
A moment of silence before the game! The details of Zhang Zhijie's rescue were announced, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely

author:Gale News

On the evening of June 30, local time, Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old badminton player from Jiaxing, Zhejiang, died after fainting in Indonesia. The news continues to attract attention.

Before the start of the badminton Asian Youth Championships team competition on July 1, the Asian Badminton Federation organized all the people present to mourn for the unfortunate death of the national badminton teenager Zhang Zhijie.

A moment of silence before the game! The details of Zhang Zhijie's rescue were announced, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely
A moment of silence before the game! The details of Zhang Zhijie's rescue were announced, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely

Details of the rescue were announced

On July 1, the website of the Chinese Badminton Association issued an article expressing deep condolences for the unfortunate death of Chinese athlete Zhang Zhijie on the court. According to the article, when Zhang Zhijie participated in the last game of the group stage of the team competition, he suddenly fainted on the field, and the Chinese team leader, coach, team doctor, translator and other medical personnel of the organizing committee immediately organized rescue and sent him to the hospital in time. During the period of being sent to the hospital and being rescued in the hospital, the leader of the Chinese team and other relevant staff have been by Zhang Zhijie's side, and the Chinese embassy and consulates in Indonesia have also provided full assistance.

At present, the cause of the disease has not yet been clarified by the local hospital, and the Chinese Badminton Association continues to maintain contact with the Asian Badminton Federation, the Asian Youth Badminton Championship Organizing Committee and all parties in Indonesia, and new information will be released to the public in a timely manner.

A moment of silence before the game! The details of Zhang Zhijie's rescue were announced, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely

On July 1, the Indonesian Badminton Association and the local hospital (Sardjito) held a press conference to explain the sudden death of Chinese badminton star Zhang Zhijie on the field.

According to the Indonesian Badminton Association, Zhang Zhijie arrived at the hospital without a pulse and spontaneous breathing, the hospital then gave him 3 hours of cardiac compression resuscitation, to 20:50 the hospital thought that Zhang Zhijie had died, the Chinese Badminton Association still tried to transfer to the hospital, sent to another hospital for cardiac resuscitation 1.5 hours later, 23:20 declared dead. Zhang Zhijie's body is still in Sardjito Hospital, waiting for his parents and family to arrive from China. The Indonesian Badminton Association called on the dissemination of video photos of Zhang Zhijie's last moments to show respect for the deceased.

At the same time, the Indonesian Badminton Association submitted a written application to the International Badminton Federation, requesting the International Badminton Federation to revise the rules that medical teams are not allowed to enter without the permission of the referee, so that athletes can be treated as soon as possible.

On July 1, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said at a regular press conference that after learning of the incident, the Chinese Consulate General in Surabaya immediately contacted and coordinated the Indonesian side to make all-out efforts to treat the incident, and sent personnel to the place of the incident to carry out work. We deeply regret and mourn the unfortunate passing of the person concerned and express our condolences to his family. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to guide the Consulate General in Surabaya and do a good job in the follow-up work within the scope of its duties.

The family questioned that the rescue was not timely

According to the latest understanding, the relevant leaders of Zhejiang Sports Vocational and Technical College are currently expediting visa applications and preparing to go to Indonesia. The Jiaxing Sports Bureau also said that it has assisted the family to go abroad.

According to reports, after learning the bad news, Zhang Zhijie's family was grief-stricken, and his sister posted: "He is only 17 years old, and after a long wait for medical staff to arrive after falling to the ground on the field, you said that the treatment will be carried out as soon as possible, saying that the local medical conditions are too poor, how can I accept it!" ”

Zhang Zhijie's sister also posted: "Zhang Zhijie, you are only 17 years old, and you only sent home the certificate of your escort to the university yesterday." ”

A moment of silence before the game! The details of Zhang Zhijie's rescue were announced, and the family questioned that the rescue was not timely

Doctors: 80% of sudden deaths are sudden cardiac deaths

Some emergency experts pointed out that judging from the video of the game, Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and convulsed without contact, and died after being sent to the hospital, which is basically in line with the situation of sudden sports death.

According to Life Times, among the various scenarios of sudden death, it is not uncommon for unexpected events to occur during exercise, and according to the etiology, sudden cardiac death is the most common, accounting for about 80%. Sudden death typically presents with sudden loss of consciousness and may be accompanied by local or generalized convulsions, cyanosis, incontinence, rapid apnea, and dilated pupils.

Cardiac arrest does not mean death, the 4 minutes after cardiac arrest are called the "golden 4 minutes", but the ambulance usually cannot reach the patient within these 4 minutes, which depends on the people around the patient to rescue, so cardiopulmonary resuscitation is necessary.

Source: China Youth Daily B51