
Beat Moutai with eggs?

author:Yangtze River Wine Road
Beat Moutai with eggs?

Pen | Ginger Ginger

Edit | Yang Ling

"If you don't break eggs before eating, you don't eat; If you don't break eggs after a meal, you are equal to eating for nothing. A smooth sentence shows the fire of the current egg. There is no doubt that the egg has become a new generation of social "hard currency", and some people even issued the soul torture of "can the egg beat Moutai".

Beat Moutai with eggs?

Why is this a view?

Baijiu and eggs are both tools to quickly close the distance between people, and both can promote emotional communication. First of all, if there is more time to whip eggs, there will inevitably be less drinking and drinking time at the wine party. From this point of view, eggs and liquor are natural "enemies".

But in fact, famous wine companies generally do not have the "either/or" cognition, they have long seen the advantages of low entry threshold and strong social attributes, and embraced eggs early.

Beat Moutai with eggs?

As early as 2016, Sujiu took the lead in taking advantage of egg marketing, naming and sponsoring related events; As the egg is gradually out of the circle, the liquor brand is not satisfied with passive sponsorship, but takes the initiative to create events. Wuliangye, Luzhou Laojiao, Gujing Gongjiu, Langjiu, Jiuguijiu and other brands have successively held egg competitions.

Since the beginning of this year, wine companies have paid more attention to egg cracking, which is regarded as a powerful starting point for driving product sales, and even the leaders of famous wine companies require all employees to learn to beat eggs.

Beat Moutai with eggs?

From sponsoring competitions to holding competitions independently, to requiring employees to learn how to whip eggs, why do famous wine companies pay so much attention to egg whipping?

The core reason is that the people who play egg hunting are all high-net-worth individuals, which are consistent with the target customer group of famous wine companies.

Compared with the chess and card games such as fighting landlords and rubbing mahjong, the egg game is more high-quality while being down-to-earth. Therefore, the high stickiness is the social elite who are 30-50 years old and have a certain status experience. It can be seen from the fact that the chairman of Oriental Fortune, who is worth 40 billion, actively serves as the president of the Shanghai Egg Association.

Beat Moutai with eggs?

Do these high-net-worth individuals drink alcohol? Drinking, but also drinking good wine, the culture of drinking, and the inner nature of drinking. This is precisely the advantage of famous wine companies with deep brand power, which is the first choice for high-net-worth individuals to drink.

At the same time, due to the strong social attributes of egg cracking, some liquor games that could not be saved can also be saved because of egg cracking, which has a certain role in promoting liquor consumption.

In addition, people will deliberately drink less alcohol to stay sober in order to beat eggs. But in fact, this is in line with the rational drinking concept of "drinking less and drinking better" advocated by the wine industry in recent years. This is the deeper reason why the liquor industry attaches importance to egg hunting.

Beat Moutai with eggs?

It can be said that wine companies have long been keenly aware of the profound changes in social and cultural value orientation and consumption behavior patterns hidden under the popularity of egg hunting, and have taken the initiative to adapt and seek new development opportunities.

From this point of view, it is not so much that eggs and liquor "fight in the ring", it is better to say that the two work together for a win-win situation. With the help of the liquor circle, the liquor has achieved in-depth communication with the high-net-worth circle, the diffusion of consumption scenes, and the transmission of the concept of healthy drinking.

As for whether the egg and liquor can evolve into a more surprising competition and cooperation relationship? It depends on every choice made by the consumer.