
The situation is completely chaotic, and American warships and troops are urgently dispatched: a devastating war may come

author:Aerospace power

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has not yet ended, and another military conflict in the Middle East is on the horizon. At a time when the situation in the region is heating up suddenly, the US military is moving, and a devastating war is about to break out?


After nearly nine months of fierce confrontation with Hamas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had to admit that the goal of completely eliminating Hamas was unrealistic.

Just when the outside world thought that the situation in the Middle East would calm down temporarily, Israel announced another news: part of the troops will be deployed to a new location, and another military operation may be launched.

The situation is completely chaotic, and American warships and troops are urgently dispatched: a devastating war may come

(Israeli Armored Forces)

1. U.S. military operations, warships deployed in the Mediterranean

Due to the escalation in the Middle East, the United States is deploying troops closer to Israel and Lebanon.

Recently, the US Navy's amphibious assault ship USS Wasp has entered the Mediterranean Sea and will make peace with the dock landing ship USS Oak Hill. He was accompanied by the 26th Marine Corps Expeditionary Force.

According to some analysts, the "Wasp" may be deployed to the Mediterranean Sea with two main missions, one is to assist in the evacuation of American citizens once the situation deteriorates. US media reported that the White House is ready for the evacuation of American citizens from Lebanon. The U.S. State Department is also urging U.S. citizens to seriously consider traveling to Lebanon.

The second is to take joint military action with allies to deal with the current situation. U.S. officials stressed that the move would serve as a deterrent to escalating tensions in the region.

The situation is completely chaotic, and American warships and troops are urgently dispatched: a devastating war may come

(USS Wasp amphibious assault ship)

It is worth mentioning that the background of the US military's action is the sudden escalation of tensions between Israel and Allah in Lebanon. Recently, the exchange of fire between Israel and Allah on the Lebanese-Israeli border has become more intense, air raid sirens have been repeated, huge explosions have resounded in the sky, and raging fires have burned large areas of forests.

As a hardcore ally of the United States in the Middle East, Israel has received strong support from the United States since the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. No matter how the attitude of the United States changes in the international community, it will not affect its military support for the Israeli army.

In the context of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has not subsided and the tension between Allah and Israel has not subsided, the direction of the US military's actions can be described as extremely obvious, perhaps because it is worried that Israel has just fought a war and its strength is declining, or perhaps because it knows that Allah is a hard stubble, so the United States sent troops to support the Israeli army.

2. With the high-profile statement of the Minister of Defense, the risk of war is increasing day by day

Earlier, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant, who was visiting the United States, threatened to be able to knock Lebanon back to the "Stone Age". Gallant said this because he received assurances from the United States that it would provide support.

In recent months, Israel has intensified its military operations while continuing to threaten Allah with war. For most of the past six months, Israel has focused its efforts on encircling and suppressing Hamas, and most of its attacks on other armed forces have focused on prevention to avoid falling into the predicament of fighting on multiple fronts. But the situation has changed now, Israel is putting some of its forces into a confrontation with Allah, and the risk of war is growing by the day.

So far, more than 450 members of Allah have been killed in exchanges of fire with Israeli forces. Among them, Allah's special forces are the focus of the military. According to some analysts, once war breaks out, the Israeli army is likely to adopt the tactic of targeted elimination to eliminate the top echelons of Allah in order to achieve the goal of weakening and disintegrating the organization.

The Israeli army cannot even defeat Hamas, let alone think of fighting a protracted war with Allah, after all, the latter's strength is not a little stronger. Therefore, once a war breaks out, the Israeli army may quickly invest a large number of troops in an effort to weaken the opponent's strength to the greatest extent in the shortest possible time, so that it will not be able to launch an offensive against the Israeli army again.

The situation is completely chaotic, and American warships and troops are urgently dispatched: a devastating war may come

(Israeli city ablaze with rocket attack)

Israel wants a quick victory, and Allah is not vegetarian. The US think tank predicted a terrible scenario: once the war began, the Israeli army would be attacked by an overwhelming number of rockets, and the number could reach an average of 1,000 per day. With the collapse of Israel's air defenses, the country's vital infrastructure will be severely damaged. The most important thing is that Allah has easier access to foreign aid than Hamas. It is conceivable that once this conflict breaks out, it will have unimaginable consequences.

3. UN Secretary-General: It will be a catastrophe beyond imagination

In the face of ongoing tensions between Allah and Israel, UN Secretary-General António Guterres bluntly said that once the conflict escalated, it would be an unimaginable disaster. Iran has also said that if Israel launches military action against Lebanon, a devastating war will follow.

The international community is highly concerned about the situation between Lebanon and Israel and calls on both sides to ease tensions. Recently, the Foreign Ministers of Lebanon and Jordan held a phone call to discuss the tense situation on the Lebanese-Israeli border. Lebanese officials demanded that Israel cease its military attacks and violations of Lebanese sovereignty. Jordanian officials said they would resolutely support Lebanon's security and stability and hoped that the international community would take action as soon as possible to prevent further escalation of the situation.

Iranian Acting Foreign Minister Bagheri said that Israel's military action against Lebanon proves that it is expanding the scope of the conflict, and it is necessary for regional countries to take all actions to stop the actions of the Israeli army as soon as possible.

The situation is completely chaotic, and American warships and troops are urgently dispatched: a devastating war may come

(UN Secretary-General António Guterres)

It is worth mentioning that Israel is now making preparations with two hands, on the one hand, saying that it hopes to resolve the conflict with Allah through diplomatic means, and on the other hand, it is waiting for a new batch of US military aid to arrive in preparation for military action. Even though the United States has pledged to support Israel, it does not want to be coerced into new regional conflicts, so it has repeatedly persuaded Israel to exercise restraint.

Whatever Israel may think, it is undeniable that if relations with the parties are to be eased, there must be a ceasefire in Gaza. Israel and Allah are now at a crossroads, and whether this war can be avoided depends on whether the intensity of the conflict on the Lebanese-Israeli border can be reduced and whether Israeli troops can fully withdraw from the Gaza Strip.

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