
Six ancient sayings of the sick and weak male protagonist: "Changling", "Gongzi's Disease", "Qingben Gentle"

author:Iridium read novels

The author of the first book of "Changling": Rong Jiu

In the past, Yue Changling was the god of war who shook the world, and the people's hearts were wanted.

Designed by his sweetheart, besieged by a group of heroes, and died in the surging waterfall.

When she opened her eyes again, eleven years had passed, the world had changed greatly, and she ...... Unexpectedly...... Beautiful?

I advise you, don't judge people by their appearance, otherwise, you will die a miserable death-

"Everyone in the world respects you, and is afraid that you are still thinking about harming you, aren't you annoyed, pained, or hated?"

"What is there to hate, I am very happy."

[Reading Tips]: 1. Atypical rebirth

2, can do it and never move its mouth, a tendon female protagonist vs every day I feel that I can't see tomorrow's sun, and the eight-sided exquisite Buddhist male protagonist


[Romance version copywriting]: "Am I going to die tomorrow?" ”


"Alas! It's a pity that I haven't seen enough of everything in this world...... Eh, take a look. ”

"See what?"

"Look at your eyes, there are summer sun, winter snow, sunny rain, grass and trees, if I look at it, isn't it equivalent to living for one more year?"

"I can see that you owe a beating again."

"Don't, I'm going to die, and you're still willing to beat me?"

"I'm one day, you live one day."

One sentence introduction: But when you meet the protagonist, you will be the grave on the spot.

Idea: Even if the world is cold, there are still people who don't want to let their blood cool down in the long years

Six ancient sayings of the sick and weak male protagonist: "Changling", "Gongzi's Disease", "Qingben Gentle"

The author of the second book "Child's Disease": Xu Chengyue

In the eyes of outsiders, Fu Wugongzi is a famous family, looks like a crown of jade, has a frosty moon rhyme, is wise and decisive, and makes money every day...... It's a pity that the body is sick and delicate;

In the eyes of his own family, the fifth master is uncertain, temperamental, and treacherous...... Terrible and ruthless.

Fu Wugongzi's full-time medicine attendant Ye Fengge smiled like a sugar knife: Fifth master, drink this bowl of medicine quickly, I will make you strong, sweet, and beautiful for a hundred years.

Ye Fengge's exclusive bitter master, Fu Wugongzi, was arrogant: Don't talk nonsense, you should "wrap" first.

Small Theatre:

Dusk the day before.

Fu Rin was cold-eyed and resolute, gritted his teeth in public and said to Ye Fengge fiercely:

"Ye Fengge, even if there is no medicine you give, this son will not die."

Early the next morning.

Fu Rin trembled all over, and died shamelessly in public-

hugged Ye Fengge, who was carrying the baggage.

After a night of careful consideration, Fu Rin had to admit shamefully that without the medicine given by Ye Fengge, Fu Wugongzi would not have died;

But if there is no Ye Fengge......

Well, it's going to die.

One sentence introduction: I am good at serving bitter medicine, specializing in curing diseases and delicate

Six ancient sayings of the sick and weak male protagonist: "Changling", "Gongzi's Disease", "Qingben Gentle"

The third book "Waiting for the King to Die of Illness and Listen to the Government" (Rebirth)

Author: Nan Xun

On the city wall, the rebels pushed Chu Shiying and Li Ji to the front together, arrogantly letting Qin Qiyu choose who to spare his life.

Qin Qiyu impatiently drew his bow and took aim.

On the city wall, Chu Shiying jumped down.

Chu Shiying, who successfully fell into the snowdrift, scolded secretly: What to choose, the thick snow under the city wall, who can fall to death, if she doesn't take the initiative to jump, Qin Qiyu's arrow will shoot Li Ji through!

One of the two? Qin Qiyu never made a choice.

A moment later, Qin Qiyu pulled the person out of the snow, his face pale.

The world says that Chu Shiying has a good life, although she is delicate and willful, she has a lot of property, and she makes a dowry, and she married Zheng Jijiang, King Zheng, as soon as she got married.

In this regard, Chu Shiying scoffed, she has money, who can't marry, without her money, can Zheng Jijiang become the king of Zheng Guo?

The two sides just took what they needed, he gave her a stable and a wife's position, and she gave him money to help him succeed.

But he shouldn't have gotten involved with her sister, "Liji, I'll only take you a scoop of three thousand weak water, and it's only Shi Ying's obstruction." ”

Chu Shiying was shocked, Chu Shiying was speechless, Chu Shiying sneered, you marry, who won't let you marry!? It's cheap and good, ahhh

Then the city was broken, and Chu Shiying was reborn.

When Zheng Jijiang came to ask for marriage, she looked at her sister's red eyes and said, "Don't, I'm an adult, let's get out of the marriage." ”

She rolled her eyes to Qin Qiyu, the eldest follower behind her grandfather, and said, "Why don't you marry me?" The dowry will be given to you to help you return to the kingdom, set foot in the four kingdoms, and rule the world. ”

Then when you die early, I will be the queen mother, hahaha.

As a result, she waited and waited, Qin Qiyu's body was getting better and better?

Qin Qiyu, who was also reborn, learned lessons, and recuperated seriously, heh.


Small Theater: Chu Shiying: I have money, power and beauty, so what can't I do

Qin Qiyu pondered: Hmm...... You can't find another man to marry

Qin Qiyu, a sick and weak son with 800 hearts and eyes, VS Chu Shiying, who wants to be a widow and the queen mother

Synopsis: After being reborn, I always felt that she/he was seducing me

Six ancient sayings of the sick and weak male protagonist: "Changling", "Gongzi's Disease", "Qingben Gentle"

The fourth book of "Gentleness" Author: Qi Rong

When his legs were disabled and his eyes were blind, he met the most important person in his life.

The man had never spoken once, but when her soft fingers were writing Chinese characters in the palm of his hand, he had the courage to live.

She wrote in the palm of his hand: "Don't give up, live on." ”

He nodded slightly. He wanted to live, he wanted to heal his eyes, he wanted to see what such a gentle woman looked like......

Passing through the brutal princess that everyone fears, Ah Jiu feels a lot of pressure. The whole country scolded her for being the reincarnation of the enchantress. But only when facing that person, she is the real Ah Jiu.

He couldn't see her face, he couldn't hear her voice, he regarded her as the most ordinary mute maid in the princess's mansion, but he had been trying to protect her with his weak body.

"Ah Jiu is not afraid...... I protect you. ”

The gentle crossing princess VS the blind and weak male protagonist

This is a warm article about the female protagonist healing the male protagonist and being healed by the male protagonist.,Set up the same body and two souls.,The princess's original body is very brutal and bloodthirsty.,It's the most blackened big boss in the future.,The female owner is very gentle, very healing, and very spoiled by the male owner.。 The male protagonist was blind and lame in the early stage, and he was invincible in the world in the later stage of recovery and became a little angel who protects his wife! (Hey!) )

1V1, the ending is warm and sweet!

One sentence introduction: Gentle healing female protagonist VS blind and weak male protagonist

Six ancient sayings of the sick and weak male protagonist: "Changling", "Gongzi's Disease", "Qingben Gentle"

The fifth book of "The County Lord, Please Calm Down" Author: Seeking Joy in Flowers

After accidentally pushing the sick son of the Dingguo family into the lake, Xiao Mingjiao, the lord of Anle County, became like this:

1. Find a miracle doctor for Wei Jing in case he dies of illness

2. Help Wei Jing abuse the slut in case he dies of anger

3. Be Wei Jing's daughter-in-law in case he suffocates to death

[One-sentence introduction: The sweet pet abuse scum daily life of the black heart and white lotus sick prince in the capital]

One sentence introduction: Stupid and cute county lord vs white lotus prince

【Reading Guide】

(1) Overhead YY, please do not check the evidence. 1v1, he, easy sweet pet text.

Six ancient sayings of the sick and weak male protagonist: "Changling", "Gongzi's Disease", "Qingben Gentle"

The sixth book "Brother Sick Brother Who Married the Male Protagonist"

Author: Five Mushrooms

Yu Hanzhou penetrated into a favorite wife text, became a crazy and vicious female partner, failed to design the male protagonist, and instead married the male protagonist's sick brother Yangzi, just waiting for the sick Yangzi to die, he and the male protagonist "grew old together".

On the first day of the crossing, it was the night of candles in the cave room, and the sick seedling sternly warned her: "You are safe, I will not be difficult for you." ”

"Oh, yes." Yu Hanzhou said.

She has fine clothes, delicious food, many servants to serve, and a husband who can't do anything, she is willing!


"Ahem, did you see what I read last night? I forgot where I put it. The man asked, standing behind her.

"No, you can ask the maid."

"Did you see the fan I used yesterday? I can't find it. The man touched her sleeve.

"I didn't see it, you can look for it again."

The man was furious: "Do you see me?" I like you so much, you can look at me! ”

In a word: pampered by the whole family.

[The male protagonist is sick, the wind blows down, the surface is indifferent and serious, and he just wants to be hugged and lifted high by his daughter-in-law.

The heroine is a little expert in hair, pampered and pampered by the whole family, and is the mother-in-law's heart-to-heart baby.

Marriage first and love later, a long stream. 】

Six ancient sayings of the sick and weak male protagonist: "Changling", "Gongzi's Disease", "Qingben Gentle"

The seventh book of "After the Cold Husband Fell Off the Horse" Author: Shi Zhenzhen

Since the birth of the sky, the general of the enemy army, Ji Rin, has been cultivated in the Akiyama Annex

Gu Banglan, the daughter of the protector who had been dead for 18 years, came back with a corpse

When she first entered the high gate, she was surrounded by wolves, and in order to protect her title and military power, Gu Banglan decided to choose someone to be her son-in-law

learned from the secret place that Cui Jue, the cold painter on Autumn Mountain, was actually her rival's extremely close brother-in-law

With a few thoughts of embarrassing her nemesis, she decided to seduce the painter

On the day when he wanted the painter to be his son-in-law, Gu Banglan's eyes were red and tears welled up in his eyelashes

"I have an old mother and a young sister, guarding the family wealth, but surrounded by wolves, the son is compassionate by nature, are you willing to help me?"

Cui Jue was silent and took the pair of jade hands

"As long as the girl is not poor and weak in the next family, everything... But listen to the girl. ”

Everyone in the Gu Mansion who was punched and kicked by Gu Banglan and sent to prison on the first day of returning home: Who is this delicate lady?!

After getting married, Gu Banglan was very satisfied with the husband she was looking for, the only thing that was more difficult was that the husband was a little pestering

But thinking that he was a bit of a bully to an honest man when he did it at the beginning, he was really weak in his heart, so he let him take what he wanted

Until one day, her husband was taken captive, and she rushed to save people

happened to bump into the weak husband who let her act recklessly at home, who was ruthless and cut off people's heads with a knife

And the sworn enemy was respectfully leaning over and calling him the head of the house.

The day Cui Jue's identity was exposed

The world was amazed, what kind of luck did Gu Banglan hit, and the real ruler of the Cui family was willing to enter the Gu Mansion as a son-in-law.

But no one knows that day

The head of the powerful family humbly grabbed the corner of Gu Banglan's clothes, just to beg her to take back a piece of paper and leave the book.

"I never dared to think about the moon, but in this life, since the moon came to me on its own initiative, then I held it, and I ...... Won't let go. ”

There are three vests for both men and women

Double birth|The male protagonist is reborn at the beginning|The female protagonist gradually remembers her past life

The female protagonist is a heartthrob|The male protagonist is restrained and forbearing

In a word: we are mortal enemies

[Reckless and wanton female general X white cut black sick and weak family]

——Deliberately seducing, loving after marriage× half-pushing, half-pushing, and secret love come true

#关于想让死对头难堪, he deliberately went to mess with his brother, but instead sent himself to the door#

ps+ The male protagonist is really humble emotionally, puppy + is angry, and his wife can take care of it by himself with a casual coax, and he suffers more from the female protagonist and loses love +