realism, discussion and exchange, face-to-face communication with employees, solve the problem on the site, and improve the tunneling efficiency.

Wanglou Coal Mine: Clever calculation of "three accounts" to promote promotion

(Downhole working face)

"We hold monthly production planning, maintenance arrangement and deployment meetings, and in view of the actual installation of the 7315-1 working face, we organize the business department, Menglu Company and related work areas to hold installation coordination meetings every day, plan and guide services in advance, accurately implement policies to solve problems, and ensure that they are done right at one time and in place at one time." Song Zhaoguo, member of the party committee and deputy director of the mine, said.

On this basis, the mine further optimizes the system equipment, completes the replacement of the main shaft bucket and the maintenance of the 35kV line with high quality and efficiency, so as to ensure the safe operation of the system and the safety of the mine power supply. At the same time, the comprehensive excavator, monorail crane, pressure relief drill and other equipment are inspected, evaluated, assessed and reported every month to realize the controllable, controllable and controllable equipment, and ensure the safe and efficient operation of the equipment.

Accurate "management account" to promote development efficiently

Wanglou Coal Mine adheres to the strengthening of coal quality management as an important measure to improve the economic benefits of the mine, and strictly implements the three-step process of "production source, back-road transportation, washing and processing", forms an all-round, whole-process, and full-coverage coal quality control mechanism, and goes all out to improve coal quality and maximize coal benefits.

Wanglou Coal Mine: Clever calculation of "three accounts" to promote promotion

(De-intermediation of refined coal products)

"We start from the source of production, sketch the geological structure of the working face every day, reasonably control the mining height of the working face according to geological changes, and control the 'first pass' of coal quality. In the process of transportation, measures such as sub-packaging and transportation, installation of waterproof sheds, reasonable control of spray start-up and stop, and elimination of sundries on the belt are taken to strengthen process control and avoid affecting coal quality. Wang Guanglei, deputy director of the mine, introduced. At the same time, the washing process is improved, all raw coal is washed, and the washing index is strictly controlled to maximize the yield of clean coal.

Not only that, the mine has strengthened management and operation, accurate assessment, strict index decomposition and cost control, reduced the "three" expenses and key controllable expenses, reduced non-productive expenditures, and achieved "management efficiency improvement and asset quality improvement".

"We strictly control the assessment and control of electricity charges, and save about 170,000 yuan in electricity bills per month by replacing the raw coal belt in the north wing with a permanent magnet variable frequency drive, implementing underground water supply, and avoiding peak and valley filling." Tian Fuhai, member of the party committee and deputy mine manager of the mine, said.

Calculate the "saving account" and promote efficiency through diligence and thrift

In the past few days, the south site of the mine has been clean and tidy, and the roads are wide and smooth, which has completely changed the previous scene and won the praise of the majority of cadres and workers.

"The reform of material management in the south field is not only about appearance, but also an important measure to promote lean management of materials and realize the marketization of material management." When it comes to material management, Ni Fengping, the person in charge of the mine's production technology department (property management), opened the "chatterbox".

According to reports, in order to further promote the lean management of materials and revitalize idle assets, they set up a special team, formulated plans, clear goals, reasonable division of labor, and strictly followed the material planning and layout plan of the south site, and classified and stored the site materials according to cables, motors, equipment residues, scrap metal materials, rubber, etc., and established a management ledger. According to statistics, a total of more than 4,000 meters of cables, more than 20 tons of motors, 100 tons of scrap metal materials, 30 tons of tape hoses, 20 vehicles of debris have been cleaned up, and the cleaning area has reached 6,000 square meters.

Wanglou Coal Mine: Clever calculation of "three accounts" to promote promotion

(Repair the old and reuse the waste)

"Through measures such as precise budgeting, idle revitalization, repair and recycling, 875,000 yuan of material costs have been saved, and the value of reused waste materials has been 26,000 yuan, which has truly realized the 'moving' of idle materials, the 'live' of waste and recycling, and the 'creation' of business benefits." Ni Fengping said.

In addition, the mine adheres to the principle of "can be used without receiving new, repairing without discarding", not only the production cost has been effectively controlled, but also the residual value of idle equipment has been maximized, so that the "old equipment" comes in "new use", and the idle materials "go back to work", so as to fully promote the cost reduction and efficiency increase in the mining area.

"We insist on focusing on small things, starting from the details, and starting bit by bit, to ensure that the direction of cost reduction and efficiency increase is not biased, the intensity is not reduced, and the actual effect is not false, so as to continuously stimulate the endogenous power of high-quality operation of the mine and continue to promote the high-quality development of the mine." Wang Guili, secretary of the party committee, chairman and director of the mine, said.