
All schools in Pingjiang County moved when they heard the "flood" and fought the disaster together!

author:Hunan Education Release

Yang Zishan School in Pingjiang County: Emergency rescue in case of flood, inter-school unity to fight floods

On the afternoon of June 30, under the invasion of heavy rain for several days, Yang Zishan School in Pingjiang County faced an unprecedented flood threat. The flood at the north gate of the school caused serious flooding in the underground garage, and the situation was extremely urgent, and the safety of the strong electrical room and fire-fighting equipment was directly threatened. Zhang Zhixin, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Pingjiang County Education Bureau, Zheng Zhenting, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director, and Deng Jingzhong, Member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Party Group, rushed to the scene as soon as possible, personally commanded the rescue work, and took the lead in participating in various emergency measures.

All schools in Pingjiang County moved when they heard the "flood" and fought the disaster together!

The flood disaster is not only a test of flood prevention and rescue of Yang Zishan School, but also a severe challenge to the spirit of unity and cooperation of the whole team. Volunteers from Chengbei School, Sanyang Middle School, Jianqing Furong School, Guihua School and Zhuoshui Middle School, led by the school secretary and principal, also rushed to the scene to help. They carried their tools and quickly put them into the sandbag filling and stacking work, laying a solid foundation to withstand flood peaks and continuous rainfall.

All schools in Pingjiang County moved when they heard the "flood" and fought the disaster together!

The rescue operation lasted until 10 o'clock in the evening, and through the unremitting efforts of all parties, the danger was effectively controlled. Despite the exhaustion of the participants, there was a look of relief on everyone's faces. The operation saved 20 million yuan in property damage to the school.

Pingjiang No. 3 Middle School: Unite to tide over difficulties

Affected by a new round of heavy rainfall, at 9:20 on July 1, the flood rose to the track and field field of Pingjiang No. 3 Middle School. At 9:30, the general party branch of the school held an emergency flood control work deployment meeting. Xiong Zhen, secretary of the general party branch, asked all administrative cadres to be on duty 24 hours a day, broadcast the campus flood situation in real time, and ensure the safety of teachers and their families in the school.

At 10:34, Huang Zehua, deputy secretary of the school's general party branch, reminded everyone in the WeChat group: "The water of the Xixi River is rising rapidly from top to bottom, and the low-lying areas of the campus may be flooded again, and the safety of property and other things still needs to be vigilant." Later, he added: "The expansion of the flooded area is accelerating, and the property that has not yet been removed should be disposed of as soon as possible." Teachers responded to the call and quickly moved the books to the upper floors.

All schools in Pingjiang County moved when they heard the "flood" and fought the disaster together!

"The water in Civilization Square is rising quickly, move the car quickly." Seeing that there are still many cars that have not been removed, some teachers reminded everyone in the WeChat group. When they didn't see the news, they called one by one to inform them, and the teachers who couldn't notify them helped them carry the car to safety one by one. Wu Hongji, a security specialist at the school, said: "These cars have been transferred four times."

All schools in Pingjiang County moved when they heard the "flood" and fought the disaster together!

"Comrades on the front line, praise for you, pay attention to safety!" "Thank you, for your hard work, stay safe." The teachers praised the teachers and staff who united to participate in the rescue in the WeChat group.

Due to the excessive growth of the floods, some faculty members have been trapped in their dormitories. Xiong Zhen, secretary of the general party branch of the school, immediately reported to the Changshou town government and asked for support. Peng Zhanguang, the principal of the school, commanded: "Please prepare the residents of the third and fourth buildings to be relocated, and the boat will come soon." ”

"The water is so deep that you can't get out." "There is a teacher who is still on the first floor of the Zhizhen Building and has not come out, there is no signal, and I can't contact him." Seeing the information of the teachers' urgent request for help, Cao Dingkun, the vice principal of the school, reassured: "The rescue of the teachers in the Zhizhen Building and the Qinggong Building is underway, so they will be transferred to a higher place first."

All schools in Pingjiang County moved when they heard the "flood" and fought the disaster together!

After a while, Liu Dongman, the community secretary of Southwest Street in Pingjiang County, brought a rubber boat and cadres to the rescue. School teachers Huang Gen'an and Zhang Hongliu took the initiative to participate in the transfer of the trapped teachers and their families, and they carefully transferred the trapped people out one by one, transporting them back and forth six times, and transferring more than 60 people.

Pingjiang Vocational School: Fighting floods, protecting tranquility, vocational schools are in action

On July 1, the Pingjiang urban area was threatened by the highest water level since 1954, flooding everywhere, and the homeland became Zeguo. Pingjiang Vocational School immediately responded after receiving the flood control instruction, and the school immediately set up 8 teams headed by members of the school committee and composed of young and strong teachers, and at the same time carried out on-site investigation of the danger in the area of responsibility, quickly reported the problem, and closely monitored or paid attention to the safety of the campus, the responsible road section and the students at home.

All schools in Pingjiang County moved when they heard the "flood" and fought the disaster together!

At about 4 o'clock in the afternoon of July 1, the school received two requests for support from the Hongjiayuan community in Pingjiang County, and quickly dispatched two groups of 14 commandos with a total of 14 people to rush out millions of yuan worth of Chinese medicinal materials and other materials in chest-deep water, which was warmly praised by the community residents.

Pingjiang County Preschool Education Center: Resist floods together and urgently transfer supplies

Due to the continuous heavy rainfall in recent days, Pingjiang County has been hit by severe flooding. On July 1, the first and third kindergartens of Pingjiang County Early Childhood Education Center and the Yucheng Hanchangfu Kindergarten faced a serious threat to their material safety. The center responded quickly and proactively, launching an emergency material transfer operation in a race against time and the floods.

All schools in Pingjiang County moved when they heard the "flood" and fought the disaster together!

At the site of the material transfer, the flood water continued to rise, and the teachers and staff of the nearby kindergarten rushed to the kindergarten as soon as possible to carry out the material transfer work. Everyone quickly moved computers, tables, chairs, beds and other materials to a safe place. After several hours of intense fighting, most of the supplies were successfully moved to safety.

All schools in Pingjiang County moved when they heard the "flood" and fought the disaster together!

The wind and rain are merciless, and there is love in the world. The teachers and staff who devoted themselves to the transfer of materials, in the face of the disaster, heard the "flood" and moved, and actively participated in the material transfer work, which minimized the loss of the kindergarten.

Qiming Middle School: Unite as one, smell the "flood" and move

"Whose car is locked and can't be pushed! Please see the live stream and move it! At 8 o'clock in the morning of July 1, Pingjiang County Qiming Middle School faced waterlogging and flooding, the school's teachers Xiong Jiangyu and Zhu Haidong braved the heavy rain to rush to the school, regardless of their own wetness, to help the teachers park in the bicycle shed one by one to push the motorcycles to a high place, Xiong Teacher also in the school work group to the teachers live broadcast the school live, so that the teachers can avoid the risk of loss in time.

All schools in Pingjiang County moved when they heard the "flood" and fought the disaster together!

"I'm on my way" "I'm getting closer to school...... When the school teachers received the call for support from the school, they immediately went out of their homes to participate in the school's rescue team.

All schools in Pingjiang County moved when they heard the "flood" and fought the disaster together!

It is reported that in order to reduce the impact of the flood on the school, from the afternoon of June 30, Yu Kesong, secretary of the general party branch of Qiming Middle School, Chen Yingqi, principal and Yu Huihuang, vice principal of logistics, have been sticking to the school inspection, and organized school personnel in the evening.

School District 7: Go all out, and the principal will take the lead in investigating the hidden dangers of flood control

In the face of this year's flood season, the Seventh School District has actively responded to flood prevention work in order to ensure the safety of teachers, students and school property. Recently, the principals of all schools in the school district personally took command and led the safety inspection team to conduct a comprehensive and detailed investigation of various flood prevention measures on campus. Under the leadership of the principals of each school, the safety inspection team first went to all corners of the school and carefully inspected the waterproof facilities in key areas such as teaching buildings, office buildings, student dormitories, and canteens. They carefully inspected the waterproofing of key areas such as roofs, windows, and drainage pipes to ensure they could withstand the test during the flood season.

Subsequently, the safety inspection team conducted an investigation of the drainage channels and fences around the school. They patrol the perimeter of the campus one by one, carefully checking whether the drainage facilities are unobstructed and whether the fence is stable. In response to the problems found in the investigation, the principals immediately organized rectification. At the same time, school administrators are deployed to strengthen duty and inspection to ensure that various dangers can be detected and dealt with in a timely manner during the flood season.

Pingjiang No. 4 Middle School: Care for international students stranded due to floods

The flood is merciless, but there is love on campus. After the second class on the morning of July 1, according to the relevant instructions of the superiors and the unified arrangement of the school, the students of 14 classes in the first year of senior high school will have a unified final vacation. When the torrential rain hit, the danger of going to the county seat and the direction of Sandun, Meixian, Tongshi and other directions was urgent, some roads were impassable, and some students could only stay in school, waiting for the weather to improve, and then their parents would pick them up and go home.

All schools in Pingjiang County moved when they heard the "flood" and fought the disaster together!

The teacher work group issued a notice on the county prevention and control in a timely manner, and the person in charge of the school asked the first grade of senior high school to quickly implement the situation of students' retention and departure from school. In order to strictly implement the requirements of "four laws", "five key links" and "six advances", do a good job in the safe transfer of personnel, avoid danger and placement, and ensure the safety of teachers and students' lives and property, the school has placed more than 100 students who have not been able to return home on the spot, and the first year of senior high school has assigned 8 class teachers to arrange students to study in the classroom.

At noon, the canteen staff who had returned home from vacation returned to the canteen to prepare Chinese food for the stranded students under the emergency dispatch of the logistics office. The ingredients in the cafeteria were already very limited, so the school immediately went to the outside market to collect noodles, meat, vegetables and other materials, and arranged for students to eat for free.

All schools in Pingjiang County moved when they heard the "flood" and fought the disaster together!

"The rain will not stop, and until the danger is lifted, we will stick with the students and arrange for students to study on their own until the last student returns to school safely." In the classrooms of classes 444 and 445 of the first year of high school, teachers Hu Xiang and Mao Pinni, who were on temporary duty, said.

Third School District General Hope School: Flood control is not lax, we are in action

In recent days, the rain has been continuous, and the strong flood season in Pingjiang County is coming. General Pingjiang County hopes that the school attaches great importance to the safety of the flood season, conscientiously implements the spirit of flood prevention work, does not slacken, conducts all-round safety education for students during the flood season, and takes multiple measures to do a good job in flood prevention and flood control safety to ensure the safety of the campus and teachers and students during the flood season.

All schools in Pingjiang County moved when they heard the "flood" and fought the disaster together!

Since the flood season, the school has organized class teachers to use theme class meetings to educate students on drowning prevention safety during the flood season. At the same time, the school also uses the recess exercise time to educate students on safety during the flood season through the broadcasting system: pay attention to travel safety during the commuting to and from school, do not walk along the river, do not step on the manhole cover, and walk slowly in rainy days. Members of the school committee braved the wind and rain to carefully check the water situation at the river, pond, reservoir and other water areas around the school and on the way to and from the students. They patrolled along the riverbank to check whether the protective facilities were firm, whether the warning signs were clear and eye-catching, and carried out a detailed investigation of possible safety hazards in the surrounding area. The school committee also communicated with nearby residents, reminded them to pay attention to the safety of students, and jointly escorted the students' homecoming, so as to ensure that the students can get home safely.

Next, the school will continue to investigate risks and hidden dangers in depth, strengthen on-duty duty, enhance children's safety awareness, improve children's ability to take safety precautions during thunderstorms, ensure the implementation of flood prevention work, and build a solid flood prevention safety dam for all teachers and students.

Pingjiang No. 5 Middle School: The "string of flood control" is always tight, and I will guard the "line of safety".

In order to do a good job in flood control, recently, Pingjiang County No. 5 Middle School has accumulated strength, party members have played a vanguard and exemplary role, and all school management personnel have participated in campus flood prevention work.

Pingjiang No. 5 Middle School formulated a campus flood control response plan in advance, so the teachers and students were very calm and unflustered, and all the work was carried out in an orderly manner. Pan Jian, secretary of the general party branch of the school, came to the first-year teaching building many times to inspect the situation of each class before the holiday, and patrolled all floors to ensure the safety of teachers and students. Weng Ping, the school's vice principal, braved the rain to conduct risk checks throughout the campus, including the school playground, low-lying areas, school buildings, fences, canteens, and construction in progress.

All schools in Pingjiang County moved when they heard the "flood" and fought the disaster together!

In this flood control emergency defense battle, all management personnel tightened the "chain of responsibility", so that party members took the lead, and continued to maintain 24 hours of "on-the-job, on-the-job, responsible, and state-in-state", and implemented the responsibility to the safety of every teacher and student. In this interlocking flood control chain, every "guardian" is an indispensable part, jointly building an "iron wall" for flood prevention and disaster relief, and making every effort to ensure that the campus can safely survive the flood season with the attitude of "who else can I be".